it varies on training.theres no right or wrong'll never know what their levels will be exactly but briefly you'll know.if you have more specific questions the game guide WILL help.
if a horse is put in all disciplines(AD), then they'll train slower in every discipline.if a horse is put into a single discipline(SD) they'll train faster in whatever event you put them in and no other.i usuallly keep mine in there forever, simply because i'd rather not make loads of progress then move them to a new disicplines just to wait another two-three months.
every rider' can only have 10 horses at a time.therefore,if you have twenty horses on level four, then you'll need two lvl. four riders.there will be others scattered around with one lvl. 3 with ten horses and another lvl. 3 with one.why do you have two of the same level?simply because a rider can only have 10 horses at a time.hope this helps :)
I need some input. I have 25 horses and now 6 riders I want to dut down on riders because just now I have paid 8 different ones trying to reduce. now there is no one in jumping category and i got really mixed up. I dont know what d j and c skill means, and if they should be removed from 'all disciplines' or not.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the embryo feature, but after years of it being shot down and it being explicitly stated that it's never going to happen, why did it?
I think what happened is that Eve may have said no the first time it was suggested so from then on everyone assumed it was a forever no so it was shot down every time someone new suggested it. I believe I saw Eve say somewhere when embryos were implemented that she never actually had ever said a hard no but members were policing each other whenever it was brought up because "no embryos" are listed under the "do not suggest" in the suggestions forum.