
Greetings! As the title says, I have palettes. ^^ Premades, customs, tests, anything you fancy, I can try to make it. Palette Forms Testing (0 ebs) You do not receive a palette if you fill out this form. Stable Number: Color(s): Other: Custom (PWYW 50k minimum, 150k preferred) I love making palettes for everyone. I have a PWYW policy solely so anyone can afford a palette from me. The preference is that if you can afford it, to please pay 150k ebs, but you can pay anything less if you don't have enough. ^^ Specialties are not included in the total minimum pricing, so please note that it will be more if you order a 50k ebs custom with specialties. Stable Number: Font: Colors/Theme: Other: Surprise (130k ebs) These are hit or miss. I don't enjoy guessing your likes, but I love making palettes, so here we are with receiving a random palette. Stable Number: Other: Premade (130k ebs) I currently don't have any that are fully fixed to HEE formating, but feel free to PM me to ask what I have. I have a black theme, white theme, light grey theme and dark grey theme set up and waiting for HEE formatting for now. Stable Number: Premade Name: Other: Important Note I do not sell editable palettes. If your palette needs fixed, then reach out here or do not complain. I'm very happy and willing to fix palettes no matter how major or minor the fix is. Edited at March 12, 2025 03:13 PM by Withering Willows

All prices below will be changed... Still learning what EBs are worth. Coming from WolfPlay, so let me know if it's overpriced or underpriced please. I find them worth about 100-800 mush each. Specialties - Transparency (8000 ebs) - Any element as far as I know - Fonts (0ebs) - Arial - Book Antiqua - Gills - Times New Roman - Comic Sans MS - Noteworthy - Monospace - Papyrus - Georgia - Academy engraved LET plain - Indie Flower - Marker Felt - Bradley Hand - Chalkduster - Black Chancery - Snell-roundhand black - Open to learning more fonts (500ebs), so you can select whatever font you like! 9000ebs will be taken off your order if you successfully teach me a new font (include the code in a PM)! - Sticky Navbar (10000 ebs) - Text shadows (5000ebs) - Will be black unless you specify all text colors - Chat hover color (2000ebs) - Box shadows (9000ebs) - Linear Gradients (9000ebs) - Custom Cursor (5000ebs) - Custom Headers (learning) - More coming soon! 20000ebs taken off your order if you can successfully teach me more specialties (through PMs) Edited at March 12, 2025 03:13 PM by Withering Willows

Gallery Coming soon... Order History None Edited at March 12, 2025 03:00 PM by Withering Willows