
Sage had bounced into the bathroom, grin growing when he noted Mari sitting there. He couldn't help but snicker at her comment, rather amused by it. "I'm sure you've seen me go just as fast before," he sort of huffed in a playful tone, working at turning the water on and such before working at his own clothes. He caught her gaze flicker down to his chest, and really it just kept the dumb grin plastered over his face, though it did add a light blush to his cheeks. He was out of his own clothes soon enough though, and slipped into the shower before making room for Mari happily.
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Mari raised a brow at him after a moment, then very slowly shook her head. "Nope, never. Only time you ever run anymore is away from our children," she cackled. Really, she knew they both loved chasing their father around - almost as much as they loved making him chase them. She watched him flick the shower on and climb in, a soft hun escaping her as she eventually climbed in next to him, a dumb grin spread across her face.
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Sage chuckled in response to her comment, sort of shrugging and throwing a grin over his shoulder at her as he slipped past her into the warm water. "I do need to book it to keep ahead of them," he mused lightly, a fond smile forming on his face. When she slid in next to her, he sort of just wrapped his arms around her lightly, really just enjoying having some time with her. They didn't get that super often, with the kids and all, so it was always nice to have.
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Mari chuckled lightly, nodding very much in agreement. "Well, all I can say is at least it's you and not me," she hummed softly after a moment. She leaned back under the water after a moment, letting it run over her shoulders before leaning into him when she felt his arms wrapping around her. She sort of turned in his hold so that she could let her head fall against his shoulder, a soft breath of air escaping her. She then felt a grin cross her face after a moment or two, though. "You do book it. You're very quick then, too," she cackled.
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Sage chuckled softly in response to her first comment, nodding up and down. "It does tend to be easier to run that fast when you're not wearing a dress," he mused lightly after a moment, sort of just pecking her head when she leaned against him. When she spoke up again though, he couldn't help but snicker, nodding along in amusement. "They're fast," he noted fondly. "Though I just admit I can only book it like that for so long, anymore," he added with a soft laugh.
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Mari smiled softly over at him after a moment, her eyes light. "I happen to like feeling all pretty," she mused softly. She sort of turned in her arms again, smiling up at him. "I like feeling pretty for you," she chuckled, rolling the eyes at the sound of it being said outloud. She then nodded in agreement when he said the kids were quick. They were - very quick. She was surpised he was able to keep up with them at all. "Well, you are getting old, baby," she mused softly, wrapping her arms lightly around his neck. "Besides, as long as you can book it up the stairs I don't really care," she hummed.
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Sage chuckled lightly in response to her first comment and gave her a grin. "Mari, you could be covered in mud and in old trousers you pulled off some corpse on the street and I'd still think you were pretty," he noted, rather amused at the thought of Mari wrestling with a corpse for their clothes. "Though I do like you like this too," he mused, letting his gaze drift over her body for a moment, clearly just messign around with her, though it was a true statement. When she called him old though, he hummed in agreement. "My joints don't move as smoothly as they used to," he chuckled, sort of just grinning at her when she mentioned booking it up the stairs. "Oh, when I have motivation I don't feel so old doing it," he hummed lightly.
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Mari's eyes widened lightly, her nose wrinkling at the idea of pulling trousers off a corpse. She tried to imagine it for a moment, and she just looked even more grossed out by the idea of it. Yuck. "Well I'm glad you think I'd be pretty," she chuckled lightly, rolling her eyes as she patted his chest. Yeah, no... she really didn't like that idea. "Can you imagine the smell?" She gagged as though she could actually smell it, her brows pinched together. Although, at his next comment, her grin came back full force and a light blushed crossed her face as she pressed herself against him, sort of half trying to hide. "And I'm glad you like this," she mumbled through her grin. She ran her hand up his arm, then gently met his shoulder joint to gently massage it. "Oh yeah? And what was the motivation for today then?" She asked with a chuckle, gently pecking his shoulder. "And, your joints aren't all that creaky if it helps you at all," she mused.
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Sage sort of wrinkled his nose in response to her first comments. "Yes, I can, but I'd rather not," he noted with a sort of chuckle when she mentioned the corpse trousers smelling. "Though it would be a pretty good excuse to take them off," he mused in a jokey sort of thoughtful tone. Though, when she started talkign again, he just grinned dumbly at her, pecking her forehead lightly. "You naked in the shower," he chirped, clearly joking even though it was rather true. "Maybe the prospect of keeping you that way after," he added, eyes glittering. Though, when she mentioned his joints he sort of hummed with a shrug. "Only if I go to stand up," he chuckled. "I could be a whole band then," he added, clearly amused by it all.
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Mari snickered up at him, gently drawing shapes on his chest before leaning up to peck his lips witha goofy grin. "Sage, I'm you're wife. If you want me naked, tell me to get naked," she laughed softly, gently rubbing his shoulder blades from where she was stood. Her grin grew a little, her eyes tracing him shamelessly. "I tell you to get naked all the time. Works pretty well for me," she grinned up at him. Her blush only got deeper when he said he was gonna keep her like this, though. "Obviously, I don't treat you well enough if you think you've gotta run to see me naked," she whispered, a bit of a laugh escaping her. When he mentioned his joints again, though, she just giggled. "That's them talking to you. The joint band. They're gonna be massive hits over seas," she chuchled, her hand then running to his elbow joint in a playfully gentle manner. "If you treat them right you may just get some money off them after their European tours," she mused lightly.
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