
As he promised, Sorin surrendered, though with a final pat and encouraging whisper to his dragon. He accepted the help with his hand and never offered to fight as he was bound. He did struggle a bit as he was led away, but only because he wanted to keep an eye out for Vedeir. He gets a sharp pain from his back, probably because someone was warning him about trying anything. He glances back to the rider, talking to them or anybody that would listen, “Will I get to see him? Once we are in Khapan and as he heals.” His words seem lost to the rider and he turns away dejectedly, trudging his way through the mess of the battle. Burned and still burning bodies lay strewn through the mud, most of which came from the blood of those with slit throats or stomachs. It was a mess, though he didn’t recognize any that had fallen on his side. Probably the newer soldiers that had come in only weeks before. As they left the worst of it, he heard mention of returning to the city on horseback. Although he disliked horses, especially as transport, he had to admit the Khapanian war horses were a sight to behold. Varying shades of bay and black, all built for speed and with a considerable amount of muscle for carrying equipment and their heavily-armored riders. Those that were left after the dragons were grouped in one decently flat area. Some snuffled various clumps of grasses, others were still skittish after nearly burning. The foot soldiers and cavalry worked on gathering those that had gotten loose and claming them all for the journey back. A few higher ups meandered through the remaining troops, taking count of the fallen no doubt. He could confidently say that although it wasn’t a major threat to their forces, the Khapan would still feel the hit from Sorin’s troops. Those on his side fought valiently, but it was useless to remember them now. He wasn’t worthy of his people’s praise anymore, not with his surrender at least. Sorin had given up, and now he wouldn’t see many of his former comrades in a while, if at all. He obeys what his captors demand, mounting a spare horse for is trip to the dungeons that awaited him. Sorin catches only a glimpse of his beloved dragon, now being hoisted into the air by the mysterious rider’s own beast, before the call down the line that signalled them to move out. Now what lay before him was an uncertain future and endless sand, redder than the blood that was spilled mere hours before.

"Will I get to see him? Once we are in Khapan and as he heals."
Castien glances over to where Ruina was, before responding. "We'll see. It'll be up to the Captain." The lieutenant follows the captured elf as he makes his way through the mess of the battle. Castien did not look at any of the bodies strewn on the floor, they had died with honor and they would be brought back to Khapan to be buried with honor. Even the enemy elves, if their own kingdom didn't come back for their bodies. Castien stops beside Zaos,"How many fallen?" Zaos replies,"At least a hundred of our troops." Castien frowns, before nodding.
Castien continues to follow the captured elf up to the bay mare, watching as a few soldiers helped hoist the bound elf on the back of the mare. Before one of the Khapan elves swings up on his own mount, gripping the reins of the bay mare. Castien nods at the soldier,"Let me know if he does anything." Castien then turns to the captured elf, switching to Zednic,"Behave well on the trip to Khapan and I'll put in a good word for you so you can see your dragon as he heals." Castien then turns and let's out a sharp whistle,"Ildroa!" A dark red female dragon swoops from the air, landing in the empty spot beside Castien.
The female was not as impressive as the large beast that was Iamuss, but the dark red female was no dragon to skip over either. Castien mounts up, glancing around. Most of the other Khapan command were already in the air. All except for Ruina who was watching Castien from the back of her dragon, waiting until they were ready to go. Castien nods and Ildroa lifts up, while Ruina mutters a command to Iamuss. The large black dragon lifts up, before going to hover over the injured emerald dragon. Gently Iamuss grasps the dragon, lifting him into the air, doing his best not to injury him.
Then the elves were off, the dragons above falling into a wing formation with Ruina at the point. Ruina glances over to check on the dragon, before straightening up and calling over her shoulder. "How many fallen?" Castien calls back,"At least a hundred." Ruina's lips thin as she looks down at her soldiers, all were weary and tired and ready to be home. Very few had escaped without some kind of injury. The hundreds of horses that no longer had riders were all being caravan-ed by different elves. Ruina sighs, this was the part she hated. Going home to report to her father, then to go to the different fallen soldiers families and report the deaths. Edited at May 4, 2022 05:32 PM by Legacy Ranch

All he could do was nod, eyes downcast as he begrudgingly gets placed on the back of the striking bay. The horse wasn’t necessarily horrible to ride and it felt smooth enough. He watches as the pair launch into the air, wishing he could return to the skies as well. His mind still hoped, what with the promise made by what seemed to be a commander of some sort. The trip back to Khapan was slow and eerily quiet. Everybody was mourning, even himself though not near as much. It was nearly sunset when the spires of the desert city came into view. By now his men would be counting the deaths and those missing, with his name at the top of the list no doubt. He clears his mind, drawing his attention back to the city. The buildings were made of light sandstone, a stark contrast to the red of the sand, and were adorned with faux gold accents here and there. Some of the roofs had wooden roofs, although most were flat. He was curious what they held the bricks together with as water appeared to be scarce so far out. As they made their way through the gates, people swarmed with cheers and gifts of a safe return. Those celebrations stopped as the troops made their way through the city; worn, bloodied, and missing from reality, some in depressive trances too deep and too heavy to break at the moment. The horses without riders did not prance the cobbled streets, almost as if they too could feel more than just the physical loss of their riders. One thing was apparent to the elf: Everybody had a bond, and everybody could feel the loss of those some hundred lives. He noticed it as they walked past the crowds, and saw it in the eyes of those that scorned him as he passed. As they should, he thought, I had a hand in this sadness. He wouldn’t be bothered by it, not this. Sorin raised his head, in self-assured pride more than anything, and looked straight into the eyes of everyone he passed. He did feel sorry for the soldiers, those that died in vain for the petty words of another, but it wasn’t his place to reminisce. He had his own to mourn and worry about. Sorin’s ears twitch at the call of a dragon. Baritone, low, and in pain. Vedeir. He hurries to look up, searching the sky frantically for his companion. He spotted the red female from before, then the large male at the front of the pack. There, tucked safely in the claws of the beast, was Vedeir and he was safe. He calms himself at that thought and uses it to remain calm as they pass through the gates of their encampment. Soldiers, more than he had imagined, milled about. Many rushed to collect horses, others came to retrieve the dead or wounded. A few were warned away from Sorin as he was pulled from the horse. His legs hurt from the long ride and he struggled to stand at first, much to the dissatisfaction of his guard, but he managed enough as he was led to what was assumed to be the dungeons or a temporary holding cell. It wasn’t far from the entryway, a few turns and down a side path. Sorin was shoved unceremoniously into the room, the evening heat having already set in to create a rather muggy environment. The elf plops to the ground, eyeing the door, as he watches his guard’s form disappear and the sound of voices with it. Now all he had to do was sit and wait, for what he wasn’t sure.

The trip home was quiet, all the elves mourning the losses of the day. Ruina, up in the sky mourned them the most. As Captain of the army, she felt a different kind of pain when she learned of the numbers that had been lost. She was the one that led them into battle, the elves put their trust and faith in her and yet every battle she lost elves. She knew she could not save them all, war was a needed thing in their world. And yet she still mourned. Soon the walls of Khapan began to appear, and Ruina looks down. Her soldiers were moving a little quicker now that home was in sight.
Already the gates were opening and by the time the troops got there, the gates were fully open and the horses trod onward into the city, while the dragons pass by overhead. Ruina hears the gates close behind the last of the horses, and then the sound of a dragon in pain. The emerald one that Iamuss had carried all the way home. Ruina leans forward to pat Iamuss shoulder,"We're almost there boy." Iamuss lets out a low noise as he continues on, he was ready for his nest and some food and water.
As the troops flood the courtyard of the war barracks, other soldiers that had stayed home surge forward to help take horses and lead them inside the massive stables. Ruina directs her dragon and her command force towards the dragon stables, and with one solid boom eight of the nine dragons land. Iamuss lowers himself down more gently, being careful as he sets down the injured dragon before lifting back up a little and landing in an empty spot. Ruina dismounts, handing the reins to one of the dragon hands,"I'll come see him in a little, I've got to check on my soldiers."
Ruina hurries over to the barracks, noting that the captured elf was being escorted away by one of the sergeants. Ruina nods before turning towards the soldiers, by now all the horses had been returned to the stables. Ruina moves through the elves, praising them and thanking them and telling them to get some rest, some food and water. Finally Ruina finishes, and with a nod to her soldiers, she heads off back to the dragon stables where the other elves that had traveled with her were taking care of their dragons. Iamuss was outside as well, untacked.
Ruina hurries over, having taken her helmet off as they had landed. The injured dragon had been moved to the dragon hospital and was being taken care of, and Ruina starts on Iamuss. Cleaning him, and making sure he had no injures. When the black dragon was spotless and fully checked, Ruina leads him into his large stall,"Good job today, boy. I'll go get you some food." Ruina closes the door and turns on the large spigot that began to fill the large water trough. The elf hurries off to find some food, bringing it back and dumping it in the food tank for Iamuss who dug in.
With a chuckle, Ruina heads off, helmet tucked under her arm. Castien falls in step with her,"Will you interrogate the prisoner today?" Ruina nods,"After I change, and speak with my father." Ruina glances up at the castle as she approaches,"Why don't you go speak with the prisoner? Get him warmed up for me." Castien nods,"Got it." The elf strays off as the princess continues on, slipping into the castle. She made her way to her room to change into simple, clean, black clothes. Hanging her armor on her armor stand to be cleaned later.
Ruina makes her way to her father's study, where the king greets her,"Daughter. How was the skirmish?" Ruina bobs her head,"It went well, we lost a hundred. However we captured a Ashaetha elf." Aelrindel nods,"Are there elves heading back to gather the bodies?" Ruina agrees,"Yes, they started out as soon as we appeared on the horizon." Aelrindel nods,"Good, and what information have we gathered from the prisoner?" Ruina shakes her head,"None so far. I sent Castien ahead while I spoke with you, and once we are done I'll go speak with the prisoner." Aelrindel frowns,"Go. Get what you can from him. Then report back to me." Ruina nods,"Yes. Father."
Castien enters the dungeons, nodding at the guards standing at the prisoner's cell. Castien switches to Zednic,"Are you settled in? We'll be bringing a healer in soon to treat your wounds." Castien nods at the broken hand. "How is he, Castien?" Castien greets Ruina as the dark figure sweeps into the dungeons, fixing her gaze on the prisoner,"Captain." Ruina nods at Castien,"Lieutenant." Then Ruina transfers her gaze to the elf,"What's your name?"

Sorin jumps at the door opening however the fellow elf didn’t seem to be threatening. He thanks them for the help and sits awkwardly while the two converse. He studies the new arrival, the way she carried herself. With a pang of anger, he realizes it is the rider from before. His brows set in defiance and he turns cold, eyeing the two. Women in Asheatha were held in high regard, of course, especially given their trials as not only mothers but managing the household as well, however, many believe they are not to hold major positions. To be beaten by a woman in battle felt like a dagger to his heart, and in turn to his people. He searches over the two once more, eyeing the door for an escape route. He couldn’t necessarily fight his way out, and he was probably in the heart of the camp, not to mention they had Vedeir. Sorin turns his harsh gaze to the woman, a look of discontent on his face as he stares down the two. He wouldn’t give up so easily, at least not to her. His eyes narrow, sitting up straighter to show his defiance. Let them kill me if they must, I shall embrace death if I have to. His jaw tightens as if biting down, another show of his ridiculous need to keep quiet. Eventually, he lets out a sharp breath through his nose, mind racing as he speaks, “I am Sorin Katz, and I am not going to be compliant to someone with a false pretense of authority. I will embrace my death honorably if I must, but I will not surrender anymore to the likes of you.” --- I am so sorry this is beyond late and so short. I struggled a bit with his reaction haha Edited at May 11, 2022 09:30 PM by Caaldir Equestrian

Ruina studies the prisoner, noting how quickly his expression turned to coldness and defiance. It caused Ruina and Castien to exchange an amused glance. Ruina looks back at the prisoner, holding his harsh gaze with her own calm and authoritative one. More amusement ripples through Ruina as the prisoner sits taller, as if to defy her more. That was something she was use to, having to have fought her way towards her current position and respect. Finally she simply raises an eyebrow,"Do you speak Zednic?" The princess steps closer,"We can always come back. I can wait." Then finally with a sharp breath the prisoner finally speaks, though Ruina could tell with great reluctance and anger.
"I am Sorin Katz, and I am not going to be compliant to someone with a false pretense of authority. I will embrace my death honorably if I must, but I will not surrender anymore to the likes of you."
Ruina digests the prisoner's words with a thoughtful and amused look on her face,"Hmm, welcome to Khapan, Sorin Katz. I am Ruina Agarvran." Ruina inclines her head slightly towards her second in command,"And this is Castien Adhice." Ruina chuckles,"False pretense of authority? Hmm? Is that so?" Castien lets out a laugh, and Ruina shakes her head,"Khapan and Asheatha elves think alike when it comes to their women don't they?" Ruina's gaze turns sharp as she focuses back on Sorin,"We do not kill without good reason. As long as you do not evoke a reason to, you will be treated fair and kind down here."
"Princess! I apologize for interrupting, but your father wishes to see you, immediately." Ruina glances over her shoulder, spotting one of the royal messengers and a healer. Ruina nods,"Go ahead, tell him I will be there shortly." The messenger nods and darts back up the stairs as the healer draws closer. Ruina turns back towards Sorin,"You may find your opinions changing soon, but until then...." Ruina leaves the sentence unfinished, glancing at the healer,"She will tend to your wounds, and don't even think of escaping. There is one way out and more guards along that passage then you think."
Ruina nods at the guard,"Let her in." The guard unlocks the cell and the healer steps inside. Ruina's gaze turns ice cold as she looks at Sorin,"If you harm any of Khapan elves, you will find yourself regretting it. Don't forget, we have your dragon." Ruina turns on her heel,"Come, Castien, let us see what father wants." Castien follows, and Ruina pauses right before she exits,"Your dragon is being cared for by our best healers." Then Ruina and Castien were gone.
"Father? You summoned me?" The King of Khapan looks up,"Daughter, yes. We seem to have an issue on our hands." Ruina moves closer,"And what is that?" Khapan replies,"Our scouts have reported sighting a Asheatha battalion moving towards our home." Ruina bobs her head,"We'll move out at once. Don't worry, they won't reach our walls." Aelrindel smiles thinly at his daughter,"Good."
(It's all good! Don't stress it, XD. Also feel free to control some of the Khapan NPC elves if that will help you make a reply^^)

Sorin pauses at the name, eyes flashing with hesitation. Had he spoken poorly? What would become of Vedeir? The hurried elf catches his attention, and his gaze snaps to that of the newcomer. He heard very little of the conversation, but what he did had his mind racing even more. Princess? It didn’t seem possible that she could be the princess. Not many allowed their women on the battlefield, let alone one of such a rank. Sorin doubted she was lying, her eyes were too calm to show a lie. He watches her leave, spotting the handful of guards outside of his door. At least she was right about that part, and now he knew there truly was no point in escaping. His attention wanders back to the healer, barely catching the vague threat thrown his way by the princess. The healer in question was a thinner woman, older, with greying hair and sharp brown eyes. She seemed to have experience, however, it didn’t make sense to Sorin as to why he would receive one of their best. Khapan was a tricky place. The healer was quiet as she worked, and Sorin watched her quick hands intently. The process was different than that of Ashaethan healers, and it was clear that although smaller, Khapan had the edge of modernization. “Send word to your princess that I wish to talk to her. Leave the details vague,” he mutters, pulling his now bandaged arm to his chest. His voice was cool and collected like that of any soldier, efficient for commands. He was fairly certain the healer didn’t like it, and the look she threw at him was as sharp as a dagger when she stepped away. As the door closed, the elf could hear the hushed conversations from the guards outside. He caught the occasional mention of ‘captive’ or even his name, which has probably spread after the interruption earlier, but the door quickly cut off the already muffled voices. Now he was left to sit, seething in his quiet rage and embarrassment as those beyond the door talked about him. It hurt, but it was necessary. For now, he had to hold out. For Vedeir, and for Ashaetha. --- This is beyond short and extremely late. I am so sorry!

It did not take long for the Khapan elves to send Ashaetha scrambling home, after all Ashaetha was on unknown ground and Khapan drove the invaders off their homeland quickly. Ruina had brought elves that had stayed home during the battle, so that those who had gone could rest. She did attempt to leave Castien at home to rest, however he insisted on going, and so they went. Riding on horse back instead of dragons, but no matter. There were few to no injuries and the few they had were not life threatening.
Ruina dismounts at the stable, handing off her horse as a messenger comes running up,"Princess." Ruina and Castien exchange a glance, what now? "Yes?" The messenger states,"The prisoner requests your presence in the dungeons." Ruina bobs her head,"Very well." Ruina dismisses the messenger, who hurries off, before turning to Castien,"Go, go to my father. Tell him that Khapan is safe and we drove the Ashaetha elves away." Castien nods as Ruina continues,"Then send scouts along the border to make sure they do not send another wave. We will not be caught off guard." Castien bobs his head,"As you wish, Princess." Ruina and Castien part ways, Ruina headed for the dungeons.
"How is he?" She murmurs to one of the guards that was standing just outside the dungeons. The guard replies,"Quiet, Your Highness. Incredibly quiet." Ruina nods, thanking the guard before stepping into the dungeons, making her way to the cell where Sorin was, switching to Zednic. "You summoned me?" She was still in her armor, except for her helmet which she had asked a passing servant to take to her room. However, she chose to come straight to the dungeons instead of going to change. Her gaze was calm and gave nothing away.
Though on the inside she was wondering what Sorin wanted. No way would he try to bargain, he seemed to be to good of a solider to spill secrets, and besides that he had nothing else. Khapan had his dragon, and they had already driven away one Ashaetha force. Ruina then swiftly reminds herself to remember to go by and check on Sorin's dragon. Khapan may be ruthless and fierce, but they were not heartless. They did care for all kinds of animals, no matter who they belonged to.
(All is good, no worries at all! And as for length, I care about quality, not quantity^^)

He frowns at the woman, eyeing her as he speaks, “I have information, but I have my own terms.” He stands, although haphazardly due to his ankle, and looks the elf in the eyes, “I can tell you of their formations, their chain of commands, how they function, where they stay, and more. The meetings, the plans on the front… I was part of it all. I just want out, no matter the conditions. I want to see Vedeir and I want to explore Khapan. Escort me yourself or have me surrounded by guards if you must.” His mind flashes back to the mercy he was given, the anguished cry of his fellow soldiers as they died around him, and the tired look the emerald dragon had given him. Sorin quiets down, realizing that he was ready to give up as well. What were they fighting for? Why did so many have to die for a cause the elders wouldn’t share? Is the cause they rally truly important? Does it matter anymore? “I was born to fight, to be ruthless and efficient like my father, so it is all I have known. When the war started I thought it would be my chance to prove I could stand for what was right, but ow I’m not sure what that is. Deep down I will always be that warrior, the fighter people fear, but now it’s useless to try. I give up,” his eyes find the floor, and he seems to lose the strength that has held him up until now.

"I have information, but I have my own terms."
Ruina raises an eyebrow, terms? "Let me hear the terms." Then Sorin continues, telling the Princess that he could inform her of the entire workings of the Ashaetha army.... With the condition of being able to go outside, and see his dragon. Ruina hesitates, thinking it over. Why not? There was no way of escape from Khapan, not with how many guards were around and the walls surrounding the kingdom. There were few underground pathways that only the royal family and a select few knew. Ruina inclines her head ever so slightly,"Very well. In exchange for all the information of Ashaetha, you may see your dragon and explore Khapan."
Ruina glances at Sorin's ankle,"Not right now however. Your ankle looks to bad for you to be walking around that much on it." The Princess hesitates again, before continuing,"I will talk to my father, and we will see about moving you to a guest room. It will be more comfortable than the dungeons. On the conditions that the information is correct." Ruina's gaze hardens,"If the information is wrong and you send my elves into an ambush there will be hell to pay." The Princess was very protective and loyal to her kingdom, and she loved every Khapan elf and would fight tooth and nail for them.
"I was born to fight, to be ruthless and efficient like my father, so it is all I have known. When the war started I thought it would be my chance to prove I could stand for what was right, but now I’m not sure what that is. Deep down I will always be that warrior, the fighter people fear, but now it’s useless to try. I give up."
Ruina frowns, noting that it seemed all the fight had left Sorin. Her gaze softens,"It is hard to fight for what is right. Elves are often blinded between what is right and what is easy." Ruina's gaze drifts sideways,"They often choose to do what is easy because it is less work for them." Ruina sighs, staring at Sorin,"And being a fighter is not all you can be. People change." Ruina shakes her head,"It is never worth giving up. No matter what." A small smile crosses her face.