Sage groaned slightly and nodded. "I know ....and I hate the cold," he huffed. Winter held bad memories, and has no sun and made him feel gross yes, but the cold ws just....gross. he just really really hated to feel cold. He'd take the heat any day, any time. He yawned slightly and hummed in agreement with her when she felt his forehead. "I don't feel sick....just cold," he mused. Then he pouted slightly. "Well healing sucks too," he muttered. Was he ever going to be able to just live his life and not get caught in crazy situations? Probably not....but even so, it was all rather annoying.
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Mari nodded in agreement. She rather liked it a bit colder, when she could wrap up warm and sit inside. But it was oddly cold for the time of year it was. And, well, Sage was still healing. He might always be healing... or he never will. "Well, if you're that cold then you might be getting sick," she murmured quietly. "So please, don't get sick, we really don't need that," she mused softly to him. "We're pretty lucky that you're still here... we want you a bit longer than just the winter," she chuckled gently to him, gently running her fingers up his side while he rested on her. "And make sure you're eating properly, Sage. You won't get any better if you're not eating. And go for a little walk every day. You'll feel better and you'll heal if you're blood is flowing properly," she added gently.
Sage huffed out a slight breath and grunted. "I don't have time for that," he muttered. Though, her quiet tease got a slight chuckle out of him. "I would rather not die in the winter. Id hate to be buried in frozen ground," he muttered with a slight shiver at the thought of how cold that would be if he was actually alive when he was buried. "I am eating," he muttered, though that wasn't entirely true...she wouldn't know that though, sincw they hadnt eaten together the day before aside from breakfast. Knowing him though, she had reason to bring that up, he supposed. He sighed and nodded at her other comments though. "I've wanted to go check on the new foal. Give him a name and all the rest," he admitted. "I just can't find the energy to get up and go out there though," he sighed.
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Mari hummed thoughtfully before shaking her head. "I'll make sure that you get buried in the softest, warmest ground around," she promised happily to the boy, then went to peck his cheek. "Well, you best find the energy... we don't even have to be out for long. I'll come with to see the horses, so you can collapse into me if you need to," she mused to the boy before wiggling out of his little hug and offering him a hand. "Come on, let's do it now... the quicker you do it, the better you'll feel," she promised softly.
Sage chuckled lightly at her comment and hummed with a nod. "Good," he noted with slight amusement, groaning when she pulled away and reached out to get him up. He moved to crawl out from under the blankets though, and stand up. He grabbed the warmest blanket he could find to wrap it around himself, of course, since it was still rather cold. He yawned slightly before sighing. "Let's go to the barn then ...I'll have to hook chaos up anyway if we want to go to the castle," he thought out loud, sort of slowly ambling down to the stairs in an effort to get down to the barn and wake up a little bit.
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Mari smiled gently to the boy after a moment and pecked his cheek before going towards the kitchen... the kids would be cared for by Anthony today, since he could work and the kids would call if they needed anything. Well, Liz would cry, but Anthony was pretty good at staying on top of her needs. She soon wandered out and towards the stables, though, where she found Sage looking down of the foal.
Sage had wandered down to the barn a little bit ahead of Mari, since she had to settle the kids down before they left. He was ok for now though, and he did want to check in on all the horses. Especially the new foal. He wandered around to say hello to them all and give them each a treat before peering in at snowball and the foals stall. The colt popped his head up right away, moving to sniff at the blanket he was wearing curiously. Sage chuckled softly as he pet the little one gently, already starting to think of names for him. P
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Mari smiled softly to the boy before kind of moving two get under the blanket with him, before pressing a light kiss to his cheek with a bit of a giggle. "So? Have you thought of a name yet?" She asked him happily, looking over at the little foal with a bit of s smile. She had to admit it was cute. It had a darker coat with a few lighter bits coming through already, but three white socks and a little snip on his nose. Theyd change with the rest of him, but he was pretty sweet for the time being.
Sage hummed lightly when he feltari come up next to him and slide under the blanket.he have her the end of it to wrap back over them so he could wrap his arms around her waist happily. "I was thinking something to do with storms and rain," he mused. "He looks like hell grey out to a nice steel grey," he hummed with a shrug. "so it seems fitting." He wasn't completely sure yet, but that was where he was heading in his mind. He wanted it to be perfect though...so he'd get to know the little one a bit before naming him.
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Mari smiled lightly to the boy when he wrapped his arms around her, and sort of moved to peck his cheek. She hummed thoughtfully to the the boy after a moment and gave him a small chuckle. "Hmm... yeah, something like that would suit him wonderfully," she agreed happily to the boy. His dad was Chaos, so something stormy and well... chaos like would suit him wonderfully.