10:02:26 Ceci / (Call me) AL Valhalla, no matter what glass you use it will still be issue |
09:58:46 Snow❆Gem @grimmus
Yay! :D You're back! |
09:57:32 Grace, Goose, Paris Also looking for a good Pony mare |
09:57:02 Grace, Goose, Paris Ceci I was going to use a glass just not sure which one |
09:56:04 Ceci / (Call me) AL Valhalla, its a no from me. Very weak movement and scope doesnt look amazing either |
09:54:29 Grimm(us) Myth Listen keeping myself alive is a task 💀 |
09:49:01 Twister / Zeta -Click- I made another one, ehe |
09:40:00 Grace, Goose, Paris How does this match look -HEE Click- |
09:37:59 Myth/Crowley/Grinch 09:04:38 Grimm(us) Okay, should be back in 15ish 🤣 |
09:03:12 Snow❆Gem @grimmus
Oh my goodness! O.o And I hope nothing too bad happens with you dring the strom! |
09:01:36 DD (#2) Grimm, Oooo, yup, management training is rough |
09:01:30 Grimm(us) Twister Yeah. Half the siding went into the feed lot for the beef were feeding out right now, so you can probably imagine 💀 |
09:00:17 Grimm(us) Welp I'm gonna pop off here in a second to go take a shower before the power does disappear 🤣💀 |
08:59:10 Grimm(us) But even if the power fails, I'm one of the ones that has to stay if they send the others home. Training for management isn't fun sometimes:'3 |
08:59:07 DD (#2) Grimm, Hopefully the storm will worsen (but only near your work xD) |
08:58:08 Twister / Zeta Grimm, I wouldn't either tbh. |
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Year: 187 Season: Fall $: 0 |
Sun 10:03am CST | | Forecast: Morning Drizzle, but Clearing later | |
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Anya watched silently as the events of the tavern took place. She had been sat for about 10minutes, and even in such a short space of time, more people had shown up, and the most of them were already drunken and stumbling around like fools. People seemed to have split up into four different groups. The young women, whom never stopped their judging giggles, old farmers who were constantly betting, Works ment and young couples. Each and every one of these groups would make their own drama. Every now and then fists would be thrown, then almost instantly they would be shut down by the young waiter, followed by some sort of threat. She perched her head on her hand as she took everything in, every now and then glancing a the door as though she was expecting gaurds to burst in at any given moment. Of course, they never did, and her attention soon jumped to a small fight brewing in a corner. Her brows furrowed as the same pattern took place as it had before. Fight, shut down and a threat, as it goes. She had barely noticed the first time the waiter her spoken to her, so she almost jumped the second time. Anya looked him over for a moment, her head slightly tilted. He couldn't have been much older than her, and yet he looked awfully battered and equally as drained. She found herself fidling with her bracelet in her hand as she spoke up, "Dungeons huh? You tend to end up in those by threatening to store peoples bodies in freezers," She sneered with an inward chuckle. "Just a water for me." She noted shortly, sitting back in her seat.
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He grunted and added the water to the list. "I only started saying those things after I realized that people can blame me for stuff and no one argues. If I'm gonna be in jail it may as well be for something I actually do." The tavern owner bellowed for him to hurry up and he closed the book he wrote all the orders in with a loud snap. "I'm coming, goddamit," he yelled back. He stomped back to the kitchen, muttering curses under his breath. The tavern owner send a fist his way but he deftly avoided it, since he was used to the gesture. He grabbed trays and went about his usual pattern, table after table after table. He knew that girl in the corner was pretty high up in the social class system, so he put the water down next to her on the table first, and then moved on to other tables. It was like that for most of the night, until the only people left we're finishing meals or passed out. The tavern owner grabbed Sage by the hair and yanked him over to the closet the brooms and rags and buckets to clean the place we're at. "This place had better be spotless by morning or you know what'll happen," he told Sage, fingera curling around the belt at his waist, threatening him with it. Sage glared at him and grabbed the broom, and started to sweep. He glared at the tavern owner as he put his coat on and left, no doubt going to the festival. As soon as he left, Sage let out a breath of relief as his shoulders slumped and he rested his forehead on the top of the broom handle with a groan for a moment, allowing himself a breather. After a few seconds he lifted his head and began to sweep again, hoping he could get this done and that the tavern owner would be in a good mood tomorrow. It looked like sage would be up cleaning all night for the third night in a row. And he would probably be here tomorrow night too.
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Anya gave the boy a slow, doubting nod before clicking her tongue off the roof of her mouth. "Right." She said simply, before going back to her observing. The tavern would filter out just as soon as it filled up, putting out only more drunken farmers out into the streets. God, it'd be such a mess the next day, and Anya still hadn't found out what had been the cause of such a roudy crowd - well, of course, there had been a festival of sorts, but what exactly they were celebrating remained a mystery to her. She'd have to find out at some point before she went back to the story book castle of a prison. The bells rang to mark midnight before she pulled out all her cash and dumped it all under a little ashtray in the middle, in hope that someone would find it before standing up to leave. She peaked out the door before prancing out into the streets. They were still pretty full... only, they werent full of polite and refined towns folk, but instead beaten and drunken idiots looking for a fight. It seemed as though she were one of a few sober individuals on the street left. It were probably a good thing, or she might not have the brain to look after herself. In truth, she didn't really have any street smarts, so it would be a challange in it self to navigate herself, even without a drink down her throat. It was hard even to do distinguish the difference between a compliment and a snarky comment, but it didnt matter, for she'd never see these people again if she could help it. She turned around into a little alley way, leaning her shoulder up against a wall as she watched the mannerisms of the towns folk, jumping at the sound of a voice echoing behind. "What do we have here...?" The voice called, slurred by drink, followed by a chilling cackle, "What a precious little thing..." It murmured, footsteps coming closer until Anya could feel hot breath against her neck. A chill rushed down her spine before she tried to step back into the safety of the streets, only to be pulled back with a yank to her hair, making her jump, "aww, is she nervous?" The man cooed, forcing her to tilt her head back by hair. Anya hadnt but a clue what to do, she just seemed to frozen. "Ah, well," The voice cackled, "Thats alright." The girl shivered slightly, still not responding, though instead held her right fist in her left hand and went to jab the voice in the stomach, waiting for him to let go before taking rushed steps out into the street. People had funneled out even more, and when she looked back, a tall, lanky man with missing teeth and blood all up his shirt was storming behind her. The girl almost squeaked as her pace hastened, looking for somewhere to hide out until she could safely get back to the castle walls without being followed in. Ah shit. She breathed as she looked around. The streets now only had passed out men and and woman slouched up against walls, covered in god knows what, and the only place that still had lights on was the old tavern. Before she even realised, she had tried to open the locked door and was now thumping her fist against it, praying for someone to open the door. (sorry, this is very rushed and blabbery lol. I'm just trying to get some sort of char interaction >.>)
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(lol nah it's all good) Sage cursed and stomped over to the door. He swung it open with a glare. "What," he snapped too tired and thirsty and hungry to deal with anything. When he saw the scene he scowled, grabbed the girls wrist and drug her inside and slammed the door on the men behind her, turning to the girl to ask what the heck was going on. When they pounded on the door he spun around with an exasperated groan, opened it, pulled out a gun, fired a shot off in their general direction, and when they staggered off he closed the door with a slam again, pinching the bridge of his nose in an effort to stay calm. "Usually someone of a higher rank would bring a body gaurd or two out here," he sighed, going back to cleaning the floors. "Especially someone your age. You're gonna get picked up and used the second you step near any of those guys. It's completely obvious you have no idea what you're doing." He didn't mean to be as blunt as he sounded, but he hadn't slept or eaten for almost three days and didn't hope to get either in the near future. And the only water he had was a small drink from the lake that morning. He could feel his body crashing...he was already kind of shaky, but he gripped the broom firmly and tried to control his breathing. Even so, it was fast and shallow.
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Anya found herself sat on the edge of a table, head in hands, trying to catch her breath. She hadnt been going at a particularly high speed, instead, it seemed she had simply forgotten to breath. She didnt really pay attention to the boy, instead just nodded along, looking at the ground sheepishly. She was embarassed to get herself into a situation where she even needed any help, especially from some lower class brute whom looked as though he was about to drop to the ground at any given moment. She didn't like the feeling of being lectured like a child, so simply tried not to let it get to her. She staired at the ground until his voice stopped ridiculing her, and let out in a quiet, sheer voice, "I know, sorry, it wont happen again," While sounding quiet and sheeply, there was a hint of sarcasm in retort to his blunt lecturing. Eventually, her breathing balanced out again, becoming steadier and rythmic. She took a glance over at the table in the corner. "I'll go soon. Did you pick up the money from under the ash tray?"
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He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Don't apologize. I'm just in a bad mood. It's not like you're the only one who's been chased by those men." He shrugged. "Or women," he pointed out, hoping she would get the cues that not even he was safe from those people. When she mentioned the money he raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "I've been busy doing other stuff all night," he sighed. He looked around the room, which looked almost no cleaner than when he had started and groaned, resting his spinning head on the top of the broom handle for a moment before forcing himself to keep working. His breathing was fast and shallow by now and he sounded breathless when he talked. He didn't even know whether he wanted the girl to assume he was just working hard or if he wanted her to notice. He shrugged those thoughts off. Even if she did notice he was struggling, she wouldn't care, and he ajd to work as fast as he could and get as much done as he could before the tavern owner came back the next morning.
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Anya gave a shallow sigh before looking around the room. It was just a complete mess. The aftermath, if you will. She nodded slightly in reply. "Yeah, well I left some extra down. Itd yours if yiu want it." She shrugged before looking him up and down. She was going to add on that it looked like he needed it, but she wasnt sure he would take to such an insult so lightly. She sat patiently for a few minuets with her hands over her face as she relived how stupid she had been just a few moments prior. She felt awful for getting the boy involved when he clearly had enough going on, but now she was just sitting there while he was working his ass off. Of course, she knew it was his job, but couldn't help but feel a little bad about it. She had clocked in on his breathing not long ago, but after a short while it had become harder to ignore. "Are you alright?" She asked simply, trying to read his face, though she wasnt getting very much. "Do you maybe need a hand?"
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He glanced over at her surprised. Was she offering to help him? Why? It wasn't her job, and she had clearly been upset by those men. Then he fliked his gaze away from her face, staring at the ground as he worked. "I'm just...tired. I can manage. But...there's a broom in the closet if you really want to help." He was still confused as to why she was offering to help him...she was clearly of one of the top rankings in the social class, so why would she do tavern work, especially to help someone like him? The thoughts made his head spin more so he shook them away. He couldn't hide the slight relaxing of his shoulders when she offered to help though. Maybe he could get this done after all. Maybe he would have time to stop down by the lake and get a drink or rest for an hour or so before work started the next morning. He didn't want to get his hopes up, he didn't know how good of a worker the girl was, but it was hard not to.
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Anya nodded as she looked towards the closet, jumping off the table and going to grab one of the wooden brooms. Now, Anya knew perfectly fine that she might not be any real help. She hadn't worked a day in her life, but for her, this wasn't work. For Anya, this was fun - Well, more like something to do. She refused to leave until the sun had started to rise, so she might as well help out a little. Of course, she wasn't being particularly efficient, and it took her a solid few moments to actually get anything done, though, soon enough she had made a small pile of dust and debris in the middle of the room, though, she already looked drained. The girl paused a moment, keeping her eyes glued to the ground before speaking up, "You said you've spent time in a dungeon?" She murmured to break a slightly eerie silence. "Whatever was that like?" Anya asked with a slightly tilted head before starting to sweep away again. Edited at July 20, 2022 07:17 AM by Belle
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Sage sighed and glanced at her. "for someone like you or someone like me," he asked quietly. Then he dropped his gaze again and shrugged. "I mean the place is a mess and the rats don't mess around, but there's food and water every day so it's not all that bad." He grabbed some whashcloths and tossed them to the girl. "Wrap them around your hands. They'll keep you from getting blisters." The girl obviously wasn't used to doing work like this within an inch of her life, but he had to admit it was nice to have a somewhat friendly conversation to keep his mind off of his head, stomach, and thirst as he worked.
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