
Edited at March 4, 2025 08:01 PM by KPH Equestrian
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "You should probably stop listing things while we are inside slash right outside of a place that will arrest you." Leo pointed out helpfully, lifting his eyebrows slightly. He got all those and more under his belt, so he understood. Being a perfect citizen wasn't really the first thing on his bucket list. Or the any thing on any list. He tended to veer towards the bad things. Whatever. . "Just fine for ME, which is technically all that matters but you did not turn out just fine if you look at the rest of the world." He snorted. That being said, he wouldn't change a single thing about her. She was totally perfect. She could be the Raunchy girlfriend all she wanted- ah no, wait, fiance- and he could be the least horny fiance ever, and he would be the happiest person alive. . Leo paused for a moment and quickly remembered his bone cane - how could he forget. "I will NOT have grey hairs in 6 years. NOT GONNA HAPP'N, CAP'N. (Me casually stealing your quote because I love it hehe) You may stress me out beyond repair but grey and red just don't go together well. It'll make me look like a seasoning!" He complained loudly, huffing out a slight groan to sharpen his point. (I swear I should not have been laughing that hard reading the Monty Python Reference- I literally say that line EVERY DAY- but I was anyway xD) . "Me. I did." He sniffed haughtily. He did not need her hurting herself more than necessary, especially when she was still healing. It had only been a week since they stumbled in here. Give or take a little. He wasn't quite sure. "Uh... chillax?" He suggested with a sheepish smile. That wasn't happening. A second later, Jules piped up. "Suggestion. I am starving. I think food would be a great place to start." She chirped, glancing back and forth in between them as she bounced along. Leo found it mildly amusing that the girl was barely taller than his waist, but he didn't comment. Instead, he nodded at her words. "Food it is. I'm rather hungry too, without my much needed breakfast." He mused, already thinking up something to make. "Then we can give you a tour of Libodon, afterwards." He decided. "I can show you every single place I had to pick Glory's frogs out of." He added with a huff and a playful glare towards her. "The great Frogmaggedeon may have been enjoyable for her, but it took me MONTHS to clean up." He huffed to Jules.
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Eh, that's only half the list anyway," Glory snorted, "I'm not much of a role model, more of a parole model." Basically the kind of person an adoption agency would reject before she got halfway through the door. Geneva Convention? More like Geneva Suggestion. Not like she didn't break into a house, douse that place in kerosene, and light that shit up like the 4th of July, roasting the residents alive in their pajamas. They deserved it though, one of them had wronged Glory for the last fuckin time and he paid for it. "Well the rest of the world ain't fine, so that's hardly an argument," She countered with a grin. No, the rest of the world was arguably worse. She may be morally graey, but at least it was a lighter shade of graey. More light dark white than light black. Both of which are actual terms, totally not just ones that exist in The Grandiloquent Guide to Glory's Guff, mhm. The dictionary she was gonna write and Leo didn't like the name "Book of Shit". Or "Codex of Crap". "Hey, you never know. Six years ago I thought I'd die alone with nobody to spread my medium rare remains over a town of their choosing," Glory returned jokingly. (It's a good phrase xD) Still a good idea. Dinner and a show for the unsuspecting onlookers below, and bonus point for fireworks. And possibly playing Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy. Or We Will All Go Together When We Go by Tom Lehrer. (I was giggling while typing it lol) "Fine. But remember what I said about positive reinforcement," She said pointedly. Very important. Otherwise she'd end up hurting herself just because she got bored. Besides, they'd had, like... eight whole days of rest. That was six too many for Glory's liking. "Riiight. Because that's something I even know how to do," She snorted. Not very well, and not very sober. She thought for a moment at Jules' suggestion, trying to remember the last time she'd actually eaten proper food, and found that she really couldn't. Not good. So yeah, food was a great idea. She nodded agreement, then asked, "You making food or are we going somewhere?" Either were fine, but god DAMN could that man cook. "Oh but it was beautiful. Such an incredible sight... several hundred slimy frogs loose in a castle," She said, grinning without any remorse whatsoever.
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