
"Eh? Pardon who? Maybe you were right about me in a way... did I just hear council member? And respect? Oh yes Larrel you are right. You should respect Ms. Amber. Good thinking." Tyler gave a crooked smile. He had decided to go all out today... come out of the black cloud of misery and show his true colors. Good first impressions, eh?
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Larrel growled, "annoying prick's" he growled
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Edited at May 4, 2023 09:06 PM by Ponies heaven
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"Arguing with a teacher eh? DETENTION, The next class will be your Detention penalty." She huffed. Turning her attention back towards the class. "Now class, Once you leave this school. I will have taught you Atmosphere's and Cryosphere's how to make your powers even more powerful including controlling it better as well. Watch." She lifted her hand up and whisked it around in a circle then shot it back a bit, Instantly a whirl of wind built up, in the distance, It grew taller, reaching up as it formed into the looks of a tornado. "Now I'm not going to teach you how to make your power dangerous like that but you'll be much more powerful than you were." She smiled, Twisting her hand around, which caused the tornado to emerge into the ground.
Ally had successfully snuck off into the small park the edged near the Academy, She sat down under a tree, Now powers, Work.. On command she was apple to create an ice spike that shot up from the ground, Threatening to penetrate anything in its path. I was trying to make a smaller one... Stupid Cryosphere powers, I wish I was Pyrosphere! That's so much... She couldn't find a word for it, she was still wearing her gloves, They were white which was clearly easy to spot, Should I try it? The last time Ally went without her gloves she ended up freezing the neighbor's dog and killing it, She pleaded it was on accident but the neighbors somehow pressed charges.

Tyler flinched slightly. -ouch- he wondered why he had gotten that title... he wasn't annoying. Just amazingly funny. "Nice job for naming yourself... I like your way of thinking." Tyler winked, almost wondering if he had gone too far. Was it time to make his face expressionless and go back in his little cloud again? Tyler concealed a laugh as the teacher huffed 'detention'. Larrel deserved that. Tyler watched what the teacher did with a slightly amused expression Edited at May 4, 2023 09:11 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Jasper looked between the two boys, knowing this was going to get bad she shut her eyes taking deep breaths. She focused on her powers and as soon as she did her black and white spotted wings appeared. She made the illusion that the two weren't in the same room and the little fight never began. As soon as she focused on that a faint mist was over Tyler and Larrel -always works- She smiled watching the two hoping it would calm them down

Larrel stomped his foot, "I regret coming here!, I should of stayed home and studied"
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Tyler looked over at Jasper, his face immediately growing dark. If she was trying that illusion thing on him- "Cut that out." He snarled, waving a hand. A couple vines came up between him and the mist, and Tyler just sat there in silence. Why did Jasper do that... he was just teasing Larrel. The teacher already stopped the 'fight'. He was only trying to help her. He wasn't actually mad... but he tended to act more like a dragon when he was annoyed. That's the only reason it came out as a snarl.
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Jasper quickly turned away from the two "Sorry... Just angel instincts cause I thought the fight was gonna get bad" She rubbed the back of her neck feeling stupid as her face easily turned red being embarrassed once again

Mrs. Amber watched them closely, "This concludes today's class tomorrow we will vote on what we will be doing." She said, The bell cutting off any commotion.
Ally decided it would be worth a try, She took off one of the gloves and got up, Backing away from the tree she then leaned in and touched it. Ally sighed, The tree formed into pure ice, The leaves, Branches, Even the small nest settled on one of the branches. Curse these powers! She stopped, The bell was rining. Ally quickly stopped what she was about to do, slipped on hee glove, and walked toward the entrance back into the Academy.