
Azys - Az sleepily opened one eye and groaned, "is it morning yet?.." Az still had his wings splayed outwards, his tail swishing back and fourth, Az yawned and got to his feet, taking in a very soaking Devillion. "What happened to you?" He asked, calmly looking at Diablo, Az leaned forward, snatching a few branch's from the ground and piled them, calling the unpredictable shadows forward, chafing them against whatever moonlight he had left, turning it into a fire, "these unpredictable shadows.. pretty hot headed, if you ask me" Az said, staring at the controlled fire he had made to keep everyone warm.
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echo looked at diablo "i dare you to poison me" she bowed down like she was going to atack him "i will haunt you in your sleep" she jumped around him then stood up straight then looked at az "i will make a mouse of shadows for you if you need a friend" she said

Azys - At Echos proposal Az shrieked, not meaning it to be so loud, he lowered his head and covered his eyes with his talons, "No mice..please.." he whispered, a Månsken deer nuzzled his talons, and the moon deer trotted around beside it, Az would prefer deer over mice anyday
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hahha echo laughed "awwwwwww your no fun" then she looked at her moon wolf who was stalking a bug

Diablo +++ As a response to Az, Diablo lowered his head with a snort. "Pearl over here decided I needed an early morning shower." He rolled his eyes, his wings still spread out in the sun. As Echo crouched down into attack position and said that, his eyes just twinkled. "O-o-o-oo I'm so scaaaared." he pretended to tremble, chuckling. "I would love to getting haunted by you." Diablo teased, looking surprised as Az let out a screech. "Man, are you part elephant? Mice aren't screech-worthy scary." He inquired with a slight snort, flopping on his back so his stomach could dry.
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Pearl ~ Pearl snorted. "Az, why are you afraid of mice? They're so tiny!" She sprayed more water at Diablo. "I heard water keeps away ghosts," she explained, an innocent look on her face. "And if Echo's going to haunt you, you're welcome. You seem very afraid of her after all."

Diablo +++ Diablo let out a yelp as more water was sprayed at him, shooting up, his scales shifting and then he was gone. Completely invisible. "WALITONS CAN'T SENSE WHERE DRAGONS ARE! HA!" He yelled in Pearl's ear before moving away to a safe spot behind a tree to shake off the water. +I don't care about ghosts+ he thought with a small grumble, moving again because he made a noise. "Am NOT afraid of Echo." Diablo sniffed, silently moving again and deciding to stop talking.
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Pearl ~ The Waliton winced as Diablo yelled in her ear but she couldn't tell where he was. Of course he got all the cool powers. "YOU ARE AFRAID OF ECHO!" she yelled back.

Diablo +++ Diablo resisted a laugh at Pearl's face, staying silent. He moved right in front of Pearl and took in a deep breath. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING I AM RIGHT HEEEEEREEEE." He yelled back cheerfully, skillfully and silently darting back afterward. He was going to GET HER BACK for spraying him A SECOND TIME. The first could MAYBE pass as self defense, but the second? Nah. So what could he dooooo... AHA! Diablo grinned and fluffed up his wings, which were covered in soft feathers with the scaly bat like actually wing underneath. This was so that he could fly silently. Devilions were built for stealth... feathered wings, padded paws so he did't make noise walking, ability to change the color of his scales to blend in with the surroundings.. it was all perfectly put together. Diablo smiled as he flew up and hovered right above Pearl. He was now calling upon the small ability he had.. to change his poison to do whatever thing he wanted. Now it was warm up to a peaking point where it wouldn't hurt Pearl but it would be very uncomfortable... like Diablo was FREEZING in the water. AND, best thing, the only way to get this sticky substance off was to dive in water. He took in a breath, appeared visible right above her, and sprayed the sticky concoction all over her. "gotcha back. That's why you never mess with a Devilion." He said smugly, landing.
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echo pounced on diablo "i can tell were you are tho" she pinned him to the ground so pearl could spray more water on him she then jumped of him and shook her fur out of her eyes then hoped around her fluf going every were Edited at February 14, 2024 12:47 PM by ghost light stables