
Durly felt her freeze, he put a arm on either side of her, like a barrier and held the saddle horn Infront, "hey, it's alright" he said, speaking into her ear,
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Andi started to breath a bit shallowly as she froze up even more, but when she felt Durly put his arms on either side, she relaxed slightly "please don't let me fall..." she whispered back to him almost sounding like a plea

"I won't, I wouldn't ever let you fall" he said, holding her in place with his arms
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"thank you..." She said quietly to him as she tried to get the rest of herself to relax, she leaned slightly back into his arms just wanting to feel extra secure

Durly felt her lean back into him, and he smiled, he hugged the back
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Andi smiled, loving his embrace, she looked down seeing the ground and took a shakey deep breathe before looking up "Do you ever think I'll be okay flying again? Like how I used to fly around" She suddenly asked out of the blue

"yes, I think you will, because you are a strong, independent, smart woman" he said, "and you always get back in the saddle" he said quietly
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Andi nodded at his words "thank you... I needed to hear that" She said quietly before letting a small sigh out then just enjoying the wind that whipped by and the view.

Durly nodded, "I am here for you" he said, wrapping a arm around her waist as if to prove it
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Andi smiled and leant back into him "good..." She said quietly before looking back at giving him a smile