
Durly smiled back at her, feeling the moment, he allowed Zayddret to slow down, and glide
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Andi looked back forward as Zayddret slowed so he could glide, she looked out over at the view taking it all in, as it was a beautiful sight

Durly chuckled, "Zayddret is getting better with his social skills, so instead of throwing people off, he fly's with them"
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"Thank god for that" She said with a smile before leaning forward and giving Zayddret a pat, she still felt a ahtred for the dragon but if she didn't know why, she was just going to push that feeling away

Durly smiled and leaned in, allowing his lips to brush her neck, making a small kiss, Zayddret below felt Andi's touch and glanced up, slightly puzzled, he snorted and rolled his eyes
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Andi felt the tip of her ears warm at the small kiss, she just kept her gaze forward though not wanting to let him see that it made her flustered

Durly kept close to her, and withdrew his lips from her, "sorry" he said, his voice slightly hitched as Zayddret moved, wriggling his long body, Zayddret puffed slightly and looked back, "we are nearing the school, shall we land?" Durly looked at Andi, "do you want to land?"
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Andi shrugged her shoulders slightly "It's okay..." She said quietly back before tensing up as Zayddret wiggled around a bit. At Durlys question she nodded her head "Yeah let's land"

Durly smiled and nodded "alright, zayddret, let's land" he said, Zayddret Gave one last wriggle before tilting his wings, diving slightly, until his claws touched the ground and his wings flared, stopping them from crashing
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Andi grasped onto the saddle horn tightly as Zayddret went to land, once he landed she quickly dismounted off of him, landing on both feet. She stood there for a second as her legs trembled a bit from the flying, after a moment they stopped so she was fine.