
(Lucky you -- lol Yeah, definitely iconic xD. Best quotes ever)) ` General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo let out a snarl of anger as the leader threw a dagger at Glory, and it sank through her hand. Although SHE obviously didn't care, HE did, and he was getting increasingly more furious. When she sneakily kicked it towards him and hid the gesture by grabbing the strip of cloth, he pretended to lunge at CC, missing extrodinarily but getting the dagger in the process. He was rewarded with a vicious kick, but he had the dagger, and it was now hidden in his hands. He waited until they were distracted, then silently slit the ropes around his wrists. CC was busy admiring himself- or, rather, his new nose. Leo suddenly surged up and stabbed CC through the eye, then lunged for the lead Corrupted. With his feet tied, a gag in, and the blue stuff infecting his mind, he was slower than usual, and that hindered him- but he still managed to slice it near the Corrupted's stomach before cutting Glory's bonds. That's when the Corrupted finally got out of their shock. CC had crumbled to the ground, dead, and the lead Corrupted lunged for him. He swung his fist into their face, but then three more corrupted flowed in, and he felt pain blossom in his back- he had no idea what that was- then something metal and hard smacked into his head and he keeled over, world going black. Great. Knocked out again. Probably by another shovel. He was starting to hate shovels.
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(Oh yes be very jealous, it's lovely ._. aw haha thanks xD) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Glory hadn't really noticed the knife in her hand mostly because of adrenaline, but she knew damn well it'd hurt like a bitch later. Oh well. She watched in her peripheral vision as Leo grabbed the knife - good - though her gaze never left the lead Corrupted. With CC dead, Glory hoped the metallic smell of his blood might help mask his stank, but somehow it didn't. As Leo freed her aching wrists, Glory noticed with a wince that the rough ropes had cut into her skin, leaving it red and raw and on the brink of bleeding. The lead Corrupted took Leo's punch like a champ - or, in Glory's eyes, a chump - and made a grab for Glory, hooking his fingers in the top of her backplate for what, the third time? Can't blame him though, it was pretty effective, like grabbing a kitten by its scruff. He held Glory in front of himself like a meatshield and said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He smirked as more Corrupted entered and... subdued Leo. Turning Glory to face him, he said, "I think the boss'll want to see you two." Glory, squirming a little and leaning against his grasp, was shoved backward, bonked real good, much the same as Leo had, though being unconscious meant she didn't have to smell CC's oh-so-pleasant aroma. Or see the lead's ugly mug. (trying my absolute hardest to keep from writing 500+ words again, I tell ya it's difficult Dx probably wake Leo up in like... a dungeon or something, I dunno. I have this whole thing in my head about Glory annoying the shit out of her guard lmao) Edited at November 26, 2024 11:59 AM by KPH Equestrian
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(You can write long posts, I just won't match them xD. Mine are going to hover around 200-300 until I'm done with my school for the day <3 Gotta love homeschooling Oki then, I'll figure something out hehe) ~ General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ The first thing he felt was a throbbing pain in his head- he SWORE that the blue stuff made everything hurt worse. He groaned lowly and blinked, head groggy, pain throbbing from every joint he had. He tried to move, and everything hurt more, but he found that moving wasn't really an option. His hands were tied behind his back, his legs were tied together, and there was a rope going from his legs to his hand, tying them together as well. He was blindfolded, but thankfully, he did not have a gag in. Leo worked his jaw back and forth for a moment before twisting his head to look around. He was in an almost pitch black room, made of some sort of metal, with big iron doors. Delightful. A real prison. "OI! Snoggle togging brain lacking chicken butts!" He called out. He didn't hear and answer, but he heard a couple things shuffling around outside. Alright, so he had guards. "Guys, I consider y'all my suns. Now could you get 93 million miles away from here?" He grumbled loud enough for them to hear. "Y'all must've been born on a highway- that's where most accidents happen. Could you go play in traffic now? Y'all are about as useful as a soap sandwich. C-" He got cut off as someone slammed their fist into the wall. "Wouldja shut the fuck up already!?" They called. "NO. MIRRORS CAN'T TALK, LUCKY FOR YOU THEY CAN'T LAUGH EITHER." Leo huffed back, letting his head sink back against the floor as he observed what he could see of the room.
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(Mmm be ready for a novel or 4 xD Ah yes homeschooling, same shit here :P Except I'm just arting and listening to music lol The fucking mirror thing has me cackling oh my god😭) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Glory awoke with a pounding headache, pretty unaware of what was up or down. Everything hurt pretty dully, except for her left hand. That stupid meat spider felt like it'd been stabbed. Looking down at it, she remembered that oh yeah, it HAD. Greeaaat. She was laying on a rudimentary sort of thing that was TRYING to be a bed but was little more than a board the width of a human chained to the wall across from the door, which was pretty much a wall of bars with some the opened. Splendid. Her left hand had been hanging over the edge, below which was a dark crimson puddle where it'd been dripping blood. The bleeding had stopped, so Glory guessed she'd been out cold for some time. She just barely could see a guard on either side of the door, and she barked at one of them, "HEY! Which one of you smells like hotdog water?" The one on the right turned his head slightly and said, "Whut's that s'posed ta mean?" He was... well fed with a ruddy, unattractive face, and at least 2 chins hidden under a beard that looked as though he shaved with a stick. Glory gasped a little and said, "OH MY GOD! IT SPEAKS! Isn't it dangerous to use all of your vocabulary in one sentence?" He scowled at her, rolled his eyes, and said nothing, turning his attention ahead of his as he had been before. "Keep rolling your eyes like that and you might eventually find a brain," Glory muttered. "I love what you did with your hair," She said, "How'd you get it to come out of your nostrils like that?" Deputy Dipshit - as Glory had subconsciously named him - turned, slammed a fist on the bars, and sneered at Glory as he hissed "Shuddap!" He revealed a smile that was lacking a good few teeth and looked like the remaining ones were solid gold, they were so yellow. Glory was unfazed by this, instead smirked and said, "You have so many gaps in your teeth it looks like your tongue is in jail." Which wasn't even an overstatement. "Do you ever close your mouth, you stupid bitch?" He growled. Weak. Glory snorted and retorted, "I've been called worse things by better men." Deputy Dipshit just sighed angrily, shook his head, and went back to ignoring Glory. Edited at November 26, 2024 01:52 PM by KPH Equestrian
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo took a moment before wriggling himself upwards to lean against the wall, the ropes cutting into his hands cruelly. He winced slightly before huffing out a breath. "I thought the point of kidnapping was to get information out of us, not let us rot in cells." He called lowly, earning an annoyed grumble from outside. "Ya know, when you come in here, I WOULD smack you.... but I'm against animal abuse." He finally yelled out, and then the door slammed open and a bad smelling someone stormed in. "SHUDDAFUCKUPYOUUNGRATEFULLUMPOFMEAT." They hollered, smacking him so hard he reeled right back onto the ground. "Damn it... I just got upright..." He muttered, then grunted as he was hauled up by the shirt, nearly choking him in the process. They then shoved him out the door- he thought. He couldn't see much. "Are you at a loss for words, or did you exhaust your entire vocabulary?" He asked innocently, getting kneed in the back for his troubles. "Would you be QUIET." The voice snarled, half dragging half throwing him towards something, he guessed. "Accidents happen- the proof is sitting right here..." He sighed, opening his mouth to say something else when something very sharp sank itself deep in his shoulder. He grit his teeth to avoid yelping in surprise and pain. "I'm not joking, red haired scum. One more word and I stab somewhere else." They hissed in his ear. Leo wrinkled his nose, debating what to say next. "You bring everyone so much joy- when you leave the room. You're like a grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake. Beauty is only skin deep, but your ugly goes to the bone. You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel. ROLLING YOUR EYES ISN'T GOING TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR BRAIN. IF I WANTED TO HURT MYSELF, I WOULD SIMPLY JUMP FROM YOUR EGO TO YOUR IQ. YOU-" He had started rapid firing and hollering off insults, and he got about that far before he felt himself stabbed again, in the side. "JEEZ-" He hissed, flinching with pain and getting thrown onto the concrete a couple moments later.
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Glory sat up with a hiss, taking a slow breath before forcing herself to her feet. She put a little weight on her injured leg experimentally, found it would reluctantly hold her weight, and sauntered closer to the door for a better view, leaning against the cold, damp stone wall. "Hey, shithead," Glory started, smirking a little as Deputy Dipshit turned his attention toward her. "It seems like you were probably a slippery baby, right?" Deputy Dipshit just looked at her dumbly, as though he didn't get it. He probably didn't. "Ugh, you look like something that came out of a slow cooker," Glory said, and shuddered for added effect. She cocked her head a little, her gaze flitting past Deputy Dipshit and his stone-faced - and probably stoner - coworker as she caught the sound of something that she thought was an official "shut up" order. Deputy Dipshit caught her looking, and him and his buddy moved a little closer together in a sad effort to block Glory's view. Not that it was really necessary, it was dimmer than these asswipes' futures here. Glory rolled her eyes and shifted her focus to Deputy Dipshit's accomplice. Sherriff Shitheat. "His mother should've thrown him away and kept the stork, huh?" She said, and Sherriff Shithead just turned their head away. This whole time, Glory hadn't caught sight of Sherriff Shithead's face, and probably for the better. Glory sighed and said, "Tough crowd I guess. Can y'all take me to a new one?" "NO." Was Deputy Dipshit's immediate response. Darn. Glory was kind of hoping he'd be stupid enough to do so. "Rude. Sorry, I'm trying to come up with an insult dumb enough that you can understand it," Glory retorted. "Oh, y'know, I would say you're dumb as a rock, but even those can hold doors open." Deputy Disphit's already reddish face grew even more so, and he grunted, "I changed my mind-" Glory cut him off there and said, "You did? Does this one work any better?" He somehow got even redder and shouted, loud enough to wake the dead, though not his dead brain cells apparently, "CLOSE YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH A MINUTE." Deputy Dipshit sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and continued in a more normal volume, albeit straining to keep from yelling. "Nevermind. You're staying here until the boss comes to get you." "I hope he's smarter than you," Glory snorted.
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ The smell of blood- his own blood, sadly- was almost palpable in his mouth, and he had to wrinkle his nose slightly in disgust. Don't get him wrong, he liked the smell of blood- just... not this strong. And not his. Leo's shoulder and side were killing him, and he could feel his clothes growing damp with blood. "God, are you going to just stare, or are we doing something important?" He complained, rolling his eyes beneath the blindfold. He twisted away from the blood slightly, but was rewarded with a hearty kick in the stomach- right where he had been stabbed from the back. He hissed and clenched his jaw, instinctively curling up with pain. Damn, that sucked. "Boooooring. Why don't you find something creative. Or can you not think anything up?" He sneered, being rewarded with another kick and a growl. "The boss will be bringing your little lady friend and talking to you both. Be prepared." The Corrupted snarled. "You're a dick." Leo mumbled sulkily... he had better ways to insult them, but he didn't want to use them quite yet. "Hey Dickleberry, when's your baby boss gonna come along and scare all us normal folk?" He drawled. "The fuck kind of a name is that- shut the hell up!" THey snapped. Leo huffed quietly. "You're no fun." He whined, wincing as he was kicked in the shoulder this time. Damn them kicking the exact places it would hurt the most. Edited at November 28, 2024 02:16 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Glory continued bothering Sherriff Shithead and Deputy Dipshit for some time, the exchange usually going in the same pattern. Gory insults a few times, Deputy Dipshit gets mad, yells, possibly bangs on the bars, tries to ignore her, Glory says something about the Deputy to Sherriff Shithead, Deputy gets mad again, yells, tries to calm down, Glory insults him, rinse, repeat. Eventually, some little twig of what Glory assumed was a messenger came by, eyeing Glory cautiously like she was a caged tiger, and she bared her teeth at him like one. He looked away, instead mumbled something to the Sherriff and Deputy, gave a little salute, and scampered off. Deputy Dipshit undid a lock on the door, and Sherriff Shithead took up a defensive position blocking it as the Deputy entered, one hand on the hilt of his sword, and what looked like the world's heaviest-duty handcuffs in the other. Glory rolled her eyes as the Deputy approached, almost a little timidly, and said, "Oh, how thoughtful. I'm not much a fan of bracelets though." Apparently, the Deputy didn't appreciate this, and he took his hand off his sword, instead delivering a very disrespectful punch to Glory's stomach, leaving her unable to do much as he cuffed her, grabbing her by the upper arm, almost half dragging her out of the cell. Sherriff Shithead left the door unlocked as she - Glory saw now that the Sherriff was a hefty brute of a woman who looked almost like a heavyweight boxer - took up a position on Glory's other side, mirroring Deputy Dipshit. Glory put up little fight, as this may be her way out, though she did drag her feet and limp in an almost exaggerated manner just to frustrate her guards. She tried to keep track of where they were going, but everything looked the same in all directions unless one was to use bloodstains and moss as landmarks. Eventually they stopped in front of a rather large and pompous iron door. Pitch black and shot through with red in an almost marbly pattern, the thing looked like it weighed a ton. Sherriff Shithead released her death grip on Glory's arm - which would probably be bruised even through her armor - and opened the door, leaning her shoulder into it as it opened with a screech befitting a haunted manor. The room was rather big and sparsely lit by torches burning with a sickly green glow, not a window in sight. At the end of it, there was a gaudy throne of the same black and red as the door, and some haughty shit eater sitting atop it, looking for all the world as though he believed that the whole damn universe revolved around him. His face was hidden under a helmet decorated with twisting horns, matched with equally black armor with trim that seemed to glow slightly, alternating between red and gold. The Sherriff took up her original position, and Glory was marched down the long space, looking incredibly bored by the whole thing. The man on the stupid throne - who one could only assume was "the boss" - leaned forward and seemed to eye Glory as a hawk does a critter before attacking, then looked to the now-kneeling Deputy and Sherriff. "This... is the one you brought me?" He said, his voice low and a little gravelly, as though he was a man of few words and hadn't spoken since Marie Antionette was executed. "This... girl caused enough trouble for you that you felt the need to waste my time with her?" Although he never raised his voice, his annoyance was VERY clear. "Y-yes, sir. But we brought another! He's being brought here as we speak," Sherriff Shithead said, and Glory was rather amused by the fact that for such a big lady, she sounded awfully small and meek. (Woulda gone further but then I'd've dumped 1k words on you, at 650 as it is xD)
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo went limp against the hard concrete, his nose filling with the tangy scent of blood yet again. "Hey - Dickleberry, we have to be going somewhere. You wouldn't drag me out here for nothing. Ju-" His huff was cut off as he was grabbed by the collar and jerked to his feet, simultaneously choking him and sending pain shooting through all his wounds. He let out a gurgling grunt of pain, staying limp, as he knew it'd be harder for them to pull him. He was shoved against a wall and his shirt constricted even more tightly around his neck. After almost a minute, he jerked slightly, mouth opening slightly as he attempted to draw in air. "Not- funny-" He wheezed, writhing now as his vision started to go black, even behind the blindfold. He felt himself slowly growing limp as his muscles lost all oxygen to do anything, but finally, he was dropped, slamming against the concrete with a gasp. Shit- ouch- GOD- he thought irritably, wheezing as he tried to get his breath back. With no warning, he was grabbed again and dragged forward. He still hadn't really recovered- at all- and it was putting pressure on his throat- so by the time he was thrown down in what he guessed was a room, he was half unconscious and still bleeding all over. After around 12 seconds of the black fading, his chest heaving for air, he managed to revive enough to struggle from his side to his knees, wincing in pain. Although he still smelled blood, he also knew Glory was in here, as he had faintly heard her voice. Another person was in here, in front of them. The boss, if he had to guess. "Oh yippee- another egotistical If-I-Jumped-From-Your-Ego-To-Your-IQ-I'd-Die corrupted. Delightful." He coughed, wrinkling his nose as the taste of blood filled his mouth. That probably wasn't a good sign.
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Edited at November 29, 2024 09:22 PM by KPH Equestrian
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