
Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ The boss seemed like the sort to not only know how to throw knives really well, but to do so at random whenever just the slightest bit anger. Thus, using all her self-control, Glory forced herself to stay put and not turn her attention away from this guy, lest her efforts of not dying go to waste by doing something stupid. Her whole attention wasn't on the boss though, just most of it. She was listening to Leo, trying not to let the worry show. She snorted quietly as Leo spoke, and after half a second of what she assumed to be the boss scowling at her, his focus shifted to Leo. From his throne, the boss was looking down upon Leo with a decidedly unimpressed look on his face, hidden under his helmet. Flanked by four of his favorite - aka bost obedient and brutal - soldiers, was a very tall but rather sad-looking man, one who may or may not have seen better days. Given his lack of fear or any emotion other than a sarcastic annoyance, the boss was leaning toward not. "Well well well," he said, ignoring Leo's words, "you're the fellow that killed one of my own during interrogation, hmm?" In the boss's mind, everyone was expendable. Even himself, as it was impossible there was nobody who could best him. Which really bothered him, and was part of the reason he wanted to do away with Libobon Academy; do-gooder adults training goody-two-shoes kids to fight "the bad guys". Hmph. Not on his watch. "Yes sir. He's been... something of a nuisance," One of Leo's guards said. While he had saluted the boss upon entry - all of his comrades had, too - he didn't kneel, as Deputy Dispshit and Sherriff Shithead were still were. It was pretty clear these guys were at least a rank above the Sherriff and Deputy. Those two'd probably been assigned, as the boss'd put it, this girl based on the assumption she'd be easier. Which, in a way, she'd mostly fought verbally, though that was because Glory's goal was to annoy the shit out of them without marking herself as needing higher security. As Leo apparently had. "Right. So tell me this, do we really need both of them?" The boss - who's name was actually Malakar, though only his higher-up soldiers knew that - said, leaning forward slightly as he did so. "Difficult to say, sir," The same one answered. "This one's a higher rank, but so far the usual methods proved to be insufficient," he said, gesturing to Leo, then Glory, "That one's been more difficult than we anticipated, though we feel we're on the right track." At this, Glory snorted and said, "On the right track my ass." She then turned her focus to the boss and, as she refused to call him sir, said, "Your Dishonor, he's innocent. I admit I ain't, but as long as you ain't working for the queen of england, I don't have much'a problem with yourself." Well, she DID have a problem with him, quite a few actually, but that wasn't important. "Dishonor, hm?" Malakar said, seeming to turn the word over in his mind a moment before continuing. "I do like the sound of that title. But I'm afraid I can't let a pretty little thing such as yourself go. Most women are incapable of keeping their mouths shut. Him, on the other hand..." "Your Dishonor, with no due respect, I resent that statement," Glory retorted, wrinkling her nose at pretty little thing. This only seemed to amuse the boss, for whatever reason. "I think, even if we don't get anything of use from you, you'll do nicely to be kept around," Malakar said, making Glory scowl more. His attention flipped back to Leo's guards as he said, "Do what you will with him."
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo glared through the blindfold- yes he was still blind but he could totally glare at wherever the voice was coming from. He immediately got sleezy rich person from the voice, his face contorting with disgust. "And you're the flobbermouther flapjacked freak that thought capturing us was a good idea." He responded cheerfully, though his voice was dripping with venom. "I did you a favor. You would've died being around that slobs cologne for more than a second. We're obviously stronger, smarter, and better overall, so we suffered through, but HOLY FUCK he put on a SHITLOAD of the stuff. He smells better dead." He scoffed, slightly annoyed at how nonchalant the guy sounded, but not letting it show. Like, just because you could literally have us killed with a flick of a finger doesn't mean you have the upper hand, sir. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. He tilted his head towards his guards as they spoke, smirking. "Ahh yes, Dickleberry. You were always the smartest of the bunch. Thats not saying much. Considering you gave less brains than a sea cucumber, that just means the others are, using a classic here.. dumber than a box o' rocks. I AM a nuisance, thank you." He stated. Leo was not exactly happy about this whole thing, and he was expressing it. He scowled slightly as the spitwad asked if they need both. He wasn't going to speak, until things went... downhill. "No- I am the highest rank and I know way more than she does. She's insignificant compared to me. If you don't need both of us, keep me." He huffed, trying to act as least panicked as possible. Although he knew they'd probably take the one they didn't need and try and kill them, they would still have a better chance. He didn't want Glory here any longer than necessary. As Glory started speaking, he clenched his jaw. "LIES. If-" He was immediately cut off as he was kicked in the back. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Al. Read. Y." Each syllable was punctuated with a vicious kick. Leo grit his teeth again, hard enough as to where he may have heard a crack, and tried to ignore the pain. His eyes widened beneath the blindfold as shitwad spoke again, and panic closed off his throat. "That's a major mistake-" He snapped, his words cut off as he was backhanded across the face. "FUCK YOUR FUCKING SLAPPING KICKING HANDS AND FEET YOU FUCKING - GOD-" He snarled, surging up the best he could and smashing one of the guards into the wall behind him with his back. It took barely 5 seconds before he felt something slit the back of his knee, and he collapsed like a stack of bricks, cursing. "THAT IS CHEATING- CUTTING THE FUCKING TENDON- YOU COWARDS-" He growled, feeling himself being grabbed and dragged out again. The pain was nothing compared to the fear and panic he was feeling for Glory- he didn't care what they did to him, but to her? He knew they would stop and nothing to get a mere morsel of information. Every gruesome scene that flit into his mind made him more sick than the last as he felt himself being dragged out, far away from the camp. The terrain changed and he felt he was being dragged along the forest floor now. Great. He waited until he was dropped, then he heard a dagger being unsheathed. "I can't WAIT to get rid of your annoying mouth." Dickleberry hissed. Leo tensed, then pushed himself up with his one working leg, knocking the dagger out of the Corrupteds hands with his head- and getting cut and almost stabbing his eye out in the process, then twisting around, grabbing it with his hands, and swiftly cutting his bonds. As soon as he did that, he ripped the blindfold off, and it was a blood fest. He was stabbed three more times- at the moment, he didn't even know where. In the end, he was a mess of blood, but all three guards were dead. Very dead. His brain overrode his heart- his heart told him to charge back in there to find Glory, but his brain said he'd be killed in an instant, so he staggered away, barely able to see through the blood streaming down his forehead.
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(hehe this is your twelve thousandth post :3) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ Malakar eyed Leo curiously, evident in his body language - the way he leaned forward, the slight incline of his head toward Leo, the lack of tension that usually said somebody's gonna get stabbed - that this was the most entertaining thing he'd experienced in quite some time. "Flobbermouther flapjack..." He repeated slowly, quietly, trying the words out. "What is, pray tell, a flobbermouther? Actually, don't answer, you talk too much as it is. I'm more interested in how you thought you could turn pancakes into an insult." One of Leo's guards snorted a little, and Malakar's attention abruptly snapped toward them, the idle curiosity replaced with the deadly, focused tension of a coiled snake about to strike. "Something funny?" He said, and was immediately met with a humble "no sir". "What are you talking about?" Malakar asked, then looked to his guards. "What is he talking about?" CC was probably a lower rank, and thus on par with a cockroach to the boss. "Marcus Reed, sir. The fellow whose odor you disliked," the teacher-pet-seeming soldier answered. Malakar relaxed again, thinking for a moment before saying, "Reed... yes, he was rather unpleasant. I suppose I owe you at least some form of thanks for ridding me of Reed." He paused again, as though he was considering releasing Leo in thanks or instructing his guards to at least go easy on him. "Thanks," Was all he said, and very dryly. The one dubbed Dickleberry, and teacher's pet, whose name was actually Henry Scott, chose not to cause a scene and look bad in front of the boss over some POWs words, but it was difficult. This one was quite easy to hate. "Perhaps that's true, but when have desperate people ever been honest people? Besides, you're... far less pleasing to look at," Malakar said, slowly and deliberately. Glory wrinkled her nose, frowning, and recoiled ever so slightly. "Only your first sentence holds any truth," She said. Malakar took that in stride, and actually laughed, like the shitweasel he was. "Wow, and she can count, impressive." Glory rolled her eyes, and looked so incredibly bored of this guy she'd probably win an award for her acting, if she wasn't being honest, that was. "Yeah, all the way to ten. My last pimp taught me that," She retorted. This time, Malakar didn't laugh, thank god, as it was a hollow, inhuman sound, like a ghost trying to remember how it was to be alive. "Don't push your luck," He said gravely. Glory winced and flinched a little with every impact she heard, every one hurting her a little more and more. Not physically, not really, on the inside. The heart thought to be like the grinch's- two sizes too small. Still, she couldn't turn around, even if the Sherriff and Deputy weren't still at her sides, she felt rooted to the spot by the boss. Like the moment she turned her back on him, that was it. Game Over. Checkmate. As soon as she heard the words cutting the fucking tendon, Glory yelled at the boss, loud enough to make the Deputy flinch at his spot kneeling next to her, "WOULD YOU TELL YOUR FUCKWAD ASSWIPE AUTOMOTON RATDICK RINGMEAT MUFF DIVING, CRAB CRAWLING, ASSHOLE PINKO FUCKSTICKS TO STOP THAT?!" Malakar was honestly half impressed, half annoyed at Glory's outburst. "My, you've got a mouth on you. But just to show you I'm not all bad- BOYS. Take your playtime elsewhere," He said, as though them leaving the room and taking Leo god knows where was an improvement. Glory was fucking seething now, breathing hard, her body prepared for a fight she knew she'd not get, and damn near foaming at the mouth. She drew a slow breath, continuing in a forced calm voice. "You're worse than all bad. You're so bad, I can't even insult you properly. I cannot call you a sucker of cocks, for instance, because you have no mouth and no cock. I cannot say you are viler than the vilest beggar who ever crawled the gutters of the lowest street in creation, because even such a creature is better than you: you have no knees on which to crawl, and would not fall upon them even if you did, for you have no conception of such a human flaw as mercy. I cannot even say you fucked your mother, because you had none." Malakar had gone tense, about the same as a boulder, and she could feel him glaring at her from his throne. "You'd better stop if you know what's good for you." Glory didn't stop, instead fueled by anger. "I CAN call you a faithless creature who has delighted in the torture of the foolish and the slaughter of the innocent, a lost and bleating inhuman goblin who-" She was cut off, however, as the boss roared from his throne, "I COMMAND YOU TO STOP IT OR I'LL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE!" This only pissed Glory off further, if that was even possible. "Kill if you will, but command me nothing!" She roared right back. "You have forgotten the faces of those who made you! Now either kill me or be silent and listen to me, commander of these Corrupted, slayer off innocent children, son of a whore. I have not been taken hostage and dragged all the way out to wherever the fuck this is to listen to your childish prating! Do you understand? Now you will listen to ME!" Malakar's deadly, white-hot fury had been gathered into one small space, held back by sheer force of will and begging to be released. "No," He stated, firmly but quietly, which was almost more terrifying. "I will not." He turned his focus to the Deputy and Sherriff, who'd seemed to have shrunk during Glory's and the boss's little exchange, and said, "Take her back. Give her time to realize what she's done." With that, Sherriff Shithead and Deputy Dipshit rose, grabbed hold of Glory, and just about dragged her back to her previous cell, slamming the bars and locking them with a glare. (1026 words~) Edited at November 30, 2024 12:04 AM by KPH Equestrian
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(Roleplaying is my thing xD ALso, 1026 words- holy CRAP man. I ain't beating that- considering all I have to work with is him wandering around and missing her xD. I might rewind a bit and started when he was back in the thing so he can react to a couple things Malakar said)) - General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack-Spare Ribs +++ Leo huffed in annoyance as Malakar asked how pancakes could be a threat- THEY COULD. "Anything can be a threat if said with enough gusto and power behind it." he mumbled under his breath. He had once said 'thanks' with enough venom to drive away four ther people, so he firmly believed that. Also, when he was that pissed, he didn't CARE what was coming out of his mouth. "Pancakes are TERRIFYING once you've experienced putting too much salt into them- don't underestimate the insult." He stated with a slight wrinkle of his nose as he remembered the mere taste of that ... problem. His very first time making pancakes. Instead of putting in a teaspoon of salt... he put in a tablespoon. It did not sing high praise for his carreer as a cook. It was also so wretched that his dog didn't want to eat it. Then again, he was sure Malakar would be fine. The guy was worse than a Chiuahaha. That was saying a lot. "You're WELCOME. The poor guy was probably already going to die from having inhaled too much of the shit, so I think I did EVERYONE a favor." He snorted. As the boss spoke again- and not in a way he liked- Leo grit his teeth, his fists clenching. "Say that again." He hissed. "I will break these ropes and flatten you into a salty pancake." That may not sound like much of a threat, but he didn't give a FUCK what it sounded like. He was sick of this dickwad showing up lounging and pretty on their throne and what he could FEEL as staring at Glory. One more comment like that and he fucking swore he would cut off his own hands to get out of the rope and strangle Malakar. Or stab his fingers into the guy's eyeballs for a more painful experience. That was probably a better threat. "I will gouge out your fucking eyeballs with my own fingers and feed you to my pet." He spat, his jaw still clenched, each word hissed through his teeth. - After he had been dragged out hearing Glory hollering and cursing and after he had killed Dickleberry and the other two, he staggered away as fast as he could, knowing that he needed backup immediately so that he could go get Glory. The problem was, he didn't have a clue where he was. The further he got, the more he realized that they weren't within 200 miles of Libodon. He didnt recognize any of the woods. After dragging himself forward for far too much time, he finally collapsed with a grunt of pain. The blue stuff obviously hadn't wore off yet, as he was still insufferably human and bleeding too damn much. He struggled to stay awake, knowing that if he closed his eyes, it might be it, that no one would be able to find Glory, that she'd be killed, he'd die out here in a lump of unrecognizeable bloodied flesh. The pain won out. His eyes closed and he fell into unconsciousness. Slobber saved his life. Okay, and Lucy, but whatever. He slowly woke up, face contorting as he felt a slime all over it, and something frantically nudging his shoulder- then he realized- "LUCY!" He yelped hoarsely, face lighting up through the blood as he attempted to push himself up as failed amazingly. He resorted to dragging a hand to his face and wiping the dog slobber off before petting the now exuberant dog. She whined happily and bounced back and forth between sticking her had near his, her ears perked. "Don't expect me to get up anytime soon..." He mumbled, shifting to stare at the sky. Everything still hurt like hell, and if he died of anything,it'd be blood loss, but he couldn't bring himself to move, yet. He realized that Mori hadn't been captured with them. "Where's Mori..." His brow crinkled with worry as he thougt about what could've happened. She was directly attatched to his mind, so if he died- she died. Guess he couldn't die now.
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(Ok I'm making a comback with the crazy haired lighting McQueen as soon as someone gives me a Brief catch up on what has happened)

(Uhhhhhhhh... KPH? This ones all you)
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(I can tell xD yeah, somehow I just kept going ^^; but it was an absolute delight lol and, just gotta say, the line "Slobber saved his life." goes incredibly hard xD) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Mhm. How does one who kills people think that pancakes are terrifying when one puts too much salt in them?" Malakar said dryly. He wasn't the sort to cook for any reason - why should he when he has servants to do it for him? - and Glory guessed he didn't even know how to boil water, let alone make pancakes. Malakar sighed quietly and was probably rolling his eyes behind his helmet. "I wish you'd died from his odor," he muttered, though loud enough to be easily heard. "Yeah, should've left him alive and brought him to you so YOU would die of stink," Glory chirped, smirking a little. Malakar ignored her, though he clearly regretted his decision to keep Glory a little. "Oh really, tough guy? Didn't you already try that?" Malakar said, in his slimy, oozy, sleazy voice that was honestly worse than your own leg being broken and bent so you could now see the bottom of your own foot without bending any joints. "I didn't realize the girl was a cannibal," He said, and was definitely smirking, thinking he was just SOOOO smart. Glory glared at him and said, "Yeah, I fucking am. And guess what? You look utterly repulsive. My murder deer wouldn't even eat your flesh." "Does anything you say make sense?" Malakar half spat the words. "Only if you're smart," Glory retorted. - Back in her cell with Deputy Dipshit and Sherriff Shithead, Glory lay down on the rudimentary board trying to be a bed, thinking idly about Lucy. She had no idea how much time had passed. Had students found Lucy and were now taking care of her? She had a collar on - black leather with small metal spikes all the way around - and if Ronan had been planning on giving the dog to Glory, she could only hope the tag had Glory's name on it. If it didn't, maybe a student had seen Glory and Leo with her in the halls, though she couldn't remember whether or not she saw anyone that day. Probably did, but still, would they know whose dog she was? Or maybe Lucy'd gotten out and killed by Corrupted... that was a rabbit hole Glory didn't want to fall down, so she forced her mind away from that possibility. If Lucy'd let herself out, she probably found her way to the kitchen and gorged herself on whatever meat she could find. Glory tried to pester the Sherriff and Deputy, but any and all attempts were immediately shut down by the Sherriff. Damn. "Not like you guys are any fun to talk to anyway," Glory grumbled, and was met with a "Shuddap before we gag you" from Sherriff Shithead. - (What do you mean it's all me? 😭 I'll PM you, ghost :3 also, no 1k words this time😔) Edited at November 30, 2024 12:00 PM by KPH Equestrian
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(Oooh no novle from you wooow that's new XP and who puts salt on pancakes???? ) Keres wonder Keres made her way through the woods she had been MIA for a while trying to track down the lovelyness of her sister. with no luck she started to head back through the woods she stoped when she heard a load cackle then took a flying step with a bounch she hoped into the branches "Jesus" she muttered under her breath as she jumped from tree to tree her steps light till the trees stopped she crouched down listening in to the conversation

General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ Leo groaned lowly as Lucy pawed his shoulder, feeling blood drip out. He pushed himself up with a hiss of pain, gritting his teeth, his breathing shallow as he hunched over and promptly hurled up something that was mostly blood and less bile. His face contorted in pain and he rolled away from the pool of blood, dragging himself to his knees. He dry heaved for a second, pain blinding him before he looked at Lucy, who honestly looked worried. A second later, he heard a high pitched shriek, and Mori dropped out of nowhere and landed in front of him, jumping up and down with glee. He could practically see her realize, and she froze, stared at him for a moment, her head cocked, then squeaked again, in a worried way. "I'm alive." He wheezed quietly, dragging himself to his feet before falling back over again, his legs crumbling. "Damn...." He muttered, eyes glazed over as he leaned heavily against a tree. He coughed, wincing as blood spattered the grass. That probably wasn't a good sign. He narrowed his eyes and let his head flop back, black dancing across his vision as he went limp. He woke up a couple more times, faded in and out of blackness, but after whoever knows how long, but then he heard a low growly voice. "Leo! Leo!! Wake the fuck up." Axl snapped. Leo slowly opened his eyes, a low rumble emanating from his throat. "Axl.." He mumbled. "I can't stay long. You don't have enough energy. Wake the fuck up and find Glory." Axl growled, then disappeared. Leo hissed through his teeth and lifted his arms up, grabbing a low branch and hauling his ass off the ground. "Ouch." He grunted, shaking his head and limping forward. Lucy bound out of the woods and yelped loudly, then bounded back in. Leo went to follow her, his face wrenched in pain.
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Edited at December 1, 2024 08:35 AM by ghost light stables