Horse Eden Eventing Game
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Thu 09:24pm  
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Libobon Academy | Open! November 30, 2024 11:45 PM

KPH Equestrian
Posts: 2907
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double post - screw my internet

Edited at November 30, 2024 11:47 PM by KPH Equestrian
Libobon Academy | Open! November 30, 2024 11:46 PM

KPH Equestrian
Posts: 2907
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(Ghost ~ Glory's like... miles away from the academy and in basically a dungeon lol)
Lieutenant Dwyer
ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
Sherriff Shithead and Deputy Dipshit worked in shifts; they were there during the day - which Glory was guessing based only on her internal clock, it was impossible to tell in the murky darkness - and at night, they switched with another pair. These two were pretty lax about their work, and Glory'd lost the will to bother the shit out of them. Especially since they were the ones who brought water. Food not so much, but Glory was okay with that, what little they did provide was enough to keep her alive enough. What was more important was the very strict schedule they kept. It seemed Malakar had decided Glory needed to sit and rot in a cell for some time before she would decide to be useful. That was also okay, since she was willing to wait him out.
After what Glory thought to be about 4, possibly 5, days, of insulting the Deputy and Sherriff, listening to the night shift flapping their gums, it was time for a shift rotation. Except this time, after Sherriff Shithead and Deputy Dipshit left, the night shift guards were running late, leaving Glory unguarded. Tentatively, she got up, meandering slowly to the bars, weaving back and forth a little without realizing it. Glancing up and down the dark hallway, she made sure the coast was clear before examining the lock. She'd side-eyed that shit over the past few days, but not had a chance to really look at it. It wasn't something she was familiar with, unfortunately, and even if it was a type she knew well, she had nothing but her own fingers to pick it with.
After what fellt like about two minutes, the two night shift goobers arrived, and Glory couldn't help but notice the fact they were laughing and chittering and not walking in such a straight line. Seemed like they'd been drinking. This was good. Glory leaned against the wall, partly to look unassuming, partly because her legs weren't liking the whole standing after doing a whole lot of nothing and eating as much the past however long.
A little bit after they'd taken up their posts, Glory made her move. Reaching through the bars, she grabbed one of them by the back of the neck, slamming his head into the metal in one hard yank, using her own weight against his. With a clang and a thud, he was knocked out cold, crumpled on the floor in a heap, while his partner half yelled, half slurred threats and commands at Glory. He'd gone into that drunkard's rage, in which most things pissed him off, and he decided to step into the tiger cage for a quick tango. He fumbled a bit with the lock, which finally gave away with one of the most wonderful sounds Glory'd ever heard - the sound of a chance at freedom - and he stumbled inside.
Glory punched him square in the face, and if he lived until tomorrow, he'd have a nice shiner.
(Fllrghggmm. Stopping here because I'm tired and feel like crap🙃)

Edited at November 30, 2024 11:47 PM by KPH Equestrian
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 08:27 AM

ghost light stables
Posts: 2133
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( I don't read back on things don't mind me- )
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 10:53 AM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12331
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(This is gonna be shorter, I'm running on 2 hours of sleep or less)
General Anubis
AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs
Leo staggered along slowly, his gaze blurring as he almost crashed into a tree. "Lucy, where the flapjacks are you taking me?" He grumbled quietly, wincing as he tripped on a root and almost fell flat on his face. Dizzy and delirious, he stumbled into a clearing, amazed to see a small hut. He paused, wary, but he knew he'd be dead if there was anyone that would kill him. He sort of awkwardly dragged his dead legs to the cabin and inside, finding it nicely abandoned. This meant he was NOWHERE near Libodon. There were no cabins near Libodon. He collapsed on a dusty couch and hissed in pain. He knew if he didn't patch himself up, he would die, and if he died, he couldn't find Glory. So, he ended up patching himself up. He found some stuff that would help, ripped up most of his shirt for fabric, and patched all the many deep wounds he had the best he could. It didn't really help much, but at least he wasn't totally bleeding out anymore. Only partially bleeding out. He ended up passing out after a couple minutes, hopefully not for long, because he needed to go find Glory. Somehow. Someday. Something. Some.
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 11:37 AM

KPH Equestrian
Posts: 2907
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(No worries, that's such a mood x.x I came down with a cold yesterday and don't want to do anything Dx)
Lieutenant Dwyer
ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
Glory's remaining guard drew a knife, but either had a bit more to drink than Glory'd thought, or was seriously unskilled, or both. Probably both. She dodged nimbly, or, as nimbly as her body would let her, everything felt like it needed WD-40 or something. She tried to punch his mug again, but he somehow half fell, half dodged sideways, and Glory punched the stone wall instead. With an audible crack, one of the bones in her hand snapped. She hissed in pain, trying to ignore it and just use the other one. That's why people have two hands, right? Eventually, with a good amount of injury to both parties involved, the guard was conked out on the floor like the other one. Keeping her injured left hand to her chest to avoid accidentally using it, she grabbed the guard still outside on the floor and dragged him into her cell, dumping him unceremoniously next to the other. One had a ring of keys, which Glory stole, before robbing them of their weaponry. She locked them in the cell, muttering "Later bitches" as she left.
Since it was late, there were fewer guards out than during the day, aiding Glory slightly. This was going to be the hard part, she realized. She had no clue how to get out, and with the Corrupted, it was like playing Pac-Man blind and mostly deaf. Fun times. She'd stolen three daggers and a sword off the guards- less than she came with but better than nothing. She'd have to find her weapons too. There was no way she was leaving them with the Corrupted. That brought on a new train of thought, about where a lot of things had been left before all this shit. Lucy in the Sector 1 common room, Jaws on her bed, Mephisto with him, lots of bodies on the floor of Libobon. Lovely.
Logically, if she was underground - which was only a guess based on the air, it was like her hidey hole basement bunker at Libobon but with more bodies crammed into the space - the way out was up. Of course, that was based on a guess, and the Corrupted had probably built this thing like a damn maze, the fucking backrooms if you will, so logic could be considered out the nonexistent window.
The good thing was, she could feel some of her powers trying to come back slightly. Mostly the nigh vision, and it was like a flashlight with an almost dead battery trying to turn on, but still. Good sign. She wandered around a little, keeping careful track of her route as best as possible.
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 12:05 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12331
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(I've been sick for almost a week now and I can't breathe or think up Good things for the rp Dx)
General Anubis
AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs
After Leo woke back up, probably a couple hours later, he decided to get his butt into gear. With quite a bit of pain involved, he dragged himself off of the couch and outside, Lucy on his heals. He had glanced around the cabin and saw nothing useful, so he just left. As he was limping along, trying to keep his mind straight, he heard a twig snap. That may have just saved his life, as he turned around and narrowly missed a knife to the face. Well, not exactly. It sliced across his cheek, creating a deep wound, but didn't stab into his brain, which was good. He reacted by swinging his fist into the attackers face. Although his own defense was wobbly, felt sort of half drunk, and had the power of an armadillo, he had regained his powers, so they aided in it. He heard a snapping noise... attacker's nose? And they stumbled back. He saw now that it was a corrupted. Go figure. Leo grabbed the back of their neck and clenched his fist, hearing a sickening snap. They dropped to the ground like a sack of rocks. "Fuck." He muttered, lifting his hand to his cheek where blood dripped. He should've kept the Corrupted alive, asked them where the base was again, interrogated them about Glory, but no. His brain was malfunctioning and he was acting out of instinct. He grabbed their dagger and another knife they had on them, then continued, looking less than ideal. He was overridden with worry for Glory, blood leaked out of every place in him, his shirt was ripped and tattered to make bandages, so on and so forth.
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 12:45 PM

KPH Equestrian
Posts: 2907
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(Ugh, guess we're sick together xP My think hurts and my house is cold af so my fingers won't behave Dx)
Lieutenant Dwyer
ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
It felt unimaginibly nice to have a sword in her hand again, even if it wasn't hers and her other hand was out of commission. Glory eventually came across a small room with a group of Corrupted surrounding a table, playing some card game. Glory didn't stick around long enough to find out what, and slunk past the door without being spotted. After some time, probably a good two or so hours of wandering, she caught the barest breeze from a sort of crossroads where hallways converged. It was gone soon though, and Glory couldn't tell if she'd imagined it or not. Even if she hadn't, she couldn't tell where it'd come from, and a heavy despair was settling in her chest. She was fucking trapped among Corrupted, a rat in a snake's den, and this was it. She'd never see Leo again. The Corrupted probably already killed him, and all this was for nothing. No. Glory forced herself to get out of that hole before it swallowed her. If he was dead, then she'd fight for vengeance. Simple as that. Not a single Corrupted would crawl this world once Glory was through with them.
There it was again; that little breeze. From the right. Glory just barely caught the wonderful scent of outside, though the triumphant feeling it brought was dimmed as she heard voices, too. Shit. Creeping along close to the wall, she pulled darkness around herself, hoping what little she could do would be enough that it'd give her an extra moment if she had to run or fight. Eventually, the hallway widened into a cavernous space, with a group of about two dozen Corrupted in full armor standing at attention. Looked like they were getting ready to head out, though Glory didn't see any entrances or exits. Then she noticed the Corrupted were bathed in a pale swatch of moonlight, and looked up. The entrance was up. In the goddamn ceiling. For dragons. Shit.
After a moment of silently cursing these asswipes, she saw a passageway on the opposite wall, with the smallest pinprick of light shining from it. Yessss. The only thing between Glory and it was a gaggle of highly trained Corrupted already ready for a fight. Easy peasy. Not at all. This was gonna be fun....
(saving the other 500 words for the next post because my fingers won't behave x.x)
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 12:57 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12331
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(Fingers suck, being sick sucks, life just sucks xD)
General Anubis
AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs
Leo moved as quickly as he could in the direction of what he guessed and hoped the Corrupted base was in. They may be nowhere near Libodon, but his internal compass couldn't be COMPLETELY shot. The only worry he had was that, when they were dragging him out, they had flown. Which meant it was most likely underground and the only entrance was above- probably to stop captives from getting out. Stupid Corrupted minds.
He scanned the forest floor as he walked, knowing he totally had a better chance of finding stuff, since he had double vision at the moment, so he was twice as likely to see the hole. Right? Yeah, that's totally how logic worked. Every once in a while, his legs would randomly buckle.. maybe from the dagger wounds, maybe from the blood loss... but in any case, he'd always push himself back up and keep going. Glory was the only thing on his mind now. And Lucy and Mori. Mori was sitting on his shoulder.... well, whenever he fell she jumped off, looked indignant, and hopped back up after he had dragged himself to his feet. Lucy padded at his heels, more subdued than normal.
A second later, the dog lifted her nose and let out an excited yelp, darting forward. Leo started to follow at a quickened pace before he remembered he couldn't even do it at the slower pace. He almost fell over but managed to catch himself, stumbling forward quickly. Lucy was obviously following something, and he intended to find out what that something was.
(It's so short, I'm sorry, I am waiting for Glory to get out so I can find her xD)
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 01:53 PM

KPH Equestrian
Posts: 2907
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(Ain't that the truth x'D And I have a 4 hour drive ahead of me, thank god my mother's driving x.x)
Lieutenant Dwyer
ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎
Now, logic told Glory that this couldn't be the only way out, no way. The base was probably divided into sections, got the POWs, the lower Corrupted's housing, the higher-ups' places, the boss's cavern, and some little miscellaneous rooms. That meant if Glory wanted to get out another way, it'd probably be through the boss's rooms, or the higher-ups. Either way was not an option. This was her best bet.
Now, to run in guns a-blazin' and get skewered, or try to sneak around? Or... there was a third option she hadn't thought about until now. Hope and pray her illusions were strong enough now to wear someone else's face and hope they wouldn't notice the fact her armor didn't match theirs - all black versus Glory's dull stormy graey - or that she was stumbling and limping, or her broken hand, or her utter lack of preparation, or the fact she was just wandering out alone while they were all there waiting for the command to leave. Yeah, that sounded good. But, given how stupid her last four guards were, maybe it'd give her an extra second to run. Glory sighed quietly, deciding that that extra second wouldn't be worth the effort if it meant using the last of her energy and getting thrown back into a cell.
She crept from her spot near the wall, taking care not to scrape against it, around the edge of the room, using the crates and barrels and god knows what else to hide behind. The way she chose took her around a slightly longer route but kept her from the Corrupted's line of sight longer. A pretty fair trade. She got about two thirds of the way around before she felt the weight of someone's gaze on her. Glory froze, tightening her grip on the darkness, hoping they'd think whatever they saw was a trick of the light.
After what felt like ages, nothing happened, and she continued forward again, achingly slowly. Then the sound she dreaded: "You there! Stop right there!" Followed by the clanking of metal on stone as they ran toward her. Shit shit shit.
Glory straightened, let out a low growl, and threw one of the knives she'd pilfered earlier, nailing one of them in the side of the neck. Her throwing arm was still good, at least, but it wasn't enough. One of them managed to grab Glory by the left forearm, and she winced as she ripped her arm free of his grasp, her broken hand not appreciating the jostling. She stabbed one guy in the lower thigh, destroying his knee and sending him toppling, at least 5 of his own comrades tripping over him as he howled in pain.
Glory seized what little opportunity she had and made a mad dash for the tunnel, but all forward momentum was stopped as she felt something pokey and heavy - sort of felt like a mace - slammed into her side, probably fractured a few ribs, and someone else threw a knife, missing her neck by mere millimeters. Gasping for air, she forced herself forward, and used the Corrupted's number against them, weaving in and out of the stuff on the ground. A few tripped, got stomped, and fewer still didn't get back up, though any less was a good thing. Eventually, she made it to the passage, her ticket outta here. The narrow hallway funneled the Corrupted in slower, giving Glory a little extra time. The incline was steep enough that Glory's exhausted body, already on the verge of giving up on her, protested; everything fucking hurt and the stone floor looked like a damn good place to lay down and die, but she pushed on. There was a door at the end, and while she fumbled to open it, the Corrupted got ever closer. Her useless left hand was throbbing, as was her head and ribs. Finally the door opened, and Glory scrambled out, slamming it behind her and, since it opened inward, jammed her sword in the doorhandle, the blade locked against the stone wall so that the door was held shut. With the top entrance, this really only forced them to retreat, regroup, and exit from the main opening, but that was still extra seconds that could mean the difference between life and death. Glory stumbled away from the stronghold, into the woods in a random direction, hoping it was the right one.
(762 words, if I hadn't broken it up I'd have had a 1150 word post xD
also don't be sorry, I needed an extra bit to smash her bones and maybe a few more days for her to get sick af and possibly infected wounds lol)

Edited at December 1, 2024 01:54 PM by KPH Equestrian
Libobon Academy | Open! December 1, 2024 04:55 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12331
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(Man, that's long.
1150 wouldn't have been too bad xD. It's better than not even getting to 300.
I'll give you one more post to get your act together xD)
General Anubis
AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs
Leo stumbled along for what seemed like forever before he finally came upon... nothing. Lucy stopped in a clearing, whining, walking in circles before sitting down and looking at him. "Slightly pitiful." he grunted quietly, turning around slowly and scanning the clearing. If there was nothing there, then the next best thing to do was limp in a direction and hope he got somewhere. He picked a random way and started walking, or, rather, stumbling, staggering, dragging himself, barely staying upright, etc. The wounds were taking more of a toll than he expected.
As he limped along, he heard a slight.. almost... crackle in the air. It was weird, and he had a feeling he knew what it was. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and a weird feeling clenched in his stomach. Instinctively, he whirled around and lunged for a tree, but he was a bit slow. For obvious reasons. An explosion sounded behind him, fire scorched his back and licked at his clothing, shrapnel shot everywhere, and he hit the ground with an agonized roar. He barely managed to get the fire off of his pants, pain blinding him as he tried to peer through the smoke. All he saw was a crater where he HAD been, albeit a small crater. Oh- and ... he heard a voice. A slimy voice.
"I bet he didn't survive that, the lucky bastard." A voice sneered, and another replied. "No way man. He's dead as a doornail. And most likely in a couple thousand pieces." There was laughing, then the footsteps retreated.
Laying in the bush, Leo tried not to groan, blackness creeping around his vision as he fell limp. They wouldn't come back here if they thought he was dead... or would they. To check the area. He wagered on no and fell unconscious.
However long later, sometime that night, he finally awoke, searing pain being the first thing that met him. He lifted his hand slightly, and found it trembling. Oh- he was trembling. He groaned lowly and rolled onto his stomach, agony coursing through him. He could feel the burns. All across his shoulders, back- his shirt was completely burnt to ash by now- and a little on his legs. He crawled onto his knees and dragged himself a little ways away from the scene, every step bringing an agonized whimper to his lips. Still, his first thought was about Lucy and Mori- and Glory. "Lucy.... Mori..." He whispered, coughing afterward, his voice hoarse. From out of the darkness, a shape appeared, then another. Somehow, they were both still okay. Lucy whined and nudged his ash streaked, bloody, dirty, disgusting face, and Mori crouched nearby, watching with wide eyes. Leo didn't really remember what happened next, although he knew he found a hollow beneath tree roots. He must've collapsed there, as he fell asleep and didn't get up for a while, his last lingering thought being about Glory.

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