02:04:44 DD Bee, i like to put an amount in every morning, I don't usually spend spontaneously, so i just compile in savings then pull from it when I need it <3 |
02:02:27 Bee Tysmm! Omg yeah- this is a life saver. No money in sight, no money to spend |
02:01:49 DD Ah, good! Good luck saving <3 |
02:01:28 DD accountant > scroll down, It may be a premium feature, but i'm unsure |
02:00:25 Bee uh... where do I find it? I cannot find into on the game guide |
01:57:15 Bee No, I mean like... not spending it- |
01:57:06 Fern/*sigh* Taco.. bee no.i don't got any if so I'd have learned to use them 1.) don't spend ebs |
01:56:07 Bee any tips on saving my money? |
01:51:11 Purp/PPF I'd love to argue against that. But every time they give me one somehow it manages to be a different model and I have no idea what some of these buttons do. So ghosts is indeed the logical answer for now. |
01:48:11 DD Purp, lol, it's possessed xD |
01:47:39 DD Fern, Oh i remember those things. Good luck with that xD |
01:46:54 Purp/PPF It startled me at first and then I thought it was mine. But it's another staff members and I have no idea what's up with it lol. |
01:45:32 Fern/*sigh* Taco.. dd I'm at my sisters right now.shes seventeen and decided to jokingly ask for a furby for x-mas.....its almost two am and it just went off going, 'dAnCe PaRtY' and I'm like 'NOOO-' yeah,its going to be a rough night |
01:43:38 DD Purp, Oh that's hilarious xD just random babbling at 3 am must've scared the shit out of ya lol |
01:42:44 DD Ugh, moving horses to new riders is such a pain >.< |
01:38:11 Purp/PPF This radio has decided to go from the dying battery chirp to randomly announcing it's selected channel details. I'm really not for that when it's 3 in the morning and I don't know where the voice is coming from. |
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Wow, you've learned quick," Glory mused, genuinely a little impressed. Nobody else spoke Glory-Speak even half as well as he did. Well, nobody stuck around long enough to be able to learn it, but that wasn't important. "If a handsome yet not as handsome as you obviously man offered to buy me a drink, I'd accept, throw it at him, and set him on fire with the alcohol he paid for," Glory said with a snort. Now that she thought about it, a good number of guys had offered to buy her a drink, and every single one of them was firmly turned down. Depending on their demeanor, some were more forceful than others. The good ones knew when to quit and left Glory alone. "That's true. I did do that, too," She said, wrinkling her nose. "Nope, point taken." Okay, sure, Glory'd never act human. Thanks. "Yours don't," She snorted, "Back on my planet they do." Sure they did, concrete regenerated itself. Duh. And you could walk on rainbows and eat clouds. And owls ate computer mice, birds ate gummy worms, everyone's a pony, and poops butterflies. "Okay, maybe not a spineless ass kisser, but definitely a spined Glory kisser," Glory mused. "So the limp may or may not be permanent, you're just permanently injured," Glory snorted. Sounds about right. But if you never heal, how are you supposed to know if the limp is permanent, and not just the injury? "Unless you get sent to the funny-farm," She countered, which was pretty likely for both of them. - "Are you saying I DON'T do anything with mine?" Glory asked with a huff. Most people really didn't though, so it was a good thing Glory wasn't most people. Or a people at all. "Oh good, because I'd think you to be quite the idiot," She said. She may ACT like she did sometimes, or SAY she did, but really she did not. He was one of the few people who didn't bother Glory with ignorance. "Uh-huh. I think you just have a furry fetish," She teased. "I can blame you, because I so choose to." That was really the only reason- Lucy was adorable. "Is not depressing," She grumbled, "nor is it all I do."
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "It's much easier to communicate with you after I learn your language." Leo replied cheerfully. Really, it was much easier not to be offended after he learned her language. Reverse insults are a delightful thing. "Sounds like a good option, but have you ever done that before?" He questioned. To him, it seemed more like she'd forcefully turn them down, but he could be wrong. That did happen, sometimes. "Mhm. I'm glad you get it." He replied easily, pleased that he didn't have to explain further. "Well, sorry to say, but you're on my planet now." He gave her a sad smile. "So no buildings grow back. I'm sorry for your loss." Her planet sounded like a much better place than this helluva dump. "Those are two VERY different things." He stated with a snort. "But it is correct. I do have a spine... multiple, in fact, as you must know, and I do kiss a certain someone named Glory. So.. accurate." They were still very, very, VERY different things, though. He didn't suck up to people to get them to do his dirty work. "Exactly." He sighed sorrowfully. "Perpetually injured." Honestly, he got injured often enough as to where that was quite true. "Ha! They couldn't catch me." Leo scoffed. "Unless they had legs. Then it is very likely that they could catch me. I'm not feeling very agile at the moment. Or mobile... at all." He mused. Honestly, if they could drag him there, then he'd be trapped. - "Noooo, I would never! That would be a terrible insult." He gave her an innocent smile. He was totally the picture of doing nothing wrong. Yeah. "But you don't right now, because I admitted you were dangerous." He flashed a smile, then feigned a look of offense, gasping. "Whaaaat?! How inconsiderate and inaccurate! I am thoroughly wounded! I have no such thing." He protested strongly. Appalling, she was. Yoda, he could. Why, he didn't know. "No. Don't blame me. Pleaaase?" He grinned. "I can apologize. It won't even be heartfelt. Just how you like it." He joked, chuckling at her grumbles. "Whatever you say, darling." Leo replied with an amused smile. - (We really suck at making the rp go anywhere xD. It's all just banter. Thousands of words of banter. Also, I love how our time skip is shorter than our first part, even though we were supposed to be fading that out and it's a whole week ago xD)
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(oh my god I know we're awful Dx Yeah I dunno how that happened lmao) Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "I imagine, I've never been easy to communicate with," Glory said with a snort. It was painfully true, since half the time she was too bored with whatever she'd been subject to to bother with listening. "Once," She admitted, "He was drunk and getting too handsy for my liking - which is at all - so he got turned into a charred bastard." It was honestly beautiful. He ran outside screaming, and in the dark evening, he looked like a brightly burning star had fallen from the sky. The effect was muddled a bit, however, but his screams and swears. If he had just shut the fuck up and let Glory appreciate the living bonfire she'd created, it'd have been much appreciated. "Eh, buildings not growing back is worth it to be on the same planet as you," She said. Who gave a shit about buildings, anyway? Only a wimp won't sleep outside. "I do know, and I also know that that certain someone doesn't think you do it often enough," Glory said, giving him sad puppy-dog eyes. Yes, those had been two incredibly different things. That was just how Glory-Speak worked. "I'll make sure to kill all the legged ones, then," She chuckled. Y'know, because there would just be legless people coming to collect Leo. - "Yeah, it would be. I'm glad you see that," She said with a snort. His innocent smile was generally the clearest sign that he was in fact not innocent, and knew damn well what he was doing. "Well when have you ever known me to be considerate?" Glory countered, "Besides, you've already established that you have a sock fetish." Or, rather, he'd worded something poorly, Glory teased him for it, he was embarrassed and utterly unimpressed with her, and Glory proved her asshattery. "Hey, there's a difference between a genuine apology, an I'm sorry you feel that way, and an overly dramatic apology that makes me think you're just being a suckup," She said, the second one said in a high-pitched, annoying, mocking voice. Being told 'I'm sorry you feel that way' was honestly worse than someone just refusing to apologize. "Mhm, right," She muttered. "Did you decide whether we were leaving today?" Glory asked after a moment. It'd probably be best. They both needed their wounds properly treated, and Glory was a little nervous that her broken hand and ribs would heal all funky and breathing would forever hurt and her left hand would be more useless than useful.
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "Never easy, but easier now." Leo replied with a slight smile. She was easier to talk to than most woman. 'So, do you want me to pick up onions at the store?' 'Well, I was thinking of making salad for tonight. I think we have tomatoes and croutons, but we'll need extra lettuce. I think we have ranch, too. Let me go check. Yes, we have ranch.' 'YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY SIMPLE ONE WORD QUESTION WHAT IN THE JINGLY BAHAMAS IS WRONG WITH YOU.' That's how most of his conversations went. Usually with blondes. Only from earth, though. Glory was different. Thankfully. Otherwise, he'd have thrown her off of a 50 foot cliff by now. With sharp rocks at the bottom. "Oo. Wish I would've been there to see that. It's a good idea for me to try if anyone approaches you again." He stated rather cheerfully, looking outright just plain happy to have this new weaponry in his system. Hide in the shadows, let them buy her a drink, then they could both go throw the drinks at the guy and light 'em up. Maybe roast some marshmallows while they were at it. (I was today years old when I realized I didn't have a fluffing clue on how to spell marshmallows -sobs quietly- to be fair, it is late, and I'm coming back from a 3 week vacation, and I'm on my last nerves, and I'm exhausted, but still. I spelled it 'marshmellow') "Aw, that sounds like a Leo thing to say. You're learning." He grinned happily, looking for all the world like a golden retriever that just found their ball. "Well I am terribly sorry that this certain someone is not getting enough attention! I will have to fix that right away. What an error. How horrifying. I wish this certain someone would've told me earlier so I could make this right." He gasped dramatically. "By the way, your puppy dog eyes look more like the dog from the Puss In Boots, The Last Wish movie." He teased before twisting his head around at what I might call an excruciating angle and kissing her gently. "Since I have a lot of failure to redeem, I'll have to start making up for it now." He snorted in amusement at her words. "How kind of you. That's what a real girlfriend would do. 'Kill the legged ones!'" - He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. Of coooooourse he saw it. How couldn't he. "You are considerate sometimes when you're in a sort of amicable mood. Or right after you've had cookies. Or maybe when you're eating them?" He offered. Grasping at straws. "We have NOT." Leo protested with a half hearted scowl. "I do NOT HAVE A SOCK FETISH." He reiterated firmly. "I flabbermuffinly HATE people who say I'm sorry you feel that way! Like I'M SORRY YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THAT FACE EVERY DAY IN THE MIRROR BUT I DIDN'T SAY NUTHIN. I'M SORRY GOD DIDN'T GRANT YOU A BRAIN WHEN YOU WERE CREATED. I'M SORRY THE EARTH HAS TO DEAL WITH YOU DAY AFTER DAY. I'M SORRY FOR THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE EVER MET YOU." He exclaimed. "I have my opinions for a reason you flabber mouthed sun baked nostril breathing jackoplopping otter eating horseybucking seahorse nose picking winkle eating snail plopping wretched Llama seagull dropping hamster! I'm sorry you exist, but I was silent." He added with a huff. "Damn rabblebusters." He added with a half mutter half huff. Half of those words were completely made up, but he didn't care. "And I am never a suck up." Leo stated with a sniff, looking indignant. He would go with the heartfelt apology. Obviously. At her question, he wrinkled his nose slightly. "Did I decide? When did the decision come to me?" He asked with a sorrowful sigh. "We probably should leave today." He glanced upward for a moment. It was nearing noon. "And soon. We won't be able to make it back in one day. Hopefully by tomorrow night, though." He mused.
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Easier now doesn't make me any less of a pain in the ass, though," Glory said, amused. She was a pain mostly just because she could. And because she was predisposed to become a grouchy old lady, given her permanent 'fuck you and the horse you rode in on' attitude. And the fact she relished in the suffering of others. Watching some whoremaster roast alive, his skin charring and bubbling and fucking MELTING off his very bones, brought Glory a very malicious, primitive pleasure that Vlad the Impaler would shy away from her out of fear. "Oh it was amazing. Definitely gotta try it sometime. I did get permanently banned from that bar though, so it's definitely a trick to try only on the bad side of town," She said, frowning a little at the end. That had been the only real downfall of that night; the bartender, pale as a ghost and shaking like a leaf, had come outside to try to tell Glory that she wasn't allowed back inside the establishment. That had been a little sad, but so, so worth it. (That is a very fair excuse, plus, only pretentious snobs actually pronounce it marshmAllow, like a fucking goober, and marshmallow makes more sense) "I think I am," She said, grinning proudly, "Maybe I will learn to act human, after all." Not a fuckin chance. (Gotta say. I haven't seen the new Puss in Boots, so I had to look it up, and wtf xD he's cuuute) "Oh it's just awful! I think this certain someone might've said something, but too vaguely apparently," She whined with the dramatic flair of Shakespeare himself. She forced herself into a slightly more upright and less glob-of-jellyish position to make Leo's oh-so-difficult task a little easier, grinning happily. "Well it's either that or I cheer them on, your choice," Glory snickered. - "Mm, definitely not when eating. You will get growled at, I will refuse to listen to anything, and you will possibly lose some appendages," She mused. She tended to be rather wolf-like; one does not bother Glory during the rare meal, and one certainly does not ask to try some. If one does, one is pretty much guaranteed certain death. "Yes we have," She argued. "You called my stupid penguin socks beautiful, said I don't need to wear anything else, and when I teased you for it, you said I have a sock fetish like no other," She reminded him, doing a horrible yet hilarious impression of him. Glory tried her damned hardest not to laugh as he ranted about idiot people, but it got harder and harder as he went on, her shoulders shaking as she silent-laughed in the way one does when trying to be quiet or not laugh at all. "Fucking hell, can you not be funny for 10 minutes," She muttered, trying not to choke on air. "Fine, you're usually not a suck-up," Glory said, having recovered from what felt like certain death via laughter and punctured lungs. "It came to you when you outranked me," She snorted. That was her excuse, anyway. It was his turn to be the cunning one. "Sounds like a good idea. I think the dog knows the way back." The heat-seeking missile would be able to lead them back, no problem. She'd probably run there and back several times waiting for Glory and Leo to catch up.
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "No, it doesn't. It just makes your pain in the ass-ness easier to deal with." Leo snorted. It was a damn skill to be able to deal with her specialties. A Skill he partially possessed. "Note taken. We can find a crappy bar before trying it." He nodded. It wasn't like they were planning to literally set someone on fire with their own alcohol or anything. Pfft. That's absurd. Who would ever. (Thank you xD. We SAY it marshmellow so why is it SPELLED marshmAllow?!) "Nooooo, that... that's still unlikely." He replied, Biting back a grin. "Plus, if you're going for normal human, don't try to be like me. That would doom you eternally." He added. Helpful hint. Avoid acting like Leo. "I'm still not convinced I'm actually of this earth, since the only person who actually understands what the heck I'm saying 60 perfect of the time is you, and you're not human." He mused, pondering that important detail. It was a conundrum, for sure. (It's really funny. When the dog is making the puppy eyes- dear LORD I almost fell out of my seat the first time! Like, HOW DA FLIPPIN FISH STICKS AND HELL DID YOU CHANGE THE DIAMETER OF YOUR EYES- it was disturbing. Adorably so xD) "I feel so bad for this certain someone. This is a terrible, terrible crime. This certain someone has been neglected for too long." He rivaled her on dramatic flair, as he always did- he was the KING of dramaticness. "I prefer that, so much obliged." He chuckled. - Leo wrinkled his nose. "Okay then. Noted. How about after you've eaten. On the rare occasion you ate breakfast. That I made. And I brought it to you in bed so you can be lazy. And you're still tired." He set up the circumstances perfectly, even though at this point he had admittedly forgotten what the hell they were talking about. "The SOCKS were BEAUTIFUL and YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT and I DID NOT SAY THOSE WORDS EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE." He yelped like he was getting attacked. "And that was a TERRIBLE impression." Leo added with a huff. (Damn, I just tried to read my delightful paragraph, and even though I wrote it, I got tongue twisted and it just ended in laughter xD) "My job is to be funny, Glory. It's a charity." He stated with all the grace and Regalness of a royal king. A grin broke out on his face soon after, though. His ranting had been ... creative, and he was pleased that she found it funny. "Ah, thank you." He inclined his head with a sniff, glad to hear those words. He was NOT a suck up in any way, shape, or form. "Well- you- that- that is not fair. There was an open position." Leo complained. He was only supposed to have to be a General at Libodon. That was the deal. "I'm sure she does. She could find her way to Jupiter if she tried." He commented fondly, glancing down at the snoozy heat seeking missile. Considering Jupiter was a gas giant, that was some nice praise. "Luuucy, let's go for a run." He stated. Immediately, the dog bounced up, shaking vigorously, her paws tippy tapping as she wagged her tail and ran in a circle around them before waiting expectantly. Leo was just glad that he didn't have anything to carry. An extra ounce would've been too taxing. He exhaled a sorrowful sigh as he realized he'd have to get up. It'd be easier if someone just dragged him. Probably just as painful, though. After a second, he took his arm away from Glory's back, which was the bad one at the moment, and pulled it close to his chest so he didn't accidentally try and use it. He then pushed himself up with a wince, his vision immediately going blurry with dizziness before slowly returning, his head reeling slightly. He should've gotten up slower, but he never would've been able to make it then. "Wow. I need a new job." He mumbled with another wince as pain shot through his stabbed leg. Then again, Glory would be having much the same problems, so he couldn't be complaining.
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Well shit, I ain't supposed to be easy to deal with," Glory said a little dejectedly. She was supposed to be as problematic as possible, everywhere, all the time, and if her pain in the ass-ness was even slightly easier to deal with, she'd failed. Glory nodded in agreement. "It works best if the guy's a smoker- you can make it look like he spilled his drink on himself and tried to light a cigarette," She said. It was a perfect cover, but only worked if the guy was drunk. That was the key- you had to find a drunk smoker who doesn't understand what 'no' means. Glory snorted and said, "I'm already doomed, a little more dooming won't hurt." She was a terrible role model too. "I think you're half alien, which is why you're better at acting human than me," She suggested. That made sense, at least. More than could be said for some of her other ideas. (lmfao I might have to watch it xD) "You should feel very bad for this certain someone. This level of neglect is such a horrible, terrible, unspeakable crime, and this certain someone did nothing to deserve it," Glory said, with the same intonation as those commercials begging for money for sick children. - "Hmm... then I might be in an amicable enough mood to be considerate," Glory said after some consideration. THEN she might not be so horrible and murderous. "But you DID say those words they are PERMANENTLY BURNED INTO MY BRAIN with how utterly OUT OF POCKET and HILARIOUS they were," Glory huffed. (lmao I tried too and failed xD Also, if you read back, Leo did in fact say "I HAVE A SOCK FETISH LIKE NO OTHER" xD) "That's not important," She grumbled. Yeah, it was a shit impression, so what? It wasn't her fault he sounded like the narrator of a Ford commercial. "Well I don't like charity," She countered with the stubbornness of a small child in need of a nap. "Uh-huh, and you knew what it'd mean to take it," Glory argued sensibly, for once. It was a pretty rare occurrence, really. "Well... Jupiter's big as fuck, so I don't think it'd be that hard to find," She said, wrinkling her nose. She could point out the planet easily, though that wasn't all that big a deal since she'd studied astronomy. The dog hadn't though, so here was another of those less sensible arguments. Glory chuckled when the dog, who definitely spoke English, jumped up and ran, as per usual. That thing ran on high-octane racing fuel or something. She found herself sorta cold without Leo's warmth pressed against her, and it made her wish they didn't have to get up and go so she could just continue to enjoy his presence. She sighed, grabbed a stick that was conveniently within reach, and called Lucy over. "C'mere dog, help me up." Lucy, understanding perfectly somehow - or just wanting to play with the stick, who knows - grabbed it and pulled Glory upright. It took a moment for everything to steady out again, since, according to the vertigo, she'd stood up too fast. The thigh the Corrupted had stabbed ached and threatened to deposit Glory back on the ground, but it was apparently bluffing, thankfully. "Ready to go?" She asked.
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "You're not failing, I promise. You're still hard as hell to deal with. Just not impossible." Leo reassured her. "That makes sense. That's if we try to cover it up though. We could just be grinning maniacally as we set him on fire." He offered with a smirk, but really, her idea was better. He nodded slowly, pondering her offer. "Mm. Yes. That would make sense. My father had human anatomy, as far as I could tell, so I bet it was my mother. Maybe she came from a planet where they didn't care about their Offspring, but loved their mates even if they were jerkfaces." He mused. His father had sure died like a human. Obviously, they weren't aaaactually aliens, but it would make more sense than if they were human. (You should- it was good in a childish funny way xD) "I do feel VERY bad for this certain someone. I apologize profusely for neglecting this certain someone." - Leo smiled in victory. "See? I knew we could come to a tentative conclusion." He stated cheerfully. Breakfast in bed would always cheer HIM up, and although they weren't the same, he was good at making things fun. "Noooooo!" He shut his eyes and groaned dramatically, trying to drone her out. "THEY WERE NOT HILARIOUS." He whined, obviously in substantial mental pain. (I have no clue why I wrote that xD. I don't even remember that. Sometimes I do things on accident and I feel just like Leo when you point them out XD) "It is important. You sounded like a congested donkey." He sniffed. "I sound much more sexy than that." He stated with a dramatic confidence that would have anyone impressed that he could say anything with such ... uniqueness. "Well too bad." He countered right back. "Because you like my funny-ness." So, she must like something about it. "Yeah, I did. Mostly, anyway. I didn't REALLY realize at the time how damn painful the job would be, how damn ungrateful people were that I would almost die for them, multiple times, and how stressful it was." He huffed grumpily. He hadn't signed up to get blown up. He hadn't signed up to get kidnapped. He knew he'd have to fight Corrupted, sure, but he hadn't signed up to be tortured, to be tied up and blindfolded, to be gagged and broken, to be hit with very heavy metal objects. He hadn't signed up to limp back from this just to have no one realize he was gone. He hadn't signed up to return and have people immediately Start telling him what to do and not caring that he was injured. He hadn't known any of that was coming. Pretty important stuff to put on a job application, don't ya think? The only time anyone ever noticed he was gone was when they needed him for something. That was honestly the worst part of the job. He was really just a tool. People would be sad if he died because they'd have to find another General. They'd have to deal with their own shit. Of course, he knew Glory wasn't a General and she went through the same hell, but apparently he was just weaker than her. "It's in Space, Glory." He gave her a pointed look. "And Lucy is a dog." Leo exhaled in a sort of half hearted pained groan, closing his eyes until the world stopped spinning before straightening a little and taking a couple limping steps to make sure he wouldn't topple over. Everything creaked and groaned and screamed in protest, but he didn't die or blow up, so he was probably fine. He checked to make sure the thin gold chain with a long, curved, wicked, bloodstained claw on the end was still there. That was rather important not to lose. After that, he glanced around and decided there was nothing else they could get, grab, or do. "Ready as I'll ever be." He replied with a slight snort, shifting his weight to his sort of uninjured leg and moving forward into the direction of woods thar Lucy kept darting in and out of. He glanced up at the sky, eyes narrowed to combat the sun as he surveyed where it was in the bright sky.
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Lieutenant Dwyer ᓚ₍ ^. .^₎ "Oh good. Gotta make sure I'm not too big of a disappointment," Glory said with a sigh of relief. "Well that's what I did the first time, and it definitely didn't help the case of Why Not to Admit Glory O'Brienn Dwyer to a Psych Ward Immediately," She said with a snort. It did the opposite, actually. Imagine that. "Your father had human anatomy?" Glory snorted, trying to keep a straight face, "Don't tell me you sack-whacked that motherfucker." First, he probably DID, and second, that whoremaster definitely deserved it. "Well, this certain someone accepts the apology, on the terms you try immediately to make up for it," Glory said diplomatically. - "Very tentative, but sure," She agreed with a snort. Glory wasn't one that cheered up easily, nor did she NEED cheering up, thank you very much. "It was fucking hilarious I will remember it forever and think of it and almost smile," She snickered. It was arguably one of the funniest things she heard that didn't contain any swears. (Because Leo felt trapped in a corner and doubled down in the opposite direction trying to escape xD I told ya, I remember too well ;_;) "Oh fuck, alright sure. You do," She sighed defeatedly. Not like she could argue anyway. Dammit. Glory sighed and said, "That's true, I do." Why must she possess the human attribute of amusement? What a pain in the ass. "Well what'd you expect, cheering every time the students saw you, a paid 3 week vacation at a beach resort, and no work?" She asked. Somehow that sounded like an absolute nightmare to Glory. She'd fuckin hate that, which only added to the idea she wasn't human. She DID, however, keep herself entertained with Mud Pit. Now, Mud Pit was a highly competitive sport with the students, where on the north side of the Academy, the side less frequently used likely because beyond it lay the mountain range and thus didn't have the vast forests to work with [oh how terrible it was to walk UPHILL], a mud pit was kept. The premise was simple, it was sort of just wrestling but in a mud pit and with far fewer penalties and safety rules. The students loved it, for whatever reason - probably because Glory'd often borrow a class for the whole period - and it kept Glory entertained. There was also a game called Bloodhound, where one person, often Glory because the kids liked it better, would take a sponge soaked with blood and run through the woods. This was the Runner, and they marked a tree every so often with the blood to leave a trail. The Bloodhounds had to exercise the tracking skills they'd been taught in class within a set amount of time. The time limit and the Runner's boundaries varied depending on the day and the skill of the group. Glory'd managed to make both games HIGHLY competitive, and it was like getting the lead role in a play when one was chosen to participate. She hadn't been able to do so in a while though, so the first-years wouldn't know the joy of being selected to roll around in a mud puddle and run through the woods, but once her and Leo got back, she'd be fixing that. That thought brought about a sudden realization. "You've never participated in Mud Pit," She said to Leo, kind of forgetting about context in the moment. "Right, and space is right above your head, and that's actually a missile," Glory countered. "Alright then, what's today's chosen mode of transportation, sir?" She asked with a snicker.
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General Anubis AKA: Craptain Jack Spare-Ribs +++ "Yes, yes. You're not too big of a disappointment." Leo agreed with an amused smile at her sigh of relief. "Your middle name is O'Brienn?" He questioned immediately, cocking his head and grasping onto the one part of her sentence that didn't matter in the slightest. "But yeah- then again, everything we do could land is on one of em, so we shouldn't focus too much on that." He replied absent mindedly, still focused on the other piece of meaningless information. Why? He did not know. He rolled his eyes. "Insufferable." He mumbled before replying. "No. I was talking about things like organs and arteries. He had normal human organs arranged in normal places, and he had normal human arteries arranged in normal places." He stated in a pointed manner. He may or may not have seen these organs and arteries, but that wasn't the point of the conversation. "Howwwwever.... I wish I had." YES, he had tortured the slob, but HE STILL WANTED TO DO MORE. Especially a painful something like that. "I hereby promise that I will try, starting immediately, to make up for my past crimes." He stated solemnly. - "Tentative is still a yes." He chirped rather cheerfully. Stilla a victory. She couldn't convince him otherwise. "No, please don't remember it forever." He begged, emotionally more damaged than before at this point. (EmOtionAl dAmAgE xD) It was arguably one of his most regretted things he ever said in his entire life. He had been backed into a corner, and he took the wrong road out. The very wrong road. And now he had to deal with the consequences. Eternally, if she had anything to do with it. (I kinda remember now xD) "Thank you." He huffed regally, looking mighty pleased with her admittance. She had sounded downright constipated. He always sounded better than THAT. Even when he was making weird noises. Which was a lot of the time, but that was beside the point. He had a delightfully deep voice and he was not going to let it be disrespected like that. "You're admitting I'm right an awful lot. Are you okay?" He bit back a grin and peered at her in concern. "I mean, I know you got hit over the head, but I didn't think it was THAT hard." He mused with the most worried look on his face that he could possibly master without breaking out in laughter. "NO, but I didn't expect to be USED AND THROWN AWAY." He grumbled. "There's a MIDDLE GROUND. And I would never want to go to a beach resort." He shuddered. "Or cheering. But still, never a beach resort. Those things are always so damn packed, and the people are always half naked, or more than half naked-" *Insert another terrified shudder* "and the ocean tastes terrible and it's too hot and there are jellyfish everywhere and those things fluffing SUCK to be stung by and the waves try to murder you and drown you and bash you against the sand and there are dangerous animals everywhere and poisonous snakes and sharp shells that cut into your feet and rain so often and you get SUNBURNT and I'd literally turn black. I look like I have a natural tan already with no sun, I'm usually a bit darker than that from the sun, but if I was out on a beach for more than ONE HOUR, I wouldn't even look like a human anymore! I'd look like a half baked brown potato!" He huffed dramatically. As she randomly said something about a mud pit, he shot her a confuzzled look. "Um... no? Never heard of it." He replied slowly, now intruiged. "Mind explaining?" He had never heard of that, surprisingly, as he did everything else that was super fun and possibly dangerous. He loved stuff like that. "She cannot breathe without oxygen!" He countered with a snort. "...." He gave her a blank look. "I was thinking legs, but if you wanna walk on your hands, I won't stop you." He replied sarcastically. He didn't know how to respond to the sir part, so he didn't focus on it. "Should we go as dragons so we can fly? We'd have to skim low to be able to keep an eye on Lucy, and possibly go slower. She may be a missile, but she's still from this earth." He eyed the dog for a moment, who was bounding around exuberantly. "Maybe."
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