
Diablo +++ Diablo lifted his head a little, tucking in his wings. "Great ideas- four adolescent dragons tromping through a forest TOTALLY won't scare away prey and the literal guardian of the forest literally named Grizz TOTALLY won't come over and yell at us in a grumpy way saying something about how we are disturbing the forest!" He teased, grinning. "But we should totally do it. I want to get yelled at by Grizz. I just don't want my tail to get stepped on." He joked.
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echo pushed az out of her way "YEA LETS MAKE GRIZZ A GRIZZLY BEAR" she yelled jumping onto a big rock

Azys - Az blinked, now completely silent, he didn't want to be yelled at, it was the worst thing EVER.
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echo looked at az "awwww your gonna stay here with the mice" she hoped around him like a hatchling

Pearl snorted as Echo teased Az...Even though she totally agreed with him. "Making Grizz angry is not a good idea. That's stupid even for you, Diablo. If he's anything like Revenge, we are in DEEP trouble." Pearl glanced around quickly in case there was someone hiding in the trees.

Diablo grinned at the three, rolling his crimson eyes at Pearl's comment. "He's not. He hates the social life so much he'd probably roar something about staying away from the trees and lumber off." He snorted. "But we can take a walk." Diablo said cheerfully, bouncing up.
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Azys - Az flicked his tail at echo, and scrunched up his face, "no way" he said, "I much rather prefer a walk with a grumpy greeny dragon" he said, waiting.
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echo laughed then rumped of the log landing without a sound she then troted up to pearl "mk probaly not the best plan ever " she said thinking then looked at daiblo "hes the king of the trees" (i am the grizz you touch my trees i break your knees XD)

(wait do dragons have knees- )

Yes, dragons have knees, though there more bent then human knees, much like permanently bent in a certain way) Azys - Az glanced at all of them, "this is a very bad idea, maybe we can go hunt around my cave! So much more fun! No grumpy green dragons!"
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