
storm growled "no deal with it it's not that bad you freezebaby" storm huffed
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Pearl ~ Pearl snapped at Storm. "That's rich coming from you. You decide to attack us but don't even have the guts to come and face us."

echo flew up as storm whent after az her small body letting her fly through the storm better then the others she peleted into storm knocking him out of the air

Storm smirked landing in front of pearl. "attack! ATTACK?! can't stand a practical joke now can you you pooorrrr thing. How bout a little sun then?" storm allowed the weather to heat up a lot. "don't melt now pretty girl" he smirked
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Pearl bit his tail, HARD. Her fangs glistened slightly silver in the now bright sunlight. She turned to Echo. "What's it gonna take to get rid of this bug?" She looked at Storm. "Please, the only joke here is you and it's not the funny kind."

(Sorry, sunset, please forgive my violence towards your character) Azys - Az growled, deeply angered by the attack, he got up and hovered, his four wings beating slowly, he grabbed the dragon and clawed at his wings, his sharp teeth snapping at the new dragons neck, all meanwhile making a mental attack on the dragon, this dragon had no chance against the power of a Shroliner
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(Totally random but Yay Az. He's actually super brave and I never knew?!?! How could you keep this secret lol)

echo looked at pearl "ooh yay lemme deal with the bug" echo said before going into his mind and looking for things to use against him then she showed him many many pictures in his mind of him being alone and dying that way (echo has no mercy i feel kinda bad for storm)

Storm whirled around "alright that's enough" he roared He summoned a tornado to pick up the three dragons and take them far away. He was really mad and he'd had enough of it all
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echo saw the tornado coming from what he thought in his mind she doged around it at a breath taking speed before flying up in the air she landed infront of storm "boo" she said before knocking him out (so sorry sunset echo is not the most friendly dragon sooooo)