
General Anubis +++ Leo was getting desperate, as he was exhausted, it was getting really hard to breath, and his powers were being drained. In a last ditch, desperate effort, he clawed the dragon's stomach again. His claws slid a little before piercing, deep into the dragon. It screeched in pain and collapsed, its eyes glazing over as its chest stopped moving. Trembling from exertion, he pulled back, stepping back as well. Now ue just wanted to sink to the ground and pass out, but he wasn't going to do that until Romanov and Dwyer were both back and safe. He took in a shuddering, shallow breath before glancing around. Nothing. No movement. No noise. Nothing. "Romanov, Dwyer, can you both get back?" He asked, his eyes glazed slightly.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory nodded and said, "I can, but what about you?" Hoping he'd say he was coming with them. She was glad she didn't have to kill the Corrupted, her method would've been far more gruesome. She padded over to him softly and stood by his side, her scales a dim yellow. She was trying to tell him without words that I'll be by your side whether you want me here or not. Hopefully, Anubis would get the message. Glory checked him over for injuries out of the corner of her eye, trying not to let him see her worry.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien looked over and stared at them, taking the shadow braces off his own body and wrapping them around the other two. He was close to passing out as well, but he couldn't feel any of the pain in his body. He walked over to them, despite his obviously bleeding leg. "You both okay? It looks like I may be the one getting you both back." He said. Adrien was bruised, scratched up, probably some head trauma, a dislocated shoulder, a broken wrist on the same arm his shoulder was dislocated, the gaping hole from his first corrupted one fight, and multiple claw marks lined his body. The most notable one was across his face and right eye. Yeah, those would scar. Good for him he supposed. He looked the two over and actually frowned. Yeah, he was going to get everyone back it seemed. Edited at May 24, 2024 02:37 PM by Oakwood Barn

Lieutenant Dwyer "General, I think out of all of us I'm the least wounded. I'm at least not going to bleed out, unlike you. So please, don't worry about bandaging me. Take care of yourself first." Glory said, begging to whatever higher being was out there that he'd actually listen.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien stared at her for a moment and huffed. "Not happening." He said, looking her over. "Your bleeding as well. So I'm getting us back up there. I can walk, and yes, I can get you all up there. You both are ready to pass out." He was as well, but his job was to make sure others were safe. That's why he was a general. He was going to do his job. (People who want to catch up are gonna have to read a BOOK) Edited at May 24, 2024 02:41 PM by Oakwood Barn

Leo tried to take in a tiny bit deeper breath, but he ended up just gritting his teeth and not breathing at all for a second. "I'll make it back." He mumbled, all but glaring at Romanov. "Stop trying to get yourself killed. I swear, if you don't take these shadows off of me right now, I'll claw my own inside out." He hissed, his own way of saying *I care about you and you're pushing yourself too hard*. Leo was probably in better shape than Romanov. He had a deep wound across his muzzle, a bunch of deep gashes in his stomach, and an extremely deep wound with a spike still stuck inside of it in his back leg. Of course, the broken ribs, lots of bruising, and bad wounds all across his chest and torso. "You're crazy. Walk back if you think you're so strong." Leo snorted at Romanov as they spoke. He turned to the Corrupted's body. "We should take it back." He said, mostly to himself, and dragged the giant weight atop his broad shoulders, gritting his teeth with the pain. He then started limping back, not waiting for Romanov, as apparently they thought they could drag everyone else back along with themself.
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||keres wonder|| her eyelids jerked open she stood still being in dragon form she batted the dead corrupted away with her paw before shaking out the fur covering her neck she streached out her wings witch are a wepon themself with the sharp edges her eyes flicked over before she walked out into the court "holy shit" the place was swarming with corrupted dragons she side stepped as one flew into a wall she spat at it then startled as it let out a hiss of pain and part of its body foamed away she shook out her fur again +were are the higher ups because this is was to much+ she swiped one off the wall they were all small maybe 8/9 feet so she could just toss them around but the thought of none of the higher ups being there scared her the purple side of her muzzle was slashed at before she swated that one away aswell she jumped up using her wings to glide so she could nock a corrupted off the wall again she bit its neck hearing a loud crack and watching it fall limp she watched all the rest scatter and run back into the woods before she was scared out of her skin yet again as a really big one came at her she hopped away earning a slash across the cheek in a panic she smashed her paws on the ground turning to face the corrupted that was ten times the sise of her she blinded him with a blast of fire to the face before skittering away climbing up in trees and gliding from tree to tree as she couldent fly well she probaly could but she was about to be crow food so gliding it is she leaped higher trying to get away before ducking into a small cave and hiding as far back as she could in it

'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien rolled his eyes. "And somehow you still managed to be angry at me. Lovely." He said, simply picking the corrupted one's body up with more shadows and taking the braces away from Anubis. Well, not all of them. He still left the ones basically supporting his torso. "Fine then, I'll gladly walk." He said, shrugging, both shoulders (dislocated shoulder too. A/N: he's a legit dumbass. He has, 0 amount of self-worth, and lives (somehow) off the words, "If I can't protect it why am I here?") He kept the corrupted ones body floating above them all, with shadows, of course. He was glad the tree tops provided such a cover, sometimes. Adrien had an idea, he kept walking as he looked inside the mind of the corrupted one, peeking around he wanted to try something. Yeah, it would give him a worse migraine and probably stop most of his cognitive function for the time being- like breathing! But pish posh. He broadcasted a message, using its brain as a source. Telling all the corrupted to retreat. He heard a screech and heard running, so either they were coming here, or running away. He dearly hoped it was the latter and whoops, there goes his breathing. Hopefully, he would be fine until they got up to the caves. He had held his breath for long amounts of time! It didn't help his migraine though. Meh. He wasn't overusing his abilities too much. (I kinda wanna slap him honestly. Like MAN. Also, sorry again if this is to focused on him, just thought it would help everything, if anyone wants me to change it, just PM me) Edited at May 24, 2024 02:56 PM by Oakwood Barn

(He's pushing it) - General Rogue +++ Leo narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Romanov for about a minute. "Yep. He's completely braindead." He said flatly. "You do realize you're going to kill yourself, right? Using all those powers? Wasn't it, like, 10 MINUTES that Major powers work? How long have you been using them? 2 HOURS?! Romanov, the school needs you- you can't just die because you're too stubborn and such a dumbass that you don't know when to quit." He growled a couple curses under his breath as he spoke, limping heavily, as he didn't want to rip the spike out of his leg until he was closer to the school, so he could bandage it.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien shrugged. {15 minutes actually.} He corrected in thought, continuing to walk with them. He didn't say anything, considering if he did, any bit of breath he had left would be gone. And he needed to last at least until they got to the caves. He had a feeling Anubis was right, and honestly, he as slightly surprised that another General actually cared for his wellbeing. But that thought didn't last long as a small bit of his breathing came back and he took small, labored breaths. Eh, they would all get healed eventually. No point in dying now. (Honestly. Only reason he's still living is sheer will to get them back and having turned off half his brain. Apparently the logic went with it) Edited at May 24, 2024 03:01 PM by Oakwood Barn