

'Sector leader Simara' Ozark Simara -x- Ozark had finally settled down in his bed, resting his head. Ozark jumped almost upright when he heard General Rouge in his head. Ozark looked around like he expected him to melt out of the shadows. 'um, hello' He thought, hopefully keeping back his mental image of him. Ozark bit his lip, what if he saw everything Ozark thought about him?
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien didn't hear anything from Anubis, but he heard a reply from Simara 2. {Hm, hello. Healing up well?} He asked, keeping his eyes on Anubis.

'Sector leader Simara' Ozark Simara -x- Ozark hesitated, a finger pressed to his head wound. 'Yes, well... I was going to rest my head' he thought.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien hummed at nothing and nodded silently. {Mmmm. Then I'll let you go rest.} He thought, getting ready to cut out the mind connection.

'Sector leader Simara' Ozark Simara -x- Ozark leaned back, his head softly hitting the pillow again, the sound of General Rouges voice was calming him. 'Wait. No, don't go.' He thought, pulling his blanket around him.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien raised an eyebrow. {Alright then I suppose.} He stated. He didn't know how his voice sounded to someone else. But it was a calm, cool voice. Usually quite soothing as well.

'Sector leader simara' Ozark Simara -x- Ozark felt a bubble of embarrassment chaff against his stomach, did he really just ask that? Ozark paused, hoping General Rouge didn't hear that thought, strangely dispite his embarrassment, he liked hearing his voice.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien did in fact hear the thought and raised an amused eyebrow. {Embarresed?} He thought to Ozark. His mind was quiet and calm at the moment, while Ozark's was an embarrassed and flustered mess. Adrien couldn't understand why he was flustered though. But whatever, he'd find out eventually. (Spooky, more foreshadowing.)

'Sector leader Simara' Ozark Simara -x- Ozark breathed heavily, 'Talk to me, please?' He thought, hoping that General Rouge wouldn't leave, well, just yet. Ozark twisted onto his side and rubbed his eye.
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