
General Anubis +++ "Yes I'm sure! I-" Leo stopped and stared at her for a second. "I NEED MY FINGERS fine just smash my bones I don't care." He huffed, then stopped again. "Nooo. Look what you've reduced this conversation to. You wanting to break my bones, rude by the way, and me, valiantly saying that would be a bad idea." He stopped again with a grin. "Wait no- nevermind. I'll just smack you back! Problem solved." He smirked, amazed at his problem solving skills (sarcastically amazed). "Yeah, I agree with your decis- and I WAS NOT talking about drinking alcohol GOSH what goes through your mind thus EARLY!?" Leo groaned at the very thought of trying to kill off more brain cells- they weren't even awake yet! It wouldn't be a fair fight! They'd get murdered in their sleep. This was starting to sound really sad. +Focus on something else, dumbass+ he thought, mentally smacking himself before moving onward. "Hot chocolate and a donut. Reliving your kid days?" He teased, but really, that sounded kind of nice. Although, he didn't like most donuts, as there was always too much frosting. Leo wasn't one for a lot of sweets. "Diner it is, then." He attempted to make a turn to walk onto the road, but his brain apparently thought that the world just started spinning the other way, and dizziness crashed in like a tidal wave. It was gone as soon as he stopped moving, but damn- that didn't feel good.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory snorted, knowing that he actually did care whether or not she smashed his bones, and said, "Oh, valiantly, huh? Good joke. And no, that's not a good solution. Haven'y you heard you're not supposed to hit a lady?" She replied with a sly grin. At his next words, Glory groaned and said, "Me?? You're the one who suggested a bar! And you may not want to ask that question if you can't handle the answer." She said, with a tired smirk. Then, "No, I just don't want coffee. I'd rather not be both jittery and sore. You ever tried that? I do not recommend it. Diner it is." She said, grinning, and started down the road a step before Leo stopped, swaying on his feet slightly. "You alright? Maybe we ought to just stay here..." She said, concern creeping into her voice.
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General Anubis +++ "Wait. What? You classify yourself as a lady? Pfft, I would've never guessed. My apologies, madam. I will bow at your feet and serve your every need." Leo laid the sarcasm on thick as he swept a hand across his stomach and executed a short, yet rather gracious bow for how injured he was. "Woe to me, that I ever dream to suggest laying a hand on you, m'lady. I shall not do that again." He couldn't hold back a snort at the end, wondering what mistakes the manufacturer made on his brain. Like holy crap, if his mind really was partially his parents, then they must be really messed up on the inside. "I did not suggest a thing! I merely pointed out the place EXISTED. And I bet I could handle the answer a couple hours from now." He huffed, shaking his head slightly. His brain really needed to catch up with the rest of him. "I actually don't like coffee, so I'm never *jittery*. That word just doesn't describe me at all." He stifled another yawn- he could go for something to wake him up, though. Maybe an ice bucket of water dumped on his head? Good thing Glory couldn't read his mind, because she'd probably happily oblige. At her slightly concerned words, he flashed a smile. "Aw, are you worried about me? Sweet. Yes, I'm fine, just experiencing a second of regret for turning so fast." He answered with a faint smirk, getting his brain back in order and heading towards the town, his strides long yet slow.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory bit her lip to keep from laughing, shifted her posture to that of a haughty 1700s noble lady, and replied, "Hmph. I am in fact a lady, although less of a lady than you. Your manners could use a bit of work. I might consider forgiveness if you were to escort me to the aforementioned diner like a gentleman." Glory couldn't keep up the act any longer and burst out laughing before her bruises protested. After the pain went away, she said, "Really? Well, 'sweet' doesn't describe me, either. Do you need a dictionary or something? I have one, but so far it's only been used as a weapon, so it may be a bit worse for wear." She lilted, following Leo down the road at an agreeable pace.
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General Anubis +++ "Wha- pff- huh- less of a lady than ME?" He spluttered, changing gears in a millisecond. "Well I beg your pardon ma'am, I fail to see the lady in me, especially since you just referred to me doing an act like a gentleman. Care to explain?" He asked with a hearty snort, which turned into a slightly strangled laugh, as he was obviously trying to hold It back. And failing. Definitely failing. However, he mustered up the composure for a couple more lines. "Well, please, let me do you the honor of kindly escorting you to that diner, then. Madam?" He offered his arm with a grin, finishing off the act. "Naw, you should totally be in a 1700's play. *Self centered haughty but witty woman of the wild west*" He read it like a banner while sweeping his hands through the sky. "Come join us on this fairytale of a cruise that truly isn't so pretty. Dust, grime, and rude woman are not the only things you'll experience in this adventure of a trip." He sounded like he wanted to say more, but his words escaped him as he let muffled laughter rack his body, his shoulders shaking slightly. "Gosh, I see my weak spot in a fight. Don't bring up this conversation or I'll take myself down laughing." He chuckled, then regained composure again to reply to her next taunt. "Hey, the expression on your face, when your eyebrows get furrowed and your eyes just portray the amounts of concern you're actually feeling, that expression could TOTALLY be described as sweet." He teased, waving a hand at her mention of a dictionary. "Bah, humbug, those giant books can only be used for smacking people over the head. They probably break skulls daily- I wouldn't want to strain my brain looking at one." He scoffed. By the time he was finished speaking, the town was coming into view. He was rather glad that it was close to the campus.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to taste blood in an effort to keep from laughing, which was absolutely not working. "Consider yourself pardoned, then, sir. No, I don't care to explain, thank you." Glory choked out through a fit of laughter, and accepted his arm. "At least you got 'witty' right, there. Self-centered? I don't think so, Nostradamus." She said, trying not to laugh. "Only one weak spot? Your eyes must actually be broken after all." Glory took a slow breath, trying not to so much as a smile and still failing. "No. Nope. Non. Not sweet in the slightest." She paused, then continued, "There's a way to use a dictionary without injury, you know. Pro tip: Don't fall asleep around me or I'll slam one shut hard enough for the sound to rattle the windows." Glory joked, smirking.
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General Anubis +++ Leo was trying not to re-break his ribs while laughing, and failing pretty miserably. It was quite painful, but worth it. "Hey, I never said YOU were self-centered. I may have been hinting at it, but I didn't say it." He teased, choking on another laugh at her next words. Gah, he needed to stop dying. "I won against you THREE times in ONE fight. Explain that, Einstein." He snorted. "Remember you're talking to your superior, Lieutenant." He joked with a chuckle, then nodded vigorously. "Super sweet! And mental note taken- NEVER fall asleep around you. Yikes. The rude part I did get right." He laughed. He did, honestly, take a mental note of that, because when things were boring he tended to drift off, and his hearing was rather sensitive too. Not as sensitive as his eyesight, but still. "Tammy's Place, right here." He looked up as they approached a small, comfy looking diner with big windows, lots a lighting, and a bunch of little signs everywhere with funny quips. Honestly, his favorite place to eat- ever. They had the BEST chicken bacon ranch wraps in the WORLD. However, right now, he'd probably just stick with water and a bagel.
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Lieutenant Dwyer Glory clutched a hand over her stomach, sore from laughing so hard. "Oh yah, so that makes it okay." Glory said between breaths. "Only because it's not technically a fair fight! You're almost a foot taller than me an a hell of a lot bigger. It's like an anthill versus a magnifying glass!" Glory said, trying to regain composure. "Oh yeah, superior. And Prince Charles is your brother." She said sarcastically, but she couldn't help but smile at his next words. "Mhmm. Y'know, 'Sweet' is my middle name. But at least you've learned something." Glory stopped to take in every detail of the diner, which Leo said was called 'Tammy's Place', hoping to remember where it was to come back later. They walked in and sat down in a booth near one of the large windows, and a waitress brought them menus. Glory looked up at Leo and said, "Hmmm, maybe Dionysus needs acknowledging after all." with a sly grin, knowing darn well she didn't want to even see a drop of alcahol.
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General Anubis "The Joker" +++ Leo nodded. "yep! That makes it okay. You got it." He repeated with a grin, then put a hand on his heart. "Oh c'mon, you are the one who said I have SO many faults in battle- are you just not experienced enough to use them?" He asked with a teasing grin. "And I am not a foot taller than you! How tall are you? 5'9?" He asked, then snorted. "Use your size against me! You should be more agile and quick if you're SOOOO much smaller." He scoffed, then cast a playful glare her way. "As a matter of fact, Prince Charles IS my brother." He sniffed in a haughty tone, his voice changing to match a perfect imitation of a British accent. It was like he'd been practicing it his whole life. Or had been born in England. One or the other. "Yep! Glory Sweet Dwyer." He chirped in a singsong voice, grinning. As they walked in, he sat down with a sort of relieved sigh, as his leg had started protesting to having more than 100 pounds just sitting on top of it. At Glory's words he groaned lowly. "Don't- mention- that- again-" he rubbed his face with his hands, imagining his brain cells getting murdered in their beds, one by one. Argh. Stupid imagination.
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(athem why do i have 30+ notifactions from this ) ||keres wonder|| she walked for a bit before darting into a small cafe "vannila latte with cold foam and pepperment please" she nodded as the person told her what she owed before passing her a ten and sitting in the chair she let her hair down before getting her iced coffe and getting out of there she turned the corner catching a glimps of glory and leo +why didnt i get a sandwich+ she shook her head and walked by the diner (i dont know my high shcool let me off campus ) she caught the looks of people passing by mostly because of her hair she walked through the metal school gates with a glare at the wierd tree before going to the court yard