
The helicopter's climbed into the sky, the kids strapped in behind them, there were three helicopters in total - Haldir stood on a cliff that viewed the ocean, Haldir looked up to see three black dots appear in the dawning sky, "here they are" Haldir said turning to Theoden, who was wearing a cosy rug

Andi stayed silent for most of the ride just looking out and enjoying the view. When the isle finally came into view a small smile spread on her lips

Haldir walked to the academy's gate, where the three helicopters landed outside of, "quick, students come in, this small force field I am using to protect the helicopters won't last for long" Haldir said waving for them to come inside the gates, the silent sheen of the force field wobbled, Haldir bit his lip, it was energy draining, Wild Alicorn's pressed on the Force field's sides, their red eyes shining, their rotting body's making a terrible smell, "quick!" Haldir warned again, one of the wild alicorns screamed, a brutal sound,

Andi hopped off the helicopter pretty quick and went to walk with a few others kids she recognized to be returning. She turned back seeing 3 new comers still terrified to leave the copter so with a sigh she walked back to them and gestured them of the plan. She stood behind them to make sure they kept moving swiftly forward and onto school grounds. Once they did she moved away from them and off to the side

(Ghost Barn- Le gasp, Tyler is not terrified I just didn't get a chance to write. He is already inside -snort- LOL) - Tyler waited the ride out, his face stony. When the copters landed he hopped out, the wind ruffling his black hair. Tyler glanced at the wild alicorns before stalking inside, waiting as a girl went to get back the other terrified students. -How could they be scared to get off of a helicopter?- He wondered, shaking his head slightly. Tyler pulled the pack father onto his shoulder and waited, fingering a dagger while he was at it.
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(No duh he's not terrified he's seen the ilwd alicorns before. I was talking about the actualy newbies XD ) ~ Andi watch as the alicorns walked away as soon as all the students made it into the campus. She was slightly intruiged by the wild alicorns but wouldn't go face to face with one, not in a million years.... Well maybe if there was miney involved she would. She turned to face Haldir seeing if he would do a speech like normal or if it'd just be a simple announcement and then their off

Makes so much more sense thanks for clarifying... and yes, you've done enough role plays with Tyler that you should know he would not be scared in the least. He is actually slightly amused by the alicorns, but that's a story for a different day XD) - Tyler studied the alicorns as they walked off, then turned his cold gaze to the rest of the students. Boring looking, scared looking, mean looking, scared looking, scared looking, scared looking... he gave up after the fourth student he found that looked scared. Sheesh, way too many newbies. Tyler then turned his attention to the ones he kind of recognized from last year. He barely remembered them because he spent most of his time lurking through the shadows and NOT being seen last year... but he did observe. Tyler's gaze landed on the girl that helped the newbies get out of the helicopters. Hmm... if he could remember correctly... Andi? Tyler turned away to lock his dark look on the headmaster, Haldir.
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Lol thats true don't worry I'm not going to get his character twisted around. ~ Andi then dashed her eyes across the crowd of kids, some look interesting and some looked boring. Overall she was just examinign who she would probably let close to her and who wouldn't. Her eyes then flicked to a tall figure that was standign off to the side, I mean he was tall to her at least but it was mainly because she was the size of a 10yr old... But that's besides the point. She recognized him from last year but for the life of her could no remember his name, she shrugged her shoulders knowing that they would probably not talk anyone just like last year. So she continued to look out at the kids

Tyler couldn't help but notice the girl... no he would not think the short girl, the girl from last year look at him. Andi, that was her name. He would be confident in that, at least. Tyler decided not to glare at her yet... that was a bad way to start off the year, and she was one of the only people that looked somewhat interesting. Tyler just kept examining Haldir before he turned his gaze back to his dagger, fiddling with it absent-mindedly.
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Haldir clapped his hands, "alright! Previous students can go to the stables and see their alicorns, Newbies! Follow me"