
'Sector 2 leader' Juliet Romanov -x- Juliet smirked as Rowan followed her and flirted back. "Mmmm, your poor thing. I would kiss it better, but being in public and all." She said back, continuing to walk as she shook her head, the bun in her hair and shifted it to lay down on her back before huffing. She pulled a mirror from her bag and looked at her hair before swishing it and straightening it down her back. She then shifted her eyes to be a bit sharper and made sure her mascara looked good before putting the mirror back and continuing to walk. The crowds had thinned out considerably, and Juliet was making her way to the outer halls, with Rowan by her side still. Edited at May 21, 2024 09:17 PM by Oakwood Barn

Glory Dwyer Hmmm, should I be happy with you listening in on my thoughts? However, I must say conversing with you has been more enjoyable than paying attention to whatever Simara's going on about. When are you generals not busy? I'm in the mood for a duel, and who better than another wielder of darkness? Glory responded. Hopefully, Wallis would show up soon. Glory started tapping her foot and glanced at the door as if trying to will him into existence as though he were another of her illusions.
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- Adrien hummed quietly and shifted his gaze to the door for a moment before back to Glory's face. {Well, I usually train, sort out things, or other things that I do not think I'm fully allowed to tell. No not like that, mind out of the gutter Dwyer.} He thought as he heard her beginning to think of something else. He adjusted on his throne to hook one leg under the other, eyes still on Dwyer.

Sector 5 Leader Rowan Alka +++ "I'm flattered you would consider that. I would return the favor, but again, as you said, we're in public." Undaunted by the words, Rowan smiled wryly back, her emerald green eyes flitting up and down Juliet for a second before she returned her gaze to the halls ahead. In her eyes, this woman was quite beautiful, but of course she wouldn't admit that. The halls slowly got quieter until no students roamed around. Rowan reached up to tighten Her ponytail, her hair falling in waves down her back, with the two curling strands framing her pretty face. "Looking forward to the year ahead? You're related to General Romanov, correct?" She asked breezily, flicking her hair back, her chin lifted.
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'Sector 2 leader' Juliet Romanov -x- Juliet nodded, two loose, straight strands of hair fell in front of her face, shaping it slightly. "I am. He's my uncle. And he prefers General Rogue." She said curtly, continuing to walk. Once they got to the outer exit she stepped outside. Huffing as the cold weather hit her skin. She looked at Rowan for a moment and looked her up and down. She was quite pretty... Her hair framed her face nicely and- No. No Juliet. She thought firmly, smiling at Rowan again, listening to her speak. Edited at May 21, 2024 09:31 PM by Oakwood Barn

Glory Dwyer Wha- huh- who me?! Excuse you, I spend a good amount of time with General Wallis, being his Lieutenant and all. My mind is in no gutters whatsoever, thank you very much. And anyway, you didn't answer my question. When can I expect to see you again in a fair fight? While it would be fun to sneak up on and ambush you, I think you'd hear my mental maniacal laughter. Glory was getting a little more frustrated with him, but tried her best to be civil at the very least. First impressions and all, but what good is it when he can read her mind?
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'General Rogue' Adrien Romanov -x- {Hmmm, temper temper.} He thought before looking at her with an eyebrow raised. {I'm open for fights quite a bit. Maybe later and we could put on a good show to strike some fear into the first years.} He offered, a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, but it quickly dropped again. His face going back to cold and blank. Edited at May 21, 2024 09:40 PM by Oakwood Barn

Sector 5 Leader Rowan Alka +++ Rowan let her emerald gaze flit to Juliet again as she explained. "Ah. My sincere apologies. General Rogue, then." She answered with a small smirk, lifting her chin to the burst of freezing air. She honestly liked the cold, unlike most. She popped out a hip slightly and crossed her arms as she stood, glancing around. "One more boring question, then. You like the sector you're in? Do the students fit in well?" She inquired, sort of wanting to continue talking, but also not wanting to cling around. Rowan smiled slightly as she watched Juliet.
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Glory Dwyer I only have a temper with attra- I mean ANNOYING guys who insist on being difficult, mind you. I do like the idea of scaring the first years. Glory was pleased with his response, it's been terribly boring not having anyone skilled to fight. Glory has been off it the woods practicing with swords, spears, knives, and everything in between, but the trees don't make very interesting opponents, nor do deer.
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General Anubis +++ Leo was rather bored. He could tell Dwyer and Komanov were having a mind-conversation, as Komanov smiled faintly for the first time in ... forever? Leo didn't know, he didn't think it was even possible for them to smile. His fingers twitched- he wanted to do something. Fight! Battle! Sword fight! He was quite skilled with a sword. Maybe dragon fight, too. That worked. He let his gaze grow hazy as he thought, mostly about fighting, or at very least walking. Sitting here was BORING.
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