
Larrel continued to carve at the ice cube, once he had finished, he held the carving up near a branch, he whispered a few icey words, and the carving hung off the tree, off an icicle
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The whimper of pain grew into a moan of protest. "Good golly..." Tyler muttered to himself. "Excuse me for a moment." He said to Jasper and Willow, pushing himself off the ground and balancing his wings out, one wing slightly flared. Tyler then walked away, tucking his wings close to his body and going to where he now saw Larrel with a frozen branch. "...Why?" Tyler asked slowly
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Jasper nodded her head agreeing with Willow "Yeah we both are very wise!" She exclaimed with a huff as she sat up straight that's when she doesn't a sudeen change in Tylers demeanor. At first she just shrugged it off but then when he excused himself she got slightly worried. After a minute or two curiosity got the better of her, she stood up and followed the direction he had gone when she spotted him then Larrel. She figured it wouldn't be best for herself to talk with Larrel so she just ducked behind a tree tuckign in her wings tight

Larrel looked down at Tyler with an icey gaze
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"Why did you do that?" Tyler repeated stubbornly, refusing to give into the pain that flaired up in his chest. He narrowed his black eyes slightly, his arms gently crossed over his chest.
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Larrel's eyes fluttered closed before opening again, he didn't speak though, he just stared into Tyler's eyes, his own blank and lifeless, he then flashed a white smile, it was blank and held no life though
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Tyler let out another slow breath. He didn't know why Larrel didn't want to speak. -Larrel looks like a frozen snowman from Mars. Trying not to fall apart as the heat is trying to melt his bones- Tyler thought with a slight eyebrow raise. "Well maybe you should try freezing a dead tree. Like the one right over there." Tyler offered, trying not to get angry. He pointed to a sturdy looking tree that had died recently. Then Tyler walked up to the tree, knowing this would drain him more but praying Larrel just listened. He slowly helped the ice retract from the tree, hearing a sigh of relief. "Please." Tyler added, not looking at Larrel... mostly because he looked very angry. He walked away and tried not to just swing around and plow a fist into Larrel's face, mostly because he felt ready to drop
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Larrel watched him go, he slid down him the branch he was sitting on and stumbled over towards the dead tree, Larrel looked up, and climbed the first branch before climbing onto another one, anybody watching him probably would of thought he was part spider at that moment, but he kept moving, till he was perched near the top, and that's when he decided to freeze the tree
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-Thank. The. Lord.- Tyler thought with relief. That tree could be frozen all Larrel wanted, because it was already dead. He went over by Jasper and collapsed against another tree with a huff of air. "Golly..." Tyler muttered under his breath, feeling the energy literally drain from him.
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Larrel snorted and hung from the tree, his legs folded over the top of a branch
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