
Tyler listened to what the girl said and chuckled quietly to himself. Battling was awesome... and if you thought it was barbaric, then you probably were just a little prissy princess that didn't want to lose. He then tipped his head and listened to what Larrel said. Hm... he could read, write, and persuade but he couldn't fight? "How are you still alive..." Tyler mused, mostly to himself Edited at May 4, 2023 07:52 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Amber had arrived in the Battle arena, A large, lush green open field with a variety of weapons hanging on a rack, Daggers, guns, knives... All weapons you could ever imagine. Amber stopped abruptly. "Everyone gather in a half circle in front of me." She stepped out a bit, giving the students room to gather.
Ally followed the teacher out into the battle arena, It wasn't at all what she expected, She expected an arena, with seats to sit and watch the battle, Sort of medieval-themed. She glanced nervously over at the rack of weapons, We are actually supposed to injury each other in the battle arena, Dang, Im not to sure I like the idea of that, What if they damage my wings? I'll never be able to fly again! She was now skittish about the 6th class, hopefully, the teacher wouldn't allow the students to hurt each other to badly...right?

Jasper scoffed a bit listening to the boy "Alright Shakespeare whatever you wanna do." Her grin grew a little more as she walked into the battle arena. The first thign she looked at was all the weapons laying across the wall, her eyes twinkled as she looked at each and everyone "Wow..." She softly muttered, she laid her eyes on a battle axe that was propped up -I call dibs on that- She thoguht to herself before gathering in a circle with the other students

Larrel walked in behind the girl, he scrunched up his nose, "how could somebody have such violent things?"
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Tyler crossed his arms, leaning against the fence/wall a little ways away from the teacher. He looked at all the weapons, his eyes sparkling with interest. Those... looked fun to play with. A dagger there, sword here, bow and arrow there, spear here... sounds amazing. Tyler turned his attention to Ally.. who looked nervous. He wondered why... weren't angels indestructible or something? He turned his gaze back to the teacher, waiting for further instruction. Tyler glanced at Jasper, seeing she looked mesmerized by the battle axe. Tyler preferred the daggers, himself. Long distance and short distance. He was an expert at throwing daggers... and actually had a belt of daggers around his wait nobody knew about because his leather jacket always concealed them. Edited at May 4, 2023 08:00 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Amber followed one of the student's gaze to the weaponry "Don't let it intimate you, Those are for the Battle arena, Injuries are very common in the Arena because of these weapons so there are always healers on site." She said, Hoping to regain the attention of the class. "Dose anyone know what the Atmosphere and Cryosphere mean/stand for?" She asked. Knowing it was a simple question.
Ally sighed, Im not supposed to hurt people if it's not for self defense. How would it work if she was in the battle arena? Each time her opponent struck her, The wound would heal almost instantly, A gold-ish liquid gifted to her from one of the higher-ups in heaven, that ran through her blood, Would quicken the healing process by 10x. Ally kept her gaze on the weapons, Even after hearing the teacher's question. That's a very easy question... is she testing us?

Jasper glanced back at the boy "Weapons aren't always for violence and also I think it's cool they have all these. They'll probably teach us how to use it in case we need to protect ourselves" She spat that out fast almost soundling liek one word but you could hear each word clearly. She grabbed a hair tie and put her black and white hair up into a bun since she was starting to get a bit hot standing in the room. Jasper raised her hand and before Amber even called on her she blurted out "Cryo is for Ice and Atmo is for Air" She confidently said Edited at May 4, 2023 08:09 PM by The Ghost Barn

Larrel looked at the teacher, "Cryosphere means ice, around there" he said, "don't ask me about the other one"
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Tyler knew what the words meant... but he wasn't going to say anything. He would rather everybody think he was stupid then him speak up and have them have to hear his weird voice again. Tyler thought about his powers... since he was a demon, his black wings were pretty much like celestial steel. They couldn't Ben hurt or broken by anything. Since he was a biosphere, his body wounds would heal rather quickly, and the healing would be enhanced since he was a demon... but he could still be injured because it took a minute or two to heal. Tyler tipped his head and observed everyone else, seeing what they thought.
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Amber looked at Andi, "Yes, Good job!" Amber waited a few moments before speaking once again. "Now, do any of the Atmosphere or Cryosphere students know how to control their powers?" She asked, Amber would defiantly give this information to the teacher who was helping with controlling her powers.
Ally was about to answer Mrs. Amber's question when Andi called out first, She sighed, Looking over at Tyler, then back at Mrs. Amber. She didn't know wether or not to raise her hand, She did know hot to control her powers- Well she knew how to summon them, but not how to contain them, especially the dangerous ones. She flicked one of her wings, smacking one of the students standing behind her in the face. "Sorry." She murmured lowly, Raising her hand. Edited at May 4, 2023 08:21 PM by Wistera