
Nadia pats Rex's head. She smells the blood dripping from her knees from hitting the ground. "Anything...." She mouths turning quickly, since the pain was mostly gone by now, and sprinting back into the forest. She doesn't get far before she hears someone behind her. She turns quickly, only to see Rex? "What are you doing here..." She mutters, sucking in a shaky breath. She pats the dog on the head, and sits down. She knew Diablo wouldn't be far behind.

Diablo closed his eyes for a second, taking in a breath. He turned around and scanned the ground before grabbing a yellow flower tinted with purple, ripping the petals off and taking a cup out of the cave. After pouring some water in, grinding up the petals, and putting them in, he went to go find where Rex went. Rex saw Nadia leave and let out a low snort, loping after her. He pressed his head against her arm and sat down, letting out a low whine again. Diablo jogged into the forest, searching anxiously before hearing a whine. He approached where they were. "Can you drink?" He asked, wondering if the government (he assumed) could see him? Could they control what she drinked? This was chinbridge, and it should help rid her of the pain- but would she drink it? Could she? Why did Rex chase her?
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Nadia shakes her head. "The chip is located in or near my stomach i think... I'll throw it back up." She mouthed. She knew that was why Rex kept barking at her stomach. She tried to stand again and succseded. If she needed to leave she would, but right now she still hadn't downed her target so she couldn't go back. She had learned, don't go back until they are dead. Otherwise... it's not pretty. She looks at him, an arm draped over her stomach the other on Rex for added support. She clamped her eyes shut. Waiting for something to happen, as she knew it would. - (?) Edited at December 14, 2023 09:46 AM by Oakwood Barn

Tiger looked at Manits. "where did the devil go?" mantis shrugged. Tiger switched to tiger form and started tracking him. When she caught up she looked at him "What the H**L are you doing?!" she growled

(I'm still trying to figure out what to do lol) - Diablo clenched his fists... he hated the stupid people that hated him. He had spent his whole life trying to be coorperative, fight in the army, help people, risk HIS life for others- but maybe they just needed what they gave. Rex whimpered a little and pressed against the girl's side, growling as Tiger entered the clearing. "Why does it matter to you what I'm doing? I can do whatever I want." Diablo answered, crossing his arms.
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Tiger lowered her head and snarled. She looked at Diablo. "I just needed to know it looked suspicous when you just left like that." Tiger shifted to her human form tossing her hair back.
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Diablo watched Tiger carefully. "What do you think I am doing that could possibly harm you? Do I really seem like the character to plot a big evil plan just to make you mad?" He inquired, uncrossing his arms and waiting.
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As soon as Nadia heard anoher shifter she turned on her heel and scurried away quickly. Disappearing from sight. Not that she was scared but that she didn't want to be punished for interacting with another. She disappeared into the forest, having to find her target. She pulled out her dagger and scaled a tree. -The one... the other girl who approached the clearing. She looked familiar.- She thinks, curiously. She keeps leaping between trees until she gets to a lake. Shifting into a wolf and jumping in she starts to swim acrossed it, easily. Then she felt something grab her leg and got dragged under, she looked down hurriedly and saw a sea creature of some sort. Definetly a shifter. No creature would just randomly do that in a lake. She turned human and stabbed her dagger through it's head, digging it into it's head deeper. It let go, blood pouring from the creatures head. She swam to the surface. She sucked in a shaky breath, shifting back into a wolf and continuing to swim. She got to the other side of the lake and begins to run back to The Government building. Hoping she wouldn't be punished even more for interacting with Diablo and for allowing herself to be seen. - (sry for cutting into y'alls rp) Edited at December 15, 2023 09:24 AM by Oakwood Barn

Tiger looked at Diablo "I'm sorry if I seem to be suspicous. I've had people betray me before. I just don't take chances anymore." She snapped crossing her arms and glaring at Diablo.

Diablo seemed to physically relax, but his darting eyes proved he would never let his guard down. He glanced at Rex, who was staring at where the other girl diappeared. +I can't do anything about it+ Diablo thought. It wasn't like he was going to continue following the girl, plus the possibility she would be injured by the government as a consequence for him following her deterred his want to see who she was probably going to murder next. The small side that Tiger was right here didn't help. "I understand. That makes perfect sense. I am sorry for being so uptight, but you obviously know how this world is." Diablo answered quietly.
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