
(Jun? XD Aaaand sorry my post was short. I had to hop off again 😅) Farleap rolled her eyes at Twilin but let out a breath instead of a remark "Yeah hopefully it will end soon so we can return to the pride- Wait, Ares. Were'nt you invited back to the pride? Are you coming with us?" She asked with a huff and staring at Twilin. After it stopped Farleap smiled victoriously that she was able to stay mostly dry and walked out from her little crench, stretched and body shook before glaring back at Twilin "Yes i suppose it is good for the grass and prey and so forth, but it's not my fault i'm just not a huge fan!" She stated before turning and heading back towards the pride "I'll let Cyrus know you guys are okay" She said in her normal- More nicer tone

(.........welp there goes my spelling) twilin rolled her eyes at furleap as she started heading back to the pride she looked back up at the sky with a snort "i give her 3 minutes before it starts to rain again" she turned to look at the small dot of furleap

(Lol) Farleap had just made it to the edge of the Sisters Step Pride when she had a feeling, which made her look up. The clouds threatened to rain, Farleap wasted no time, she ran into the Lioness cave just as it started to rain again

tiwlin looked up as it started to pour rain yet again she nodded her goodbye to ares before troting back to the pride taking her time

Is this still available to join? If so may I join with a prideless lion?
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(CWY, Hello and yes! This RP is still open to new characters! Welcome! You just need a sign up sheet) Edited at May 27, 2024 10:29 AM by Hyrule_Stables

Name: Equinox Age: 3 years old Gender: Male (Lion) Pride: Prideless Personality: Equinox is a fairly mysterious male who typically tries to stick to himself. He can be kind and quite loving as well. Nox had learned many things from being an outsider and prideless such things like hunting for his own food and scouring the lands for other prideless and pride lions and lionesses. When with others Equinox can be intimidating but also respectful, when he speaks he tries to be courtious and polite. Role: Prideless Lion Desired Role: Mane Appearance: Equinox is a large healthy muscular completely black lion with hazel golden eyes that could peer into anothers soul if you looked into them. His mane is thick with tufts that went in between his legs on his chest ending at his midsection. Nox has no scratches or scars along his entire body. (hope he is okay)
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(Yes he sounds like a wonderful character! Thank you for signing up and welcome! 😀) Farleap layed in a loafing position in the back of the cave where she knew it was dryest. At the crack of any thunder she'd growl, as if she were challenging the thunder. She knew it wouldn't enter the lioness's cave, but still, Farleap wasn't taking chances with the rain

( Thank you! ) Equinox had already found himself some breakfast and eaten before he was slowly walking along the border edges of where he often smelled pride lions. Licking the blood from his jowels he listened to the sound of thunder and watched as the lightning cracked down in the vast grassland, the black lion enjoyed the feeling of the droplets of water the rain left on his fur. Quietly Equinox bedded down underneath a tree and peered into the emptiness as he listened for any sound wether it be prey another predator or pride and prideless lions and lionesses.
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Farleap left her spot by the corner of the cave and sat near the entrance to watch the rain, maybe watching it might make it go away? She thought