Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Winter   
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Forecast: Sunny
Fri 06:18pm  
Stables Online:  97 
Stormsong Manor
06:12:49 Ven
My husband doesn't care so I'm here to nerd out over the Arkansas Derby tomorrow. Who's it going to be. Sandman or Cornucopian.
05:53:04 Crowley
05:52:57 Crowley
When you have items for embryos but can't remember which embryos they got too.
05:51:29 Mana
Love you Myth <33 + DD!!
05:46:05 Crowley
Probably my favorite set.
Dash and Duchess
05:26:50 DD (#2)
Myth, awww they look so cute!! Those arts are so pretty *0*
05:23:59 Crowley
Dash and Duchess
05:15:57 DD (#2)
Myth, I'm so happy! Mana made them look so perfect in the arts :D
MakeEm Fancy
05:15:32 Ally 💜
I was supposed to be doing chores but I have a child asleep on the floor and my chore was vacuuming so that has to wait XD
Shamrock Equines
05:12:52 Crowley
MakeEm Fancy
05:12:31 Ally 💜
I was in the middle of completing a quest and bam 😂 i had to read it twice before it clicking that I actually bred a brindle
Angels angels
05:11:58 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I found these lines for art I want to use so bad but it needs to be on a like solid or mostly solid horse because you only see it's booty. But no one orders art for plain horses lol
Dash and Duchess
05:11:50 DD (#2)
Eeek!! I got my mana arts of dash and duchess! :D
Angels angels
05:10:34 [1k+ brindles] Angel
Oh cute!
MakeEm Fancy
05:09:30 Ally 💜
Oh angels I bred a brindle yesterday
-HEE Click-
Angels angels
05:03:48 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I also have 2 C and J and a Filly J but they are going to be used on RO
MakeEm Fancy
05:03:18 Ally 💜
7 D medallions
13 CC medallions
4 J medallions

Angels angels
05:02:33 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I have 3 D medallions with no matches for them lol
04:53:41 Crowley
Have two of these.
-HEE Click- x -HEE Click-
04:52:22 Crowley
I have no good old straws lol

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Stormsong Manor
06:12:49 Ven
My husband doesn't care so I'm here to nerd out over the Arkansas Derby tomorrow. Who's it going to be. Sandman or Cornucopian.
05:53:04 Crowley
05:52:57 Crowley
When you have items for embryos but can't remember which embryos they got too.
05:51:29 Mana
Love you Myth <33 + DD!!
05:46:05 Crowley
Probably my favorite set.
Dash and Duchess
05:26:50 DD (#2)
Myth, awww they look so cute!! Those arts are so pretty *0*
05:23:59 Crowley
Dash and Duchess
05:15:57 DD (#2)
Myth, I'm so happy! Mana made them look so perfect in the arts :D
MakeEm Fancy
05:15:32 Ally 💜
I was supposed to be doing chores but I have a child asleep on the floor and my chore was vacuuming so that has to wait XD
Shamrock Equines
05:12:52 Crowley
MakeEm Fancy
05:12:31 Ally 💜
I was in the middle of completing a quest and bam 😂 i had to read it twice before it clicking that I actually bred a brindle
Angels angels
05:11:58 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I found these lines for art I want to use so bad but it needs to be on a like solid or mostly solid horse because you only see it's booty. But no one orders art for plain horses lol
Dash and Duchess
05:11:50 DD (#2)
Eeek!! I got my mana arts of dash and duchess! :D
Angels angels
05:10:34 [1k+ brindles] Angel
Oh cute!
MakeEm Fancy
05:09:30 Ally 💜
Oh angels I bred a brindle yesterday
-HEE Click-
Angels angels
05:03:48 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I also have 2 C and J and a Filly J but they are going to be used on RO
MakeEm Fancy
05:03:18 Ally 💜
7 D medallions
13 CC medallions
4 J medallions

Angels angels
05:02:33 [1k+ brindles] Angel
I have 3 D medallions with no matches for them lol
04:53:41 Crowley
Have two of these.
-HEE Click- x -HEE Click-
04:52:22 Crowley
I have no good old straws lol

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HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 08:23 PM

Former Stable
Posts: 0
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Once Satan was fully finished, she stopped and sighed. To keep his coat clean, he would need his face mask, sleeve, and blanket.
"Stay clean." she scolded to her horse. Satan had a bad habit of dirtying his coat the second she left.
As opened her tack box, she found the things that she wanted. Carefully she grabbed all the smoky blue items and entered the stall again with them. Satan hadn't rolled yet. Today was lucky.
When Satan saw the smoky blue items, he did a turn on the haunches, until he was stopped because she grabbed his halter.
Once the items were on her hose, she thought he looked like a blue storm cloud.
"Time for tack cleaning." she sighed.
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 08:27 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Abby leapt the first five jumps with ease- though she almost fell off on the first one as she wasn't expecting the slip. On the sixth- a log with a river on the right- Rose stumbled over a root right before the jump and rammed into the log, jarring Abby and causing her to fall off her mount. Rose whinnied and lay still. At the moment Abby was more worried abouut her horse than her own health, so she dragged herself off the ground and over to where Rose was breathig heavily. They were still in the middle of the path.
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 08:27 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7375
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Wyn nodded, "all good, it was nice to you meet you, but I am going to check on blade now.." he said, itching to escape the small enclosed room, Wyn waved his good byes and left quickly
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 08:33 PM

Eastwood Acres
Posts: 180
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“It was nice to meet you too. Have fun, see you around,” Quail waved at Wyn before going to sit on his bed, going on his phone. He planned to go back to see Edgar again soon but wanted a minute to himself in the dorm. Quail was beyond happy his roommate seemed to be nice, although Wyn definitely seemed to be on the more shy side.

Quail let out a soft sigh, texting his parents in their group chat, updating them about how the school was so far. The three had a group chat together, its purpose was for times like these. When either Quail was apart from his parents or when one or both of his parents were off working or showing.

HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 08:36 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12348
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Qibli urged West a little faster, sailing over the 5th jump before hearing a sort of thump that wasn't from West's hooves. He started to slow the horse down, then West slammed on the brakes as they came around a bend. The horse stopped and however hard Qibli tried he couldn't make this a graceful fall. he went sailing over the horse's head and landed, in the dirt, almost next to the girl. All the air got knocked out of his lungs, and pain flared in his ribs. Qibli could have sworn he heard a crack. He laid on his back for a moment, kind of wheezing, before taking in a shallow breath and sitting up.

Edited at July 1, 2023 09:24 PM by Wild Warmbloods
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 09:18 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7375
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Wyn rushed quickly towards the stables, he heard a small nicker, Wyn looked around all the other students must be riding around on their horses, Wyn smiled at that, he could go for a ride on Blade and not be the only one, he sighed happily, and ran up to Blade's stall. A silver nose poked out of the stall and greeted Wyn with a soft nudge, Wyn stroked his soft nose, and turned to a hook on Blade's stall door, a leather head collar hung from the hook, "it's a bit fancy, isn't it blade?" He asked, admiring the head collar, he picked it up and weighed it, "it's heavy too" he said, slipping it on blade from over the door, Wyn opened to door slowly, to stop the excited horse from jumping out the door.
Wyn finally finished tacking Blade up, the horse decided he wanted to mess around in a bunch of buckets that were filled with oats, so Wyn had spent about 5 minutes cleaning up the spilled buckets, Wyn knew he wasn't going to have that long ride he had planned for thanks to blade, but he was still keen on getting a ride with Silver Blade.
Silver Blade was wearing a white saddle pad, and polo wraps, adorned with silver lace, Wyn had brought his show tack from home in case the stables didn't have any that fit Blade, and a Black English bridle was a matching black English saddle, Wyn walked into the tack room and found a Black riding helmet that fit him, sliding it on easily, Wyn walked back to Blade and walked that Silver horse out of the barn, planning to mount him outside, Wyn Jumped up onto his mildly sized horse with ease. Wyn urged Blade into a trot, posting along with him, Wyn decided to turn and take a turn onto a jumping trail
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 1, 2023 11:56 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Abby was about to call out for help when she heard a skid, then a boy- the same one from the stream earlier that day- fell next to her, and she heard the definite sound of bones cracking. She winced, as he was clearly more hurt than she was. Eventually, Abby managed to get to a comfortable position, and she called out for help for so long that her voice hurt. She then fell asleep, exhausted from the day and aching from her wounds.
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 2, 2023 12:15 AM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7375
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Wyn tilted his head, he could hear a voice, "hello?" He asked, he urged Blade into a canter, slowing into a walk, Wyn patted his horse's neck when two people on the ground came into view, Wyn quickly dismounted, "hello?, are you both alright?" He asked, his voice hushed, he crouched beside the two people, "hello?" He asked, checking their pulses, and sighed when he found them, he stood up and grabbed their horses, tethering then to his saddle and crouched back by the riders, waiting for them to wake
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 2, 2023 03:10 AM

Former Stable
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Eve arrived at cobwebs stall and noticed almost all the horses were missing from their stalls. Curious to find out what was going on, Eve jumped on Cobweb. He was a bit confused at first since they had only ridden bareback a couple time but after being reassured by Eve he was ready to go.
They trotted out of the stables out onto the trails. It was so beautiful it was hard to decide which trail to venture donw first but eventually Eve came to the decision to heading down to the cross country course. The pair set off at an easy canter and accelerated into a gallop as the cross country course came into sight. However, Eve slowed Cobweb down to a trot as she spotted two students lying on the grass, visibly in pain, and a guy crouching over them.
" Oh my gosh are they ok?!" Eve asked to the boy, fear suddenly striking her at the sight of the motionless bodies. She dismounted off Cobweb swiftly and crouched next to the boy.
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! July 2, 2023 06:33 AM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7375
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Wyn turned his head when he heard someone crouch beside him, Wyn muttered something softly and stood up backing away from the crouching girl, "sorry" he said, a furious blush spread over his nose and cheeks, "neither have replied yet, they both have pulses, and are wounded, I think one is unconscious" Wyn said, shrugging with one shoulder, he paced back to Blade slowly and Pat the two other tethered horses to calm them

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