
Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Luke
Oskar smiled back as he went to get Clive. Leading the stallion out he retraced his steps back into the tack room. He realized he probably couldve just threw it on Clive instead of putting it up, rolling his eyes at his stupidity he began to tack up Ashes of War. Edited at August 14, 2019 03:20 PM by Coke Acres
Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Oskar
Luke put his jumping hackamore on Red then walked over to where Oskar was. "wanna go on a trail ride?" Luke asked as he patted Red who was reaching out to sniff the other stallion.

Emily | Eventing | Tim
She gave another polite smile, though it didn't reach her eyes. She seemed almost disappointed that she couldn't help him.
"Oh... okay, well, I walked both of my horses around the property early this morning, so if you need help finding anything, I'd be happy to help."
The nature of their relationship was both intriguing and confusing. She hated that she thought he was cute, was it only because she'd never had a trainer under the age of forty before?

Heather | 20 | Eventer | Nightmare | Tim, Emily
-Heather decided to take the old boy out of his stall and leads him to one of the available cross ties to go trail riding so he can stretch his legs or do some fun practices over some jumps. The gelding walked calmly beside his owner as his muscles twitched a bit but he was overall relaxed. She noticed a student and a riding instructor as she passed them as she just gave them a nod in greeting. She never saw herself as the type of girl to flirt with anyone since she isn't a very social person. She clips the large gelding to the crossties that she found was available then she walked off to get her grooming kit-

Timothy Blue / EI / Looney + Boomer / Open
Tim was very much oblivious to how his rejection of her help - And he himself at that - had affected her,His mind elsewhere <span style="font-size: 15px;">as they finally entered the arena. He gives a light sigh of relief at the sight of it being empty,Although that quickly turned to admiration at the scene around him.Butterflies seemed to explode inside his stomach,His eyes not quite sure where to look. "Oh..Wow." He mumbled,Not really knowing what else to say.Sure the pair had trained in almost every exclusive stud and competition on the map.But this was different.It was homely yet structured and modern.The best part?He and his mount were to spend the majority of their time in here. "And they call it work.." He says with a chuckle,Checking his girth before lowering the stirrups and mounting Boomer.The gelding gives an excited chomp of his bit,Tim giving him a warm up around the edge as he examines the course that was already set up. With a few tweaks the rider gives a satisfied grunt before remounting and aiming for the first cross rail.
(Gosh the possibilities of this Roleplay are so exciting x3) Edited at August 14, 2019 04:14 PM by Flipperruby30

Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Luke
He turned to see who was behind him, “Oh hey, yeah sure!” He exclaimed. He quickly adjusted the uneven stirrups and tightened the girth before swinging over and settling gently in the saddle. Once he had gathered the reins he looked at Luke and smiled mischievously. “Race you!” He said before squeezing the sabino roan into a canter.
Gabriella Hemmings | F | 13 | The Chanler | M: Open Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Oskar
Luke hopped on Red and asked him for a gallop. The 17 hh stallion leaped forward and raced next to Oskars horse. Luke held him back a little as Red tryed to surge forward.
Gabriella would be doing a little dressage as she stopped and watched Luke and Oskar race off. She asked Chance for a trot and they did an extended trot down the long side then a trot half pass on the other side.

Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War ~ Luke
Oskar glanced behind him and saw Luke steadily approaching. Quickly he asked for a gallop, witch the frisky stallion happily obliged. “High horse you got there,” he attempted to shout over both the stallion’s thundering hooves. He laughed as Clive settled into his stride.
Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Oskar
Luke and Red galloped up next to Oskar and his horse. Luke smirked at Oskar then let Red have his head. "catch me if you can." Luke yelled then Red flew off. Red let his long legs reach out and they covered the ground fast.

Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Luke
He raised a eyebrow as the horse raced past him and his, sadly, smaller horse. “Let’s get em,” he talked as loud as he dared so Clive would hear. He let the roan go, loosing the reins as much as he dared. Clive lengthen his stride not wanting to let this other stallion beat him. The woods were fast approaching bough and it began to make Oskar a little weary.