
"Alright man, it's pretty easy to get there, all of our stuff is already in the tack rooms!" Niko got out of his bed, threw on a sweatshirt and his shoes. He smiled at Rhys and opened the door, walking into the hallway.

(I kinda forgot where I left off in this roleplay.. and so many post have been made since then so I'm just starting from scratch of where I was lol) ~ Oliver walked around on the trails for quite some time before finally deciding she was getting bored, so she turned Ace around and started heading back to the barn. Yes the trails were quite beautiful and she did enjoy her alone time but it would be nice to atleast of the company of someone... At that feeling Oliver scrunched her nose, she barely knew any of the kids here yet so it'd probably be more awkward if anything. Nearing the end of the trail, she patted Aces' neck "Hopefully none of these horses or kids here are snotty.. Maybe we can actually meet some decent people" She said with her voice full of hope as Ace snorted as if in reply to what she said. "When we get back I will give you some food since I don't think you got enough today" Oliver thought out loud but before she could even snap out of thought, Ace had spooked at a huge puddle on the trail and took off like a bullet, Oliver yelped loudly in surprise as she almost fell off but miracously she caught herself and grabbed a huge peice of mane, hanging on tight. Ace, continued to run at full speed, not stopping no matter what Oliver tried, as they reached the end of the trail and drew near the barn Ace finally came skidding to a halt, performing a small crow hop in a tantrum, which threw Oliver up and over her neck, landing on her back with a thud. Oliver got the wind completely knocked out of her as she laid on the ground trying to just gather herself for a moment, Ace took a step closer to her, and nudged her shoulder with her nose "Y'know mare, your lucky I haven't sent you to the glue factory yet" Oliver grumbled while sitting up and rubbing her head, since she decided to do bareback in the spur of the moment, she didn't have her helmet on so the hit to the ground was a bit more hurtful than usual.

West looked at Blade with a look that probably could have murdered someone if it didn't come from a horse that had a reputation of being kind to literally... everyone. He couldn't hold the look for a long time, though, so he let out a sigh and glanced back at the mare. "Qibli will be back here in a moment." West finished cheerfully, looking towards the barn door as if willing his tall blonde owner to walk out. - Qibli nodded, watching Wyn walk away before making sure the girl was okay. After ensuring she was fine, he left as well, going out the door of the barn. "So sorry to keep you two waiting, and I apologize for tying you together." Qibli muttered, guessing the horses couldn't understand him... but it seemed like at least West could... sometimes. He untied the mare first, still acting gentle and calm, then led both the horses in. Qibli tied the mare to the stall door with the girl in it before going a couple stalls down and putting West in another one. Qibli took off West's bridle and closed the stall door, grabbing a spare halter and slipping the rope over the mare's head. "I'm guessing you probably don't want a bit in while we wait." He mumbled, holding the rope around her neck and taking off the bridle before deftly slipping on the halter. Qibli buckled it and put the mare in the cross ties before gently untacking her, making sure to take care of her before his rather patient stallion. He placed the saddle gently on an open rack, then wondered if the horse would like a brushing or not... or if she would even let him. He decided to wait for the moment, starting to untack West.
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Wyn folded his arms over his chest, and started to whistle, he tried not to whistle to loud - Blade heard his owner whistling, and perked his ears, he walked into the stables, his reins still dangling from his back,
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Abby woke, sore and tired, not knowing where she was. At first she thought she was at home in her bed, but then her vision cleared and she realized she was in the Doctors office, lying on a bed. How did I get here? I thought I blacked out in the forest... Did those boys bring me here? How?? She thought, trying to ignore the pain in her arm. A few minutes later, the doctor came in, and looked at her, nodding and shaking his head. After he had looked her over, he felt her arms, legs, back and neck. When he touched her arm, she winced and tried to pull away, but that hurt even more. The doctor, who had a pin on his shirt saying Dr. Jones, said, "it's okay. Moving your arm will make it hurt more. Please hold still." His voice was kind and quiet, and Abby liked him right away. She did as he said, and he let go of her arm, dusting off his hands. Dr. Jones turned to a boy she hadn't noticed was there, the one who had wrapped her wounds. "She's got a broken arm. I'll put it in a cast, but that's all I can really do for now. Her back is bruised but not broken. She'll be able to go to classes tomorrow but no riding until I say so." Instructed Dr. Jones, speaking partly to the boy and partly to Abby.

Dinner is now OVER. Lights out is at 10:30. ~Headmisstress Saxe Edited at July 14, 2023 11:39 AM by Galloping Stables

Qibli finished and put both the mare and West away, going to the hospital next to make sure the girl was okay. He got there just in time to hear what the doctor said, his light blue eyes flashing with relief... mostly because that's exactly what he thought was wrong. A broken arm would heal, and a bruised back would be fine. Qibli then sat down in the room outside and remembered he had broken ribs, the dull pain throbbing through them. After the doctor was done with the girl he came out and guided Qibli to a room, inspecting his ribs... and everything else. "Let me guess, broken ribs, bruising on back and multiple cuts on arms?" Qibli voiced himself quietly, watching the doctors expression. "Yes, exactly so. Do you know first aid?" Dr. Jones responded. "I know that and a lot more. I treated the small wounds, so they shouldn't be an issue. The broken ribs will heal on their own. The bruises will be fine." Qibli said firmly. "Well you treated them correctly, everything looks good. There's not much I can do for the ribs or bruises, but I want you to also stay off of a horse till I say it's okay. You're free to go." Dr. Jones looked Qibli in the eye with a firm voice that matched Qibli's. Qibli let out a small breath and exited with a nod of thanks, sitting down again.
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Abby sighed. She had hoped that she would be able to ride again... But no. At least not yet. Abby stood, sling and cast holding her arm to her chest, and walked out of the room. She saw the boy who had fallen with her sitting on a bench and she shyly walked over. "Hi." Abby said, not wanting to sit next to him.

Qibli sat with his eyes closed and his head dropped slightly, breathing slowly and silently as he thought. There was no way he could follow the doctors orders and not ride... no way at all. He glanced up as soft footfalls came across the room, seeing the girl that he had attempted to help. "... hello." Qibli answered, a little reluctant for even more people to hear his strong Scottish accent today. He knew that not all people liked it, because a lot of people had already mocked him about it. A lot. Qibli was glad, though, that the girl wasn't sore enough to walk and didn't sound too in pain.
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"Hi." Abby repeated, happy that he wasn't one of those outgoing, too talkative people. "I'm Abby. Thanks for... Saving me. I owe you one." Abby looked down at her shoes, hoping that this conversation was over fast. I hope Rose is okay... Wait, where is Rose? Still on the Cross-Country course?