
Qibli nodded slightly, his blonde hair dipping. It almost looked frosted light, but a couple dark golden streaks went through it. "It was what anyone would have done. You don't owe me anything." He answered quietly, a small smile on his face. "By the way, your horse is in a stall. I took off her tack and brushed her down, hopefully that's okay." Qibli added, studying the Abby carefully to make sure that was okay. Some people got very mad if anyone else touched their horses, so he hoped Abby was not one of them
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Wyn wringed his hands, and sighed, he stared at the floor, then turned to make his leave, he was unsure weather to go to his dorm or the stables, or go for a little walk
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For the first time Abby noticed his Scottish accent. She liked it. She had never met a person with a Scottish accent and thought she could learn from him. "It's not. Some people don't care about a girl who 'doesn't know how to ride', or 'can't take care of herself'. I have experience. But I'm very grateful." The pounding in her heart subsided when the boy said his next words, but she didn't show it. "Thank you. I didn't want her left out there. By the way," Abby said, smiling. "I like your horse. Ours are very similar in color. See you later?"

Qibli's expression didn't change, but he did feel sad that some people were like that. Even he, who didn't really like being around other people, helped in any way he could. He gave a small nod in response to that and her second sentence, but his almost unnoticeable smile got a little bigger at Abby's last sentence. Qibli was rather handsome when he actually did smile with light blonde hair, striking blue eyes, a happy expression, and a kind look. "Your horse is beautiful, too. She's a nice mare. "I'll see you later." Qibli confirmed, giving a nod in respect and standing up with a slight wince, walking out the door.
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Wyn closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, he was surrounded by strangers, and he wanted to go home to his family of 3, but they wanted him to make friends, Wyn knew he was really bad at making friends, and even worse, keeping them. Wyn started to trudge forward, not even carving where his feet took him, his gaze kept to the ground
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Jade watched the country side flash by as the late-bus drove on. At first, she had been very excited, practically jumping up and down in happiness - but that feeling had soon faded as hours passed by. Yawning, she wondered about her beloved bay stallion, Tornado. He had been sent early so he must already be at the academy. Her bright green eyes watched other horses and cows in fields. Fidgeting in her seat, Jade thought about all the new people. She'd heard that the academy was very good and some of the best horse riders had attended it but others had failed in becoming known at all. Hoping to not be one of those unknown people, she got out her phone and began scrolling through a news website. She had a long way to go before she arrived.

She gasped in amazement. The huge building that was the Saxe Riding Academy had become bigger and bigger until it was clear to see. Students in neat uniforms were either chatting with one another or riding there horses. And the horses. Jade didn't think she had ever seen so many in her life. Bays, greys, piebalds, browns, stallions, mares, geldings, warmbloods, thoroughbreds, sport horses. The list could go on. The bus slowed to a stop and Jade quickly grabbed her bag and got off. Then she realised that she was all aone with no one to guide her. Panic began to fill her. Would the headteacher come? Or any teacher? Even a student? Jade looked around but no one was paying any attention to her.

Wyn walked around, deciding to go back to his dorm, he was wondering weather quail would be in the room at this point
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The girl got off her horse after what seemed like hours of riding. Her buddy was worn out. His coat was dripping with sweat!

It is now 9:00 with an hour and a half until lights-out. Please be in your dorms by 10:30. Breakfast is at 8:00 and prep time is at 9:00. ~Headmaster Saxe