
Qibli went back to the academy, his light blue eyes sparkling as he walked into the barns. "Hey West." He smiled, stroking the dapple grey stallions strong neck. He turned to the mare in the other stall that Abby owned, staudying her for a moment before walking out of the barns. It was quickly growing dark out, and Qibli guessed it was around 9 PM. That meant he had 1 and a half hours till he had to be in his dorm. His empty dorm... with no one else in it. Qibli went over to the Rider's Lounge and sat on a couch, pulling out a book and settling down to read a little.
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Abby left to doctor's office (Which was already busy with reckless girls and boys who had most likely taken hard falls) and headed to the barn, seeing Rose in her right stall, unsaddled and everything. At first Rose was a little scared or Abby's sling and cast, but soon got used to it as Abby brushed her and watered her. Abby heard a horse whinny from a few stalls away, and suddenly Rose walked to the stall door, put her head over, and whinnied back. Strange, Abby thought, Rose NEVER talks to other horses... Maybe that was Qibli's horse.

West let out a low whinny, watching the mare he had spoken to for a couple minutes. He understood now that the mare was the girl's horse. "I told you Qibli would take good care of her." West nickered after Rose had whinnied back. - Qibli relaxed as he read the book, his light blue eyes scanning the pages. He was reading Justin Morgan Had A Horse, and was rather absorbed in it.
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Jade paused. She had to go by herself. Where do I go? The stables. She could see students leading their horses somewhere. Picking up her bag, Jade followed the small group and she was right. It was the stables. All the others had gone. There was someone left. A girl in a sling. Jade walked slowly towards her and said, "Hi. I'm Jade. I'm new and...um...I was w-wondering if you could help me find m-my horse." Her cheeks were turning pink and she used her long black hair to hide her face a little.

West turned his large grey head to look at a new girl walking into the barns. She looked rather shy... but he was sure that girl would know and like him soon. Usually everyone liked West, just because his personality was so caring and laid back. He let his ears flop to the side and watched her with his gentle gaze, resting his head on the stall so he didn't have to hold it up. His giant body swayed slightly as he almost fell asleep.
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Jade looked at a grey horse. His ears were by the side of his head. The horse rested his grey head on the stall door, looking as if he was very sleepy. Smiling, Jade walked to the grey horse and slowly held out her hand for him to sniff.

West was immedietely pleased as the girl walked over to him. He never expected attention, but always got it. He was just so laid back... he acted nothing like a stallion. He lifted his head off the stall door and tenatively reached out to sniff her hand, blowing warm air over it with a gentle nudge that seemed like it would be possible for an 18 hh 1,500 pound horse to accomplish
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Jade giggled a little as his nose tickled her hand. Gently, she stroked his muzzle. "And what's your name?"She asked. She looked at the nameplate on the stall door. West. "Aren't you a good boy." Jade put her hand into her pocket and took out a small bag of carrot slices. "Here have some." Jade put a few bits into her hand and held it out.

West perked his ears for a moment before letting them flop to the side again, kind of just swaying in circles. He nickered as the girl asked if he was a *good boy* because that usually meant treats, and nodded his head up and down. Carrots! He had hit the jackpot. West gently took them out of her hand, nodding his head up and down as he munched contentedly.
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Jade stroked West's grey head and said," Well, I have to look for my own horse. Enjoy the treats. Maybe I'll see you in a lesson with your owner."She patted him one last time and checked her phone for the message that told her where Tornado was kept. After a minute or two, she found him. He gave a neigh of delight and nuzzled Jade's hand. Then she began grooming him before putting on his tack. "Wanna go for a ride, boy?"