
West snorted slightly, resting his head on the stall door again and promptly falling asleep. - Qibli glanced at the clock, seeing that it said 9:30 PM. He had one hour until he had to be in his dorm. Maybe he should go for a little ride... then it popped up in his head that the doctor said he wasn't allowed to ride. "I don't care." Qibli muttered. He had been in almost every climate and been hurt lots of places, so he wasn't going to let a couple broken ribs stop him from riding his beloved Wild West. Qibli clapped the book shut and stood, striding out of the Rider's Lounge and going to the barns. He found Wild West, who looked very content as he slept. "Hey, drowsy boy. Let's go for a quick ride." Qibli murumured, stroking the stallions neck. West woke up and stared at him, like, *why did you inturrupt my amazing sleep* but Qibli just chuckled and shook his head. He walked into the stall and brushed West out before grabbing his helmet and a bridle. Qibli slipped the bridle over West's head and hopped on bareback, riding out towards the trails
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Wyn pulled his blankets around him, surely the others were sleeping too? He thought, - Blade snorted when he heard somebody enter the barn, he pawed the ground and flicked his ears, he wanted to be around sun, but the boy was not here, Blade let out a small nicker and put his head over the stable door
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Jade jumped up onto Tornado. "Come on." Happily, Tornado trotted forward. Jade let Tornado go where he wanted this time. She was just hoping to meet a fellow student. The sun was setting when she decided to go back inside. She took the tack off Tornado and brushed him before giving him fresh water and hay. "I'll see you tomorrow T." Holding her bag, Jade headed to the main building. She opened the doors and walked down the hallway into a large hall. It was empty but she hoped that someone would come soon. So far, nobody had helped her and she wondered if the Head told the other first years about late new students. Edited at July 18, 2023 02:59 PM by Swirly's stable

Now that Niko has given Rhys a tour of the barn and said good night to Q, he texted Rhys saying he was going to bed. Niko jogged back to the dorms, hoping to take a long shower without Rhys getting mad at him. He almost missed his room, as the new plate on door caught him by suprise. Niko Benson & Rhys Larkin The gold plate looked like it was a stall plate, as it was a riding school after all. Niko quickly kicked his shoes off and grabbed a pair of shorts, putting away his airpods as well. The shower wasn't as nice as the one he had at home, but all showers are nice if you make the hot enough.

Qibli rode West for about 30 minutes before hopping off, brushing the horse down and latching the stall firmly. After that was taken care of, Qibli walked up to his lonely dorm. It had a single name on it, reading Qibli Jones. He almost wished he had a dorm partner, but was kind of thankful he didn't at the same time. Qibli entered and shut the door behind him, taking a quick shower (by quick I mean 5 minutes) before pulling on some black, baggy shorts and laying down in bed. Qibli grabbed the book and started reading a little more, knowing he had about 15 minutes.
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Finally, a teacher walked in. She told her where her dorm was. Jade began to make her way to the dorm. She stopped. There was a golden nameplate on the door. Jade Evans So, she was all by herself. Sighing, she opened the door. The room had two clean beds. Kicking off her shoes, Jade threw herself onto the nearest one and fell asleep. -- Tornado looked up. It wasn't Jade but another human, a boy. He was putting a grey horse back into his stall. Tornado knew that he would be staying here for a long time. Jade had said so. That meant he was going to have to make some friends and, unlike his owner, he wasn't shy. "Hello, "he neighed to the grey stallion. "What's your name?" Edited at July 19, 2023 09:47 AM by Swirly's stable

West stood half asleep in his stall before hearing another stallion call out, peering out slightly and realizing he was being spoken to. "My name is Wild West, nice to meet you. Yours?" He asked, swishing his tail and waking up completely so he was ready to answer any question that got thrown his way
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Blade put his head on his stall door, "ooh, is there a conversation going on without me?" He asked, shaking his silver mane, "so your Wild West, what's it like to have a cool name like that?" He asked
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West looked over to the other stallion, chuckling slightly. "Just the same as it is having a name like yours." He answered, deciding to let Blade figure out what he meant.
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Blade tilted his head a little, "can you elaborate? I am sorta clueless here!" He said, yelping his last few words, he shook his head and laughed, "I sounded like a little colt just then" he said continuing to laugh
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