
Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Open -Heather started to lead her large gelding towards the barn to try to find his assigned stall. Prince calmly walked beside his owner but he had his head high with his ears perked forward as he curiously looked around, Heather wasn't the type of person that gets strict with their horses or constantly correcting them everytime they are being a horse- Edited at February 28, 2020 11:28 AM by Aspen Fire ES
Gabriella Hemming | F | 13 | The Chanler | M: Open Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Open Luke pulled up the drive way in his big red truck, pulling a grey goose neck trailer behind them. His little sister Gabriella sat in the seat next to him as they drove up. "do you think the people here will be nice?" Gabriella asked as she looked out the window. Luke smiled at her with a kind smile. "i'm sure you will be fine." Luke said to her then he put his eyes back on the road. There aussie accents were strong since they had come from Australia. Luke pulled up and parked the truck and trailer then they both got out. Luke had on tan breaches, his black tall boots, a sleeve less shirt and a vest. GAbriella had on tan breaches her black tall boots, a royal blue shirt and her hair was in a pony tail. They walked to the back of there trailer and opened it up

Emily | Eventing | M: Open
Emily had gotten there first, as she always did. She was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. Never quite punctual, but not in a bad way. By the time others began arriving, every inch of her equipment and horse's stalls were to her liking. This allowed for an easy, comfortable morning. She had intended to have time to help her coach as well. Now, if only she could find him.
Emily went to the staff board and found his stall number, then waited nearby, hoping he would be around soon and she could offer her assistance, further starting on the right foot.

Oskar Brins | 20 | Clive |
With a subtle smile he grabbed a brush and curry comb. He swung out in a bored fashion. Noticing the female was gone as he brushed out the dirt from the ever so frisky horse of his. He murmured quiet kind words to him as daydreamed about jumping and trail riding. Thoughts bore unto him like raindrops, the fact that he had to do a lot of arena work was daunting and the amount of work it would take to pull off his dreams, but he knew that was what he really wanted to do.
Gabriella Hemmings | F | 13 | The Chanler | M: Emily Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Emily
Luke walked into the trailer then walked out with a tall blood bay stallion, with a black travel sheet and boots on and a black nylon halter. GAbriella walked in and walked out with a tall dapple grey stallion with a royal blue travel sheet and boots plus a halter on the same color. GAbriella closed the back of the trailer then Luke looked at her. "ready?" He asked and she nodded then Luke started walking in. The tall stallion pranced next to GAbriella as they walked. "stop silly thing." GAbriella said to him witha chuckle as she rubbed his neck. They looked for there horses stalls then once found put them in and got water and hay for the horses. "let's go sign in." Luke said and they walked out of the barn and in to the main office were another person was.

Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Emily, Luke, Gabriella -Heather finally found Prince's stall and lead him inside, closing the stall door behind them in the process, she takes the gelding's halter off. He would shake his mane before letting out a loud snort from his nostrils. She made sure that he had fresh hay & water before she left his stall, turning around as she closed the stall door then locking it. Then she walks off to go sign in, seeing there were other people there as well- Edited at February 28, 2020 11:30 AM by Aspen Fire ES

Oskar Brins | 20 | Luke, Gabriella
He noticed more people and untied the roan. Clive became excited thinking they were finally go to do something. He walked to what he hoped was the right barn for him. Immediately he noticed how great he setting was, so high tech compared to what he had back home. With wide eyes he strided to a board with names and stable numbers. All of them marked stallion, he didnÂ’t see Ashes of WarÂ’s name and he was confused. He had marked him as a stallion after all. He began to panic a little. He walked back to the trailer and tied Clive back up. He began to follow people to what he assumed was check in.
Gabriella Hemmings | F | 13 | The Chanler | M:Everyone Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Everyone
GAbriella looked around as more people walked in. "i hope i don't get judged for only being thirteen." GAbriella said in a whisper to Luke. "you will e fine." Luke said as he messed up her hair a little. GAbriella laughed a little. "stop it." She said then she fixed her hair.

Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Everyone -Heather stood by herself as she didn't like to be crowded while hoping that she didn't get noticed. She watched everyone that was checking in carefully as she leans against the wall, crossing her arms while her right foot rested on the wall a bit- Edited at February 28, 2020 11:32 AM by Aspen Fire ES

Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Everyone
Oskar glanced around the room as he walked in, there wasn’t a whole ton of people yet. Everyone seemed to be a little nervous like him. He saw a shorter girl next to a guy that looked a little younger than him, she seemed pretty young and he wondered why she was here. Maybe she had gotten good at a young age or something. He was bored and was itching to socialize with someone, anyone at this point. Though he decided to stand in what he guessed was the “line” to check in.