
Wyn bit his lip as more people filled the arena, he was certain that he would leave soon, "c'mon boy, one last lap then we're going, there's to much people" he whispered to Blade - Blade twisted his head so he could side-eye Wyn, "seriously?!" He neighed, "hey ya'll! I am leaving, not my decision, the boys"
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West nickered a laugh at Blade, his eyes goimmering. "Poor you. Have fun in the outside world!" He teased with a toss of his rich grey mane
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Ace glanced over at a stallion that shouted in the arena "Aw, poor you!" She teased with a snorted chuckle to follow before focusing back on her exercise ~ After a long while of cantering and going both ways, Oliver brought the mare back down to a trot, then down to a walk. Letting herself and Ace take a break as it has been awhile since both of them rode that hard and their stamania wasn't as built like usual

West looked at the mare that spoke with a twinkle in his gentle brown eyes. He then waited for Qibli to actually speak to the other girl, resting a back hoof
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Ace huffed slightly just trying to catch her breathe, when she passed by a a stallion with a beautiful dappled coat she nickered a hello to him but kept on walking as she wasn't sure if he wanted to talk. ~ Oliver adjusted her helmet before looking down at Ace who nickered at a by passing stallion. She snorted and smiled slightly at her over-friendly horse before looking up at the rider and observing him

West heard a nicker, turning his gaze back to the friendly mare with a smile. "Hello." He said cheerfully back, his coat twitching slightly with the flies. They always *bugged* him. He wished he could tell them to *buzz off*. West grinned slightly at his terrible internal jokes. He would make an amazing dad... he already got the *dad joke* part down - Qibli waited for a reply while looking around, his light blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. A girl caught his eye on a beautiful horse... okay that was a lie, the beautiful horse caught his eye with a girl on top. He nodded a slight hello before looking back at West, seeing the stallion already making friends with the mare. "I swear you'll know and be best friends with every horse here by tonight." Qibli mumbled under his breath with a smile, the sign of happiness lighting up his tanned, handsome face
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Ace smiled back at the stallion, happy to see that he was willing to talk back. "The names Ace, and you?" She said brightly while stopping somewhat beside the stallion. She saw him twitching at the flies a little so she swung her tail a bit at him, helping to get rid of them "These stupid flies, I swear their gonna be the death of everyone" Ace mumbled quietly. ~ Oliver watched the boy and stallion for a moment when the boy looked in her direction she turned her gaze away. Not really wanting to talk with anyone but when Ace stopped next to the rider and stallion she blinked in a bit of a panic at the mare. "Of course you had to stop now... I swear you are the reason I'm goign to make friends here" She mumbled quietly to herself before looking back at the stallion then the boy. Oliver gave a weak sheepish smile "Hi.." She said quietly, the boy looked nice enough to talk too so she migth as well try

Wyn turned and walked Blade out of the arena, sighing with relief, "thank god we're out of there" he said - Blade rolled his eyes, and nickered to Wyn, "can we go on a trail ride?" He asked his owner, even though he knew Wyn wouldn't understand
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(Who what when why? Ghost Barn? Sheepish? Weak? Huh? XD)) - West let his face show a smile as he dipped his head respectfully. "Well its splendid to meet you, Ace. I'm Wild West, but you can call be West." He answered with a pleased voice, flicking his tail. "Thanks." He added with a slight chuckle at her comment - Qibli glanced down at his horse at the stallion started nickering to a mare that stopped beside him. He rolled his eyes slightly with a chuckle before looking at the girl. "Hello." Qibli answered with his thick Scottish accent, tilting his head slightly, his light blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "That's a fine mare you got there." he commented
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(XD I am trying to be a complete opposite of how I usually act and at the moment, I hate it lol but I am gonna stick through with it) ~ Ace sort of snorted, in a nice way, at his respectful manner "Your a very well mannered one, which is nice. Nice to meet you as well West" She nickered happpily to him before nodding her head slightly "Of course, I know they can get annoying" She added ~ Oliver glanced between Ace and the stallion, seeing that the two were getting along well was sort of amusing to her. When the boy spoke to her she looked back up at him, meeting his dazzling blue eyes for a second before shooting her gaze quickly down to his stallion. "Thanks.. You have a nice looking stallion, I love his dappled coat. It looks quite pretty" She said to him as she took note of his heavy scottish accent.