
West bit a fly that was on his side, flicking his ears irritably. "I agree, for Qibli as well. How hard is it to have this magical thing called a conversation?" He asked with a snort. West glanced up as Qibli hopped off, sighing slightly. "Well, I'll see you later Ace. It was pleasant talking with you." He commented with a smile, walking away with his human - Qibli brushed a stray strand of hair out of his eyes, looking slightly annoyed at how the helmet pushed his hair but focusing on the mare. "West is the same way. He is quite social." Qibli chuckled, then laughed slightly at her last comment. "Yes, they do seem to be getting along quite well." He commented with a smile, then raised his head as he realized where the sun was. "It's eight." He mumbled automatically. Qibli hopped off West and loosened his girth, nodding to the girl. "I'll see you at breakfast." He said quietly, walking off with West. Qibli entered the barns and untacked quickly, giving West a flake of hay and running a hand through his hair to get it to flop back to its normal position. He then walked to the mess hall, sitting down to wait.
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Abby hugged Rose one last time, then headed back up the path to the mess hall. She hesitated before walking in. There were a lot of people in there. Would she have to talk to them? Who would she sit by? Abby gathered her courage and finally marched into the room. There were more people then she thought. And it was loud. Really loud. People were talking and eating and some of them were screaming and shrieking. Abby put her head down, hoping nobody noticed her. She walked to her right and found a table with nobody sitting at it. She laid her sweater down, marking her spot, and went to get her food.

Qibli had picked a table way in the corner, tucked behind the masses of loud people. It was the smallest table there, with only enough room for three more people... comfortably. Qibli was quite content to sit there by himself for now, observing everyone that came in. Abby caught his eye, but he quickly drew his gaze away and observed everyone else. If she didn't want to sit anywhere near him that was definetely fine with him
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On her way back to her table Abby saw Qibli (also sitting alone) and wondered if she should go sit with him. But her nerves were too much and she decided not to. Maybe at lunch, she thought, setting her plate down on the table. She ate, then headed back to the barn to tack up Rose. Racing was next, and Abby was excited, but mostly nervous.

Qibli got his food by his lonesome self, eating it quickly and goin out. He got to do Dressage, thankfully, so Qibli tacked West up with his shining black Dressage saddle, a black Dressage pad with a white cowboy hat stitched into the side, and his black Dressage bridle with blue gems in the browband. Qibli led the horse out and was ready by 9:30, hopping on and warming up again
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She led her horse out to her class and sighed as he pulled back. "Buddy!" she told him sternly. He knew what was happening and despised it fully. No one told the humans when they would be taken out.

Ace snorted at Wests comment about his boy "I know right, appearently it's really tough" She huffed out dramatically before turning her head at the sound of a thud to see the rider had dismounted. Her attention turned back to West as she dipped her head in a *goodbye* "It was pleasent talking with you too, see you around West" She said cheerfully before glancing back at Oliver to see what she wanted to do. ~ Oliver nodded and smiled at the boys two comments as she agreed with him. When he looked up at the sun then mumbled, she tilted her head in confusion but did not say anything. Oliver watched him hop off before giving him a nod "Yes, see you around" She said to the boy quietly, as she wasn't really a breakfast person so she knew she wouldn't see the boy in the dining hall but would definitely see him around. Oliver urged Ace out of the arena and over to the barn, where she dismounted, and began to untack the mare. After she untacked her and unwrapped her polos, she put Ace up in the stall with some hay before walking to the tack room where she put up Aces tack and hung up the polos which were wet from sweat. Oliver walked out of the tackroom with a content sigh before looking over herself, where she saw a few manure stains on her shirt -Please don't tell me those were there all morning...- She thought to herself with a grumble before she rushed off to her dorm to get changed. Once there Oliver changed her shirt from a light blue crop top to a burgundy tank top, after that she rushed back out to the barn as it was almost time for her first class which was Jumping. Oliver went back to the tackroom and pulled out Aces balck jumping saddle, along with a black jumping pad with burgundy piping, black and red ombre polos, and a black figure 8 bridle with red gems on the brow band. She then rushed back to Aces stall, set the tack down, pulled the mare out of the stall, brushed her down quickly, then tacked her up in the matching set. Oliver quicklt pulled her helmet back on her before grabbing Oliver by the reins and heading out of the barn to find the jumping arena

Niko had been excited to race with Jade, but checking his watch he realized it was breakfast time. "Hey can we race tomorrow instead? It's time for breakfast and I'm starving." Niko asked, he stomach rumbling. He quickly put Q away, and went straight to mess hall, grabbing his food and sitting down at an empty table. He made quick work of his pancakes and bacon, basically inhaling the food. Niko also downed his cup of coffee, and headed back to the front to snatch a donut. Now that he had his sugar, he could function like a normal person. Niko put his airpods back in, choosing some country music as it was to early for anything else. Niko passed a couple other students on his way back to barn. Checking his watch, he saw it was ten to and grabbed his stuff to retack Q.

"Yeah we can race later. I'm starving too." Jade put Tornado away and gave him some fresh hay and water. She entered the hall and filled her plate with the delicious smelling food. Jade chose a seat near a girl she didn't know. Stomach growling, she munched on the pancakes, toast and tea before grabbing an extra waffle. This is my kind of breakfast she thought glancing at the clock. Time for a lesson, though she didn't know her timetable yet so she just followed some other students to the stables.

Qibli warmed the grey stallion up again, but not as much. After a few simple trot rounds and one canter transistion he brought West to a halt, standing there and waiting for the class to start. Qibli stroked the stallions neck and looked around, brushing his hair away from his eyes
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