Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
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Wed 12:18pm  
Stables Online:  124 
Willow Grove
12:18:02 Stalker of Chat
Yess XD
The Z and ToTo possibility is just so nice lol
Ive got an embryo im using next month that has a chance of black with Spl, prl and Cream and im super stoked for it
Dash and Duchess
12:17:03 DD (#2)
Eagle, Same XD scramble club!
White Run Stables
12:16:46 Jay
I care way too much man XD its BAD, like train and show as well I beg haha!!!
Dash and Duchess
12:16:30 DD (#2)
Willow, right?? i feel like the shine just makes you need to do stuff lol, like i did a Oeia x Stormrage match for that possible e prl xD
Willow Grove
12:15:59 Stalker of Chat
Ill be svenning it, so it shoulddd cover it. If the mare was weak in it id be a lil more worried but thank you!
Angels angels
12:15:55 [1k+ brindles] Angel
You would hate to look atmy EEE girls breeding then xD
Eagle Creek
12:15:55 Eagle
Scrambling is what I do best xD
I only want to do 2 matches with svens and I have to pull at least 4 embryos lol
White Run Stables
12:15:21 Jay
hate when I see EEE girls get tossed around for breeding ;-; idk why it makes me sad they aren't real LOL
Willow Grove
12:15:07 Stalker of Chat
Ohh thats another nice one! The shine with Malik was too tempting for me XD
Dash and Duchess
12:13:10 DD (#2)
Eagle, I feel you ToT i'm doing everything i can to scramble for enough RO ebs lol
12:12:41 Ceci / (Call me) AL
SPD needs a little help but looks good
Dash and Duchess
12:12:22 DD (#2)
Willow, I was actually thinking that too! She seems to match him well, but i'm considering walter for mine is i end up with it lol
Angels angels
12:11:42 [1k+ brindles] Angel
If only I could afford a sven lol
I am barely able to afford a sexed med
Eagle Creek
12:11:37 Eagle
I need to make 3M by RO :')
If I want to breed lol
Willow Grove
12:11:18 Stalker of Chat
Psst. DD.
How do we feel about this? 👀
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
12:10:28 Ally 💜
Thats my motto 😂
12:09:42 Ceci / (Call me) AL
DD, just happy to help LOL
Dash and Duchess
12:07:37 DD (#2)
AL, i love that XD new motto acquired
12:04:24 Ceci / (Call me) AL
I would, if in doubt just gnome it
Willow Grove
12:04:06 Stalker of Chat
Loll fair, honestly

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
Willow Grove
12:18:02 Stalker of Chat
Yess XD
The Z and ToTo possibility is just so nice lol
Ive got an embryo im using next month that has a chance of black with Spl, prl and Cream and im super stoked for it
Dash and Duchess
12:17:03 DD (#2)
Eagle, Same XD scramble club!
White Run Stables
12:16:46 Jay
I care way too much man XD its BAD, like train and show as well I beg haha!!!
Dash and Duchess
12:16:30 DD (#2)
Willow, right?? i feel like the shine just makes you need to do stuff lol, like i did a Oeia x Stormrage match for that possible e prl xD
Willow Grove
12:15:59 Stalker of Chat
Ill be svenning it, so it shoulddd cover it. If the mare was weak in it id be a lil more worried but thank you!
Angels angels
12:15:55 [1k+ brindles] Angel
You would hate to look atmy EEE girls breeding then xD
Eagle Creek
12:15:55 Eagle
Scrambling is what I do best xD
I only want to do 2 matches with svens and I have to pull at least 4 embryos lol
White Run Stables
12:15:21 Jay
hate when I see EEE girls get tossed around for breeding ;-; idk why it makes me sad they aren't real LOL
Willow Grove
12:15:07 Stalker of Chat
Ohh thats another nice one! The shine with Malik was too tempting for me XD
Dash and Duchess
12:13:10 DD (#2)
Eagle, I feel you ToT i'm doing everything i can to scramble for enough RO ebs lol
12:12:41 Ceci / (Call me) AL
SPD needs a little help but looks good
Dash and Duchess
12:12:22 DD (#2)
Willow, I was actually thinking that too! She seems to match him well, but i'm considering walter for mine is i end up with it lol
Angels angels
12:11:42 [1k+ brindles] Angel
If only I could afford a sven lol
I am barely able to afford a sexed med
Eagle Creek
12:11:37 Eagle
I need to make 3M by RO :')
If I want to breed lol
Willow Grove
12:11:18 Stalker of Chat
Psst. DD.
How do we feel about this? 👀
-HEE Click-
MakeEm Fancy
12:10:28 Ally 💜
Thats my motto 😂
12:09:42 Ceci / (Call me) AL
DD, just happy to help LOL
Dash and Duchess
12:07:37 DD (#2)
AL, i love that XD new motto acquired
12:04:24 Ceci / (Call me) AL
I would, if in doubt just gnome it
Willow Grove
12:04:06 Stalker of Chat
Loll fair, honestly

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than 1 day before you can use our chatbox.



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HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 19, 2023 11:56 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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West lifted his head a little, seeming much more pleased now that he could speak with another horse. "Doing just fine, and you?" He asked. "Racing... fun. I did some Dressage... it was a nice workout, but I wish Qibli would have picked Racing as well. I may have trouble beating a snail, but racing is still fun." He commented with a grin, just having to throw in his trademark insulting of his slow self.

Qibli nodded slightly, glancing at West and raising an eyebrow slightly since the stallion looked quite happy with the mare. Then again, West looked happy with any mare, stallion, colt, or filly that ever walked the face of the earth. "Welll... being the idiot I am, I rode anyway. It was painfully fun." He joked, a slight twinkle in his bright blue eyes.

HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 20, 2023 11:50 AM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Rose was happy to have a friend. Like Abby, she took a while to make friends, but West was a very easy horse to talk to. "I'm fine, thank you very much." Rose paused, then continued after West had spoken. "Ooh, Dressage? I've always wanted to try Dressage! Do you like it?"
Abby looked at Rose, happy she had already made a friend. "Wait, what?" Abby asked, pivoting her head to face Qibli. Then she regained her composure. "I mean, you rode? Even when you weren't supposed to?" She looked at Qibli, sizing him up. He actually did look like someone who would disobey a doctor... "Actually.... I did too. I went to my race class."
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 20, 2023 11:58 AM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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West nodded at her first comment, and brightened at her second. "Dressage is awesome! It really looks cool, for one, even if you aren't going that fast... which I can't do anyway. It sure needs a lot of muscle, though, because there are so many weird things you have to do. All the time you head has to be perpendicular with the ground, and you can't go too slow but you can't rush. You have to pick up the correct lead, and sometimes the wrong one when your owner asks you to. Counter-canter, I believe he calls it. Then there's collected canter, where I practically have to canter in place." West explained with enthusiasm, mostly because Dressage was very fun for him.

(He actually did look like someone who would disobey a doctor, hm? XD. Actually, under Qibli's quiet demenor, he is quite stubborn)

Qibli tilted his head slightly, wincing a little. "Yeah... West needs a workout every day or he gets even more lazy than he already is... if that's possible... so I just had to ride him. I didn't think it would hurt as much as it DOES, but at least West won't fall asleep and never wake up again." Qibli half joked at the end, sending a glance at the grey stallion. "Oh, you did? Does your arm hurt?" He asked, looking slightly concerned for one moment but clearing that lookoff his face

Edited at August 20, 2023 12:20 PM by Wild Warmbloods
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 20, 2023 12:04 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Rose's face brightened considerably (If that's even possible) when West explained Dressage to her. "That sounds so cool! I'd love to see you practice sometime! Maybe I'll convince Abby to take a class in Dressage nexe semester..." Rose paused, considering. "Nah, that'll never work. But maybe if your owner could..." Rose now had a mischevous look on her face, and she was glancing towards Qibli. "Abby would probably listen to him."
Abby laughed at Qibli's joke about West. This kid was funny. She liked him. Maybe they could go on a trail ride or something later... "It only hurt when I tried to get on Rose, but getting off was easy." Abby glanced at her watch. "Do you want to maybe go on a trail ride later? I'm free anytime."

Edited at August 20, 2023 12:05 PM by Galloping Stables
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 20, 2023 12:26 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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West smiled, looking like he agreed. "You would be good at it." He pointed out, then paused as Rose continued. His smile turned a little sly as she spoke, glancing at Qibli. "I'm sure he could, but getting him to ask her to do Dressage would be like getting a Lobster to crawl into a pot and boil himself. It won't be easy." He answered, then thought for a moment. "But I can do it." West finished with a grin.

Qibli nodded. "That's good." He answered, then seemed to brighten a little when she asked about a trail ride. "Sure, whenever works. It's not like I have to show up to some of the classes... they are really beginner at the moment and I don't need the coached reporting to the doctor I rode." He answered with a slight snort at the end, glancing at West and Rose who seemed to be plotting something evil. "By the way, what classes do you have?" He wondered

HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 23, 2023 04:26 PM

Galloping Stables
Posts: 999
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Abby looked, surprised, at Qibli. Did he actually say yes? She laughed a little at his last joke then pulled her schedule from her pocket, looking over it. "Um... How about 3:30 after practice time? I think I'm going to work on a little Western for that. I used to ride Western, you know. I switched to English because my Western instructor passed away and all the other Western teachers were too expensive. Also Rose was bred in an English stable, so she was used to seeing horses with the tack and stuff." She was't sure why she was telling Qibli all this, but she hadn't told anyone other than her dad, and it felt good to let it out. "So are you okay with 3:30?"
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 23, 2023 07:03 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Wyn leaned forward in his saddle, his shoulders haunched, he pressed a hand to his beating chest, jumping took much from him, he was just practicing. Wyn heard a snap to his right, he jumped in the seat, blade gave out a nervous snort beneath him, and swiftly turned on his haunches, "blade!" Wyn hissed, quickly grabbing hold of the reins, he started to sweat with fear, "blade! Behave!" Blade tossed his head and gave a nervous neigh again, he pawed at the ground, snorting, Wyn could tell blade was distressed, he stroked his horses neck, "c'mon, blade, what's wrong?" He said, his attempts to calm his nervous horse, failing. Blade gave another screech before launching forward into a gallop, Wyn felt his grip on blade give out, he was clinging onto Blades sides with his legs, "blade! Blade!" He whispered, his palms slick with sweat, "No, no!, blade! Please, stop!" He begged to his fleeing horse, at that moment Wyn's leg's decided to loosen up, letting go of his grip on blade, Wyn crashed into a slick mud puddle, Wyn groaned in disgust, he then remembered his scared horse, he sat up his right hip and back screaming in protest, "Blade!" Wyn tried, but his dear horse was locked in blind white panic, Wyn groaned again, his energy sapped from him, he layed back down, folding his arms over his chest, closing his eyes.
Blade sensed something among the trees, his instincts screamed to flee, but he held his hope for his rider, Wyn, Blade heard the thing move again, this time something snapped in him, Blade screamed and bolted forward, he heard Wyn calling to him, trying to calm him, but they were no more then voices in the background, Blade felt his body overwhelming with sweat, cold fear flooded through him, Blade felt his riders weight fall from him, Blade would have stopped and turned to check on his rider, if he was in his right mind, but this gear he was in wouldn't let him stop, his hooves tore through the slick muddy ground, his vacant reins whipping at his neck, like a constant reminder to keep going, Blade saw the track come to a dead end, he tried to stop, but failed miserably, the mud on the track making him slip and plummet off the track, Blade found himself surrounded by trees, there was no longer any sign of the creature that spooked him, he glanced around, trying to find the track back to Wyn, but it was nowhere in sight, "Wyn?.." Blade's small nicker bounced off the tall pines.
he was alone.
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 24, 2023 03:02 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Qibli listened to what Abby said, tilting his head a little. "I'm sorry, that gotta be hard. I prefer English because it strenghtens my horse's muscles, but I like doing Gaming and trail rides in Western." He said quietly. "3:30 sounds good, I'll meet you then." He answered more cheerfully, his light blue eyes twinkling merrily as he turned to finish brushing West.
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 24, 2023 06:39 PM

Ponies heaven
Posts: 7373
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Wyn sat up slowly, his back sore, Wyn slowly got to his feet, "blade?" He called out, but his horse was nowhere to be seen, Wyn hobbled back to the barn as quickly as he could, "help! Help somebody please!" He said, entering the barn, pressing a hand to his right hip, "my blade is missing!" He said, panting
Blade struggled against a tree, his empty saddle caught on a tree branch, He nickered and pulled again, he heard a large snap, blade turned his head to gaze at the branch, turns out the branch won the battle, it had now claimed his saddle, Blade snorted, his saddle pad stuck to him because of his pasty sweat, Blade snorted his trotted forward, he started to trot through some mud before he heard a swift pop, blade felt a pressure on his hoove, he glanced back and saw the mud sucking at his shoe, the mud finally claimed his shoe, Blade was horrified, "no! I am not cut out for this wild place!"
HERAs Saxe Riding Academy | Thread | OPEN!! August 24, 2023 07:44 PM

Wild West Warmbloods
Posts: 12337
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Qibli looked up with alarm as Wyn staggered into the barn, looking quite unhappy and mortified. When the man stated his case, Qibli's brow furrowed and he grabbed a bridle. "Excuse me, Abby." he said and threw the bridle on West, hopping on the stallion bareback and urging the horse out of the barn. Qibli cantered towards the trails, giving West a free head when he got there. West sniffed the air, lengthening his pace towards the place he smelled Blade. He slowed to a trot near the forest, then dove into the foliage. Qibli kept his head low, near West's neck. He felt branches scrape at his back and claw at his sides. Then he heard a frightened whinny, and West broke into a canter. The stallion slid to a stop near the other light grey stallion, and Qibli hopped off. He stumbled over to Blade, regaining his balance and grabbing the stallion's bridle while West stood motionless. "Hey buddy, it's okay." He murmured soothingly.

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