
After FINALLY arriving at the great hall, Abby found her food cold. She grabbed her dishes and dumped them in the sink before stalking off to the barn to get ready for her next class, Cross-Country 2. She figured lots of people would be there, so she decided to try to hide in the crowd. She made it to the stables in no time at all and retrieved Rose from her stall. "Hi girl, I'm sorry about leaving you outside. I'll try not to ride you hard this class, okay?" Rose nickered, as if to say, 'It's all right, I forgive you.' Smiling, Abby tacked Rose up with her cross-country tack. She led her out of the stable and mounted from the fence. She nudged Rose into a walk and led her towards the cross-country courses.

I am so sorry for not responding, like, months ago! Life has been INSANE and I will be better now that winter is here!)) - Qibli nodded and went to eat his food, finishing it silently. No one had spoke to him, and no one seemed up to the task, so he then retreated the stables. He didn't even know what class he had next. (I REALLY DUNNO SO I'LL LOOK AT THE SHEETS AND EDIT THIS) Qibli glanced at the schedule. "Jumping 1, got it. C'mon, West," He murmured, grooming and tacking up the giant grey stallion before riding to the class he was 10 minutes late to. Edited at November 14, 2023 04:07 PM by Wild West Warmbloods
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(All good, I sorta fogot about it too lol) - Abby and Rose trotted onto the cross-country field right as the teacher was saying her name. "Here!" Abby shouted, pretending she had been there all along. Abby liked cross-country, and so did Rose, but after the incident this morning, she was a little tentative about jumping again. Rose blended in among the crowd of horses and students, and when it was her turn to go over a jump, Abby and Rose were ready. Abby clucked to her horse and Rose started at a trot, quickly moving into a canter. They approached the jump, and even before Rose's front hooves left teh ground, Abby knew they were going to make it. Sure enough, they leapt, landed, and trotted back without fault. "Nice work, Abby." Said the teacher, and Abbu smiled self-consiouly, rubbing Rose on the neck. "Nice work, girl." She whispered, then turned her attention back to the next rider.

Qibli trotted his horse in, wincing as the strict teacher berated him. "Sorry, I hit some turbulence." He mumbled with a slight smile. "Don't joke with me, boy! It is your turn, jump those three jumps in line." He commander barked. Qibli patted West's neck and gathered up the reins, moving into a smooth canter. He sailed over the first jump, collected West again and checking the giant grey horse before easily clearing the second. The third was a breeze, and Qibli was over. He walked West out, who was now huffing like a freight train, but only because the stallion was dramatic. "Oh shush it." Qibli muttered, scratching West's withers and bringing him to a halt.
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Oliver was working Ace in their Dressage 3 class. Both of them loved dressage as all the movements made it seem liek they were floating across the arena. Ace seemed to love it especially even if she was always stiff at first the mare always was excited about it. Halfway through the lesson as the were working on leg yeilding, Ace was having a hard time moving her hind end over and stretching her leg. Oliver tried and tried again doing every trick in the book she knew trying to help stretch it over but it never worked. Suddenly the instructor walked away for a moment only to return back with a dressage whip. "Oliver, use the whip and this will help Ace move her honches over." The instructor spoke firmly while walking over. Oliver brought Ace down to a steady walk, already starting to shake her head. "No no we can get it without it. So please leave it alone" She said reassuringly before going back on the rail at the trot. The instructor shoke his head and watched as the two fail and fail again. By the 4th trip around the arena he finally spoke up again. "Oliver, come here" He spoke loudly, which she brought Ace back down to a walk once more and came over to the instructor. The instructor lifted the dressage whip up to her to take which in response Ace let out a shakey snort being unsure of the whip. "It's alright girl... We'll just try it" She spoke softly before taking the whip and letting it rest gently against her thigh. Oliver set off at the trot and tried again, when she tried pushing her leg back and leg yeilding again Aces honches would not move over "Use the whip now and tap her hind until you feel her move over" He instructed, which Oliver relunctantly tapped the whip enough for Ace to feel it. As soon as she did Ace tucked her hind under her before running off at the trot trying to stay away from the whip. Oliver immeadiately dropped the dressage whip as it took a moment to settle Ace back down to a normal walk. She turned and gave a agitated look at the instructor "I think I'm done with this lesson for the day" She huffed before dismounting and walking Ace out of the arena even though there was still 30 minutes left.

Qibli waited, glancing around in slight boredom and thinking about people to attempt to talk with afterwards. The instructer finally finished, showing them a full sized course. "I want to test your capabilities, see where you are so i can better train you. Get out there! Qibli, you're up!" The guy barked, almost glaring at Qibli. -Sheesh- He thought, trotting West in a circle before picking up a canter. "Watch and learn." He mumbled to himself, a small smile forming. Qibli checked the stallion and cued the jump, the pair sailing over perfectly. He did this with every single one until they came upon the tall red wall that almost everyone knocked. Qibli took a deep breath and held it a moment before letting it out, giving West most of the rein. He did the same as former jumps with a little extra encouragement... and West soared over like a real jumper. "Nice." Qibli grinned, trotting back. "Yours turns were a little sloppy; they could have been sharper. Otherwise... good job. That's how you do it, class." The instructor looked rather grumpy as he said this. They went through everyone else till the class was dismissed. Qibli really hadn't noticed at the time... but his ribs were aching painfully and it was a little hard to breath. He did a very quiet wheezing thing till he dismounted, leading West into the stall and untacking. Qibli put everything away and started brushing the stallion down, still not sounding too terribly good in the breathing departement.
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Abby and Rose finished Cross-Country with a bang. The instructor had told her to go first, to show everyone else how to do it. Why me? There are much better riders than me in theis crowd. As she walked Rose to the starting line she noticed two girls glaring at her. They must be third-years, Abby thought, giving them a side glance. I'm sure theyr'e much better than me and want to be the ones showing everyone how to do it. I don't blame them. 'Abigail! Please focus and do the course!' Abby's head whipped back to the instructor, and after collecting herself, kicked Rose into a canter. They pounded hte ground, kicking up bits of grass and dirt. The first jump was approaching. Abby raised slightly in her saddle and Rose glided over the log, and before Abby could even get her bearings again, Rose followed the path to the left, and Abby was caught off gaurd. Regaining her balance, Abby slowed Rose down to a collected canter and they splashed across a little stream. Bending to the left, the next jump aproached. It was a picnic table, and Rose took that jump and the next with ease. They leapt a ditch, and came back to the starting line, barely out of breath. - This whole time Abby had forgotten about her arm. She had been riding the cross-country course with one hand! Proud of herself, Abby smiled and patted Rose's neck. As she walked past the two girls who had glared at her, Abby heard one whisper, "Show off" to the other. In one instant, Abby's good mood was gone. At the end of the class she walked Rose to the barn and untacked her, feeling exhausted. Abby trudged back up to her room, not caring what class she had next.

Qibli finished giving West a good grooming, at this point rather exhausted and just wanting to sleep. He checked the schedule... practice time. "Ok, time to practice napping. I'm sure you deserve a break, West." He mumbled, patting the large grey stallion before exiting the stall. Qibli walked up to the dorms, going into his and collapsing in the bed with a pained huff. When he went for his re-check soon, he had a feeling the doctor wasn't going to be happy. Qibli winced and stared at the ceiling, not being able to fall asleep because of the throbbing pain. He soom gave up and stood, grabbing a case out of the closet and walking downstairs. Qibli went just outside the dorms to a tall tree- far enough away from the training area no one could hear hm. Unless, of course, they were in the dorms, which was unlikely because everyone was still out on the course... he thought. Qibli started sturmming a tune, humming along. An old folk song flowed into his mind and he picked at the notes, each one floating perfectly out. "Way over yonder in the minor key... way over yonder in the minor key... ain't nbody that can sing like me. I lived in a place called Ofuskee, and I had a little girl in a hollow tree. I said lil girl its plain to see... there ain't nobody that can sing like me, ain't nobody that can sing like me. She said its hard, for me to see... how one little boy got so ugly.. yes my little girly that might be, but there aint nobody that can sing like me, ain't nobody that can sing like me," Qibli's voice faded out of the low, slow song.
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Abby was about to fall asleep when she heard something. It was a song... A folk song, to be precise. She didn't knnow who was singing, but they sure had a nice voice. Abby got out of bed and walked to the window. She couldn't see anybody, but she knew the singing came from outside. Groggy, she put on her sneakers and walked out of the dorm building into the sunshine. She walked around, careful to be quiet and to not disturb whoever was singing. Finally she saw him. The boy she knew from before. Qibli, was it? Yes, that sounded right. Not knowing what to do, Abby waited until Qibli was finished. She slowly walked up to him, saying, "You're a great singer..." Abby said, knowing it sounded foolish.

(so sorry for not posting) Jade turned over in her bed, unable to get to sleep. She checked her phone. It was close to midnight. Giving a tiny sigh, she turned over again. Ugh, think of anything. Anything to get to sleep. She needed to rest for tomorrow's lessons. Silently, Jade got out of bed to check on Tornado. A distraction would help. She hoped she hadnt disturbed her room mate. Tornado was fine. He gave a little snicker and nudged her. "No treats, sorry T." Jade slipped back into her room. With a yawn, she pulled the cover over her head and fell asleep. Finally