
Lucifer : German Shepherd/Grey Wolf - Lucifer tipped his head slightly and listened to what Zodiac said. "You're welcome." He answered, watching her walk off. Lucifer then turned back to the den and glanced around. He stalked out of the den and lurked through the bushes, passing like a shadow through the trees. He watched a rabbit hop around for a while before snapping his jaws shut, ending it painlessly. Lucifer carried the catch back to the den and tore off the meat, chewing thoughtfully.
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Glory | Arctic Wolf x MakenzieValley Wolf | M: Open
Glory was inches away from her breakfast, Well, snack... she had been searching for food for a while now so the morning had passed. The rabbit was slippery, And what only made it worse is that it was fairly old, that meant it had much more experience with these situations. But, with a twist to the side to make the rabbit think she had lost its trail, She jumped up, Pouncing was- her thing, but, if it meant food, then she was down. A terrible crunch sounded as she broke its neck, her jaws biting down hard on its neck, Setting it down, a grin marked her face, Still as strong as ever. Grabbing the rabbit, she paced towards a spot where the sun lit up fairly and enjoyed her meal.

Lucifer : German Shepherd/Grey Wolf - Lucifer perked his ears as he heard another snap. Wasn't Zodiac gone? He left the rabbit in the den ad stalked out, his big fork flipping through the shadows. Lucifer sniffed, smelling wolf. All wolf. He smelled exactly like a wolf, and you could barely tell he had any German shepherd in him... but this was a true wolf. And a female, too. Why so many Females? Lucifer guessed it was better than a bunch of stuck up males wandering around all over the place. He stalked forward some more, peeking through the bushes to see a big wolf crouched over a rabbit carcass. Lucifer stayed downwind, watching with his glowing red eyes.
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Glory | Arctic Wolf x MakenzieValley Wolf | M: Open
Glory had mostly finished the rabbit, all that remained was its head, She wasn't really into eating the eyes... "I should have gone for better prey." She huffed, upset, "Maybe a Moose...If there are any left, I've seen deer." Glory talked to herself a lot, it was her way of reassuring herself. The white markings that crossed her fur were much brighter as the sun burned down on her, Glory stood up, Her claws still somewhat stained in blood after the kill. She lowered her head defensively, Movement. Glory glanced around cautiously, It could just be an animal passing. She was quite quick to jump to conclusions.

Lucifer : German Shepherd/Grey Wolf - Lucifer glanced up. The wolf had seen him... or at least saw his chest gently rising and falling. Lucifer slowly slunk out of the bushes. He was a bit bigger than this wolf... but probably only because he was male. Maybe this would go better than the last greeting he'd Had. He flattened out his hackle s and tipped his head slightly, looking non threatening... but his gaze said everything. "And who mignt you be?" Lucifer asked. His voice was deep and ragged, yet still had a tint of a soothing tone to it.
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Fang: Aussie Cattle Dog Hey Whats going on here? Who Are You? Your on my Territory?
Fang: Aussie Cattle Dog Barks 3 Times
Fang: Aussie cattle dog Bolting down to see whats going on fang growls at Lucifer not challengingly but enough to say he'll attack if he must. "are threatening this dog! Dogs should stick together were a pack!"

Hank- Red Heeler/Australian Shepherd Hank dug and scratched his way out of the hole. His paws grasping at the dirt, spraying it and kicking it up in different directions. As he wiggled from the fox burrow he shook the dirt from his coat huffing, "I must be getting fatter." He laughed. He hadn't been out much, only to the town and a mile or so away from his old house, the ranch, Wingbrucks Ranch. He stayed there as long as he could handle the scent of rotting cattle. For a while, he lived off of chicken carcasses, even though he could barely handle even the sight of blood. Not only was the scent of the dead livestock unbearable, but enough of other animals decided to feast upon their dead bodies. The ones that lived were only then to be slaughtered by other desperate dogs and predators. (Sorry I'm late! What time of year is it?)