
Denali saw Cypress stalk over to Tiger and decided it was a sign. She slowly got up and pressed her ears flat against her head and her lip was slightly curled, making her look terrifying. She stood next to Cypress and lowly snarled, "Be careful with who you pick your fights with. You hurt one, I hurt you." Her eyes were harrowing and cold, the same eyes that usually made anyone's heart melt and made them feel good about themselves. She tuned into every one of Tiger's movements to see when he would attack. Her whole body leaned forward and every muscle was tensed ready to counter-attack.

Cypress glanced at Denali next to him. He didn't need her help, but really, he was glad someone supported his decision. At the moment he was still an outcast, and a wrong move could get him hated or thrown off the team forever. As he looked at Tiger his icy eye turned cold and his brown eye hard as steel, waiting for a response. His hackles bristled as a warning and he was tense, ready for an attack.
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Denali decided enough was enough and it was time to end this. So she looked at Cpress with a face that said all. She stepped forward and nodded her head up at Tiger, signaling she wasn't going to wait any longer. She lifted her lip and snarled, the fluffy fur around her neck and face raised upright. She knew she was going to hear from June about this, and potentially kicked out, but she felt that he needed to be taken care of as she wasn't going to stand by and watch her team-mates getting ripped up by a new dog.

Tiger snarled back. He lunged staying low to the ground and keeping his body out of reach. Every move he made was quick and stealthy. He grabbed Denali's back right leg and bit down as hard as he could.
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Cypress lifted his lip as Tiger snarled. His hackles bristled, making him actually look the size of a real dog, and he allowed the memories from Russia to flow in. After learning that battle knowledge? You never forgot. He skillfully darted in, sliding under Tiger and snapping at the male's stomach. Scrambling out the other side, Cypress whirled and bit down on Tiger's leg, then whipped his head the other way, ripping Tiger away from Denali.
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Denali leapt back and grabbed Tiger by the throat and clamped down, hard enough to keep him fairly still. She punched up her front paws to keep him from snapping around and grabbing her. She was snarling and growling, her amber eyes changed, you could barely see her dot of a pupil she was so wired on adrenaline. If anyone were looking on, they would realize how wolfish she looked as she fought the same way her ancestors would bring down a huge moose.

Tiger whimpered he went limp and hoped for the best.
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Cypress's multi-colored eyes narrowed as he put a couple more blows on Tiger before stepping back to let Denali do the rest. His hackles lifted and fangs bared, blood dripping from his jaws, he really was a scary wolfdog. Slowly he calmed down, his posture relaxing a little as he licked his chops, his mindset switching back to the present. He wasn't in Russia. Cypress stepped forward as Tiger went limp, knowing that the young male would probably just jump back up but not caring. "Denali, time to stop." He said with a low tone.
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Tiger got up and shook himself off. "two on one is cheating. If it was one on one I would've won." he said snarling before limping off.
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Denali hated when other people told her what to do, especially when she had the sense to know to do what they said, but she knew that getting annoyed at Cypress wouldn't help at all. I'm just wound up from Tiger, she thought to herself. She let him go with a warning growl, it took a lot to hold back when he added the snark remark as he walked away but she instead assessed Cypress for wounds and offered to help him look for any unseen wounds. "Want help with your cuts?" She asked gently, relaxing her body forcefully, getting calmer quickly enough.