Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 11:45pm  
Stables Online:  73 
10:14:04 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

Feed the fear is a handsome Chestnut foundation EEE rating.
Stud fee is 0
Legacy Leagues
09:57:33 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Willow Gate Farm
09:45:41 willow ~ KNNs
-HEE Click-
Need gone
The Lone Star
Art still open for bids:
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Dash and Duchess
09:22:50 T1 Artist, W+ seller
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Selling WWW 2yo svenned Zz Ccr SH mare by Atlas!
God is Mighty Stable
09:00:15 Willow ~ KNN Breeder
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
08:55:45 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
Lazy T Ranch
08:47:02 Allyy♠️
I have many tb's fore sale i don't need... pretty cheap js want them gone feel free to look through!
-HEE Click-
Lost Gems
looking for a upgrade

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Horse Eden Eventing Game
10:14:04 Tier 1 Artist
Tier 1 custom stable set up for auction!
-HEE Click-

Lilac YHH set also for auction <3
-HEE Click-

NEW Mountain Gazer - Appy set ^^
-HEE Click-
-HEE Click-

Feed the fear is a handsome Chestnut foundation EEE rating.
Stud fee is 0
Legacy Leagues
09:57:33 Alyssa (Future Vet)
WWW WB Freshman for 189!
-HEE Click-
Ee Aa Cr Rn prl To (Buckskin Roan Pearl Tobiano)
Straw thread is up!
-HEE Click-

WWW WB Future Freshman! Watch for straws!
-HEE Click-
Ee AA Cr prl Ch (Amber Creme Pearl)
Willow Gate Farm
09:45:41 willow ~ KNNs
-HEE Click-
Need gone
The Lone Star
Art still open for bids:
-HEE Click-
Dash and Duchess
09:22:50 T1 Artist, W+ seller
-HEE Click-
Selling WWW 2yo svenned Zz Ccr SH mare by Atlas!
God is Mighty Stable
09:00:15 Willow ~ KNN Breeder
-HEE Click-
Willow Grove
08:55:45 AA Breeder
Brood thread for 189! Includes WWWs, LB & LB potential, and color! Come check them out and PM me if you have any questions or concerns
-HEE Click-

Help me test my boy, straws are free! Ch prl WWW AA freshie, year 189
-HEE Click-
Lazy T Ranch
08:47:02 Allyy♠️
I have many tb's fore sale i don't need... pretty cheap js want them gone feel free to look through!
-HEE Click-
Lost Gems
looking for a upgrade

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White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 12:05 AM

Little Wolf Creek
Posts: 766
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Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Heather, Hunter

Oskar nodded with a smile before he glanced back to see that it was his turn. With a wave he got his dorm room number and key. With a confident smile he walked out to the housing but remembered Clive. His mental mood though was far from what he was acting like, he was terrified. His father’s scream echoed in his mind as he walked back towards the trailer. Now that the whole ‘your stallion’s a gelding’ situation was figured out he was a bit more happy but still unsettled. He had decided to go get Ashes of War that day, leading to the demise of his father and his beloved pony Rain.
He shook his head when he finally got to the trailer, Clive was looking at him very worried. Of course he had forgotten to put the haybag out for him. Untying Clive he walked back to the stallion barn, water bucket and hay bag in hand. When he was at the stall he patted the Sabino roanÂ’s neck before heading to the housing.
There was a girls and boys side he guessed and he went to the right down a hall before finding the room. He was also interested in who his roommate was, but he decided to wait to see though. He dropped his truck keys on the bed he wanted and threw some miscellaneous things he had in his pocket down too. He would take the rest up later, now though he want to get some jumping in.
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 12:10 AM

Aspen Fire ES
Posts: 6362
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Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Oskar, Open

-Heather walked over and checked in, getting her dorm number & key she walked off to her jeep to get her suitcase then she heads straight for the dorms. She looked around for the dorm number, wondering who her roommates are-

Edited at February 28, 2020 11:41 AM by Aspen Fire ES
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 12:22 AM

Little Wolf Creek
Posts: 766
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Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Open

Oskar went back to the stall he had put Clive in. Wide eyed he stared at the hay bag and saw that already a quarter of it was gone. His eyes slowly went to Clive in shock. “Holy crap dude you’d think I was starving you or something,” he smiled still a little baffled as he gave the roan a pat on the shoulder. Guess I’m not riding now, he thought. He went and filled the bucket up to the brim with water for the crazy horse. When he got back the stall he almost toppled over laughing. Clive, though the great horse he is, had a string of hay out of his mouth that was dangling to his cannon. Oskar hung the pail up still laughing as he went to go get his suitcases from the truck.

When he got there he had a moment to enjoy the amazing beauty of the place, the way the trees swayed in a ever so classical style and the horses trotting about in the pastures. It made him smile and think of home, not Ohio but back in Ireland when everything was so peaceful in the hills. He sighed contempt before lugging his luggage to his room.
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 12:25 AM

Aspen Fire ES
Posts: 6362
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Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Gabriella

-Heather would enter the room and sees another girl in here then she walks over to a bed far off in a corner and sets her suitcase down before she started to unpack-

Edited at February 28, 2020 12:46 PM by Aspen Fire ES
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 12:49 AM

Posts: 10108
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Savannah Storm | 16 | Dying To Be Famous | M: Open

Savannah reversed into a park, glancing over her shoulder. She mentally kicked herself for being late. Now everyone else would have already found their dorms, put away their horses, and figured out their surroundings. She halted, hopped out of the muddy 4x4, and slung her backpack over her shoulder. She saw her Alaskan Malamute puppy whining at the window, scratching."I'm coming," she said, giggling. She opened the door and took his leash. he scampered around her, excited at the new smells. A horse thumped the inside of the trailer, pulling her out of her daydreams. Savannah unlatched the trailer door as Avatar let out a long, heartfelt neigh. The tall dapple grey stallion strutted down the ramp, and she quickly clipped on his lead and led him to the stables, with Snowbound still tangling the leash with her legs.

(what did I miss?)
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 12:50 AM

Posts: 10108
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Kholo Mzi | Owner | 32 | M: Open

Kholo looked up from her papers, noticing someone arrive. She scolded herself for not seeing everyone arrive. Quickly, she put away the book, and exited her office. She needed to check that everything was fine
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 01:07 AM

Aspen Fire ES
Posts: 6362
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Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Gabriella, Open

-Heather would finish up unpacking, she hanged one picture of her & Prince competing at their first Eventing show when they over a jump in Show Jumping but they would look a lot younger in that photo then she placed a picture frame that stood up on it's own as it had a recent picture of both her & her gelding standing in the winner's circle which they've competed in the 2019 Rolex Championship in the Olympics-

Edited at February 28, 2020 12:47 PM by Aspen Fire ES
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 01:15 AM

Posts: 10108
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Savannah Storm | 16 | Avatar | M: Heather, open

Savannah quickly tied Snowbound to a tree, knowing that he would be a pain to bring along. She led Avatar to his stall, and unlatched it, slipping in. Avatar marched after her, snuffling the new surroundings. She saw that there was already a haynet there and went back to her car to fetch her bags. After getting them, she walked to the dorms and opened the door of the room she would stay in. Dumping her bags on a bed, she lay back, tired. then she noticed another girl in the room and abruptly sat up straight, hoping she hadn't noticed her.
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 01:21 AM

Aspen Fire ES
Posts: 6362
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Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Gabriella, Savannah

-Heather noticed the other girl that entered but shrugged as she was almost done unpacking. She looked at the picture hanging over her bed, silently thinking about the past before looking away, finally finishing unpacking and shoves the now empty suitcase under her bed and sits down on the bed-

Edited at February 28, 2020 12:48 PM by Aspen Fire ES
White Oaks Equestrian Centre | Thread | OPEN August 14, 2019 01:23 AM

Posts: 10108
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Savannah Storm | 16 | M: Heather, open

Savannah stood up and went to the cupboard nearest her bed. She opened it and began unpacking. or more like, unshoving. She removed the books she brought with and placed them gently in the bookshelf. She snorted softly. If anyone else had any books, there wouldn't be space.

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