
(Ah, yes I've found her! It only took me 10 minutes haha. Here's Felicity: Hyrule_Stables said: (okie I'm excited! I've never been in a wolf rp before so please excuse me if I'm crap, I'll do my best to introduce myself lol) Felicity, a tall (short-ish against most) light grey wolf with glowing blue (Imagine the realistic Sonic The Hedgehog's fur Color as her eyes) eyes and a small thin golden stripe down her pretty face, also a golden stripe around her neck. Came tumbling down a slope, she was captured by Lilah's gang (I... Think?.) But she escaped and ran from their den not knowing where or when they'd be back, after landing on the ground with a small thump she slowly dragged to her paws and body shook all the dirt and stones out of her fur, she held her front right paw up, it got hurt when she fell down the slope. Her glowing blue gaze flitted around her surroundings, catching sight of a wolf (Bo). At first she cowered down, but didn't want to show fear so she growled, then ended up standing there looking confused "Hi... Who are you? Are you safe?" She asked lifting her about in Bo's direction and sniffing

Felicity finally couldn't hold it, she opened both eyes. She was still in surprise shock and couldn't get enough staring at him. She chuckled as Tiran came down and screeched at Bo "Hey Tiran, I didn't forget about you don't worry!" She reassured the owl, her tail hitting the floor "So, are you still in Scar's pack? Wait does he know your back!?" She asked standing up and grabbing the horse leg, she dragged it over to where Bo and Tiran were "Here, you two can have it. I'm full anyway" she said stepping back into place

Bo snorted at Felicity, "Don't feed his Ego, his already got enough of it" he chuckled, "I believe so" Bo said, "No, he doesn't know yet, talking about him, where is he?" He asked. Bo nodded his thanks to Flick as she bring him the horse leg, Tiran hopped down from his shoulder and began to tear through the flesh.
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Felicity couldn't hold back a quiet giggle at what Bo said about the adorable owl, she looked at Tiran as he dug straight into the meat. Her attention coming back up to the wolf, her ears fell back and she looked down "Well, at the camp of course. After you left, it was almost like I wasn't there, and I didn't want to stay in a pack like that.. So I left, and wowned up here I guess" She explained, by the end she finally looked at him "Luckily I'm a great hunter! Otherwise I woulda starved months ago!" She said dramatically trying to change the downer mood she might of created

Phantom Phantom looked towards the male wolf and the owl that was with him and offered a smile as she watched Felicity's reactions towards the wolf. " I don't think we've met, I'm Phantom." She spoke as she stood up and shook her fur out swiveling her ears to listen for any sudden sounds or movements around them.
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Flick smiled when she saw Phantom "Hey Phantom! Welcome to my cave! This is Bo! The wolf I was telling you about before! And Tiran his own companion!" Felicity said in a fast excited tone. Realizing she was jumping in again and not acting the way she was when she first met Bo 'Calm and unbothered ' "Hehhh sorry I'll leave you two to talk" She said rather shyly turning and walking to the back of the cave to lay down for a while

Bo laughed, "hello phantom" he said, his attention going to Flick, "you don't have to go anywhere" he said. Sitting beside Tiran, who, was done tearing through the flesh, he was now mowing down the muscle.
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Felicity smiled hearing the two talk, her ear flicked in their direction when Bo spoke to her. She got up and made her way over "Hey! Sorry, for SOME dumb reason I can't seem to stop bidding in. Phantom here is my new friend I met today" She explained walking up next to him and sitting next to Bo like she used to

Bo nodded at Flick, "Hey flick.. are you making a new.. pack?" He asked, not wanting to seem like she was wanting control or anything. Bo looked over at Tiran again, making sure he wasn't getting up to mischief.
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Phantom Phantom glanced at Bo dipping her head some before speaking "It's a pleasure to meet you Bo" Before Phantom chuckled softly and nipped at Flick's back leg playfully as she nodded agreeing with Bo. "I agree with Bo you don't have to go anywhere" As she spoke she slowly went towards the rest of the horse and grabbed herself a decent enough piece to keep her belly full for hours. Phantom sat at the very edge of the opening to the cave and laid down enjoying the meat from the fresh kill her tail gently tapping happily against the ground.
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