
Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Gabriella, Savannah -Heather fell backwards, landing flat on her back as she would be looking up at the ceiling, silently thinking. She was very much relieved that no one has recognized her or anything- Edited at February 28, 2020 12:49 PM by Aspen Fire ES

Timothy Blue / Eventing Instructor / Looney + Boomer / Open.
"Shush will you." He chuckles at his young gelding,rolling his eyes as he continued to give bellowing whinnies toward his new surroundings.Tims eyes then fall back with an adoring look as he takes in the bay gelding behind him,Who was stood picking from what was left of his net with a bored expression.He smiles,untying both and leading them down the ramp. "Hmm.." He pauses,seeing his cluster of things with a groan.He didn't want to carry them all.
It was quite a sight,An average sized blonde being pulled along by what seemed to be a pack horse trail.Tim had taken whatever he could and layed it over the Geldings.A laugh escaped him as he glances back to Boomer,The bay giving him a glare.He clearly wasn't impressed with the bridles balances over his poll.Or the 3 pairs of boots strapped around his hocks for that matter.. Tim quickly getting them stabled,Puts his stuff into a barrow and takes it to the tack room.It was certainly a shorter haul than from the trailer he thought with a satisfied smile.
(God help his students xD ) Edited at August 14, 2019 03:17 AM by Flipperruby30

(God help him! Savannah's one of his students)

Tanglewood said: (God help him! Savannah's one of his students)
( Dx First lesson will be interesting I think Lmao!)

Savannah Storm | 16 | M: Open
Savannah, after getting bored of being inside, went to the barn. She saw a man, who she assumed to be an instructor, there and nodded a curt greeting.

Heather Proudstorm | 20 | Nightmare | School Horse: WO Descendants Of Khan "Khan" | Gabriella, Open -Heather would have fallen asleep on the bed, tuckered out from the long drive to get here. Prince poked out his head from his stall with hay in his mouth, once he finished eating. He let out a loud, bellowing neigh that echoed throughout the barn then snorts, tossing his head up and down. Wondering where is owner has gone to- Edited at February 28, 2020 12:50 PM by Aspen Fire ES

Oskar Brins | 20 | Ashes of War | Open
He grunted when the weight from his back was lifted, not that the bags had been that heavy though. He had packed pretty light hoping that he could get some new short sleeves when he got here. But I dawned upon him that they were miles from any town, getting anywhere would be a little problem. How could he do it in a timely manner though, cutting though fields was not option. His truck? Well he was to lazy for that now. With a sigh that fell gingerly to deaf ears he walked out of the room. Leisurely he walked around, exploring the new home and adventures that awaited him.
Edited at August 14, 2019 08:15 AM by Coke Acres

Timothy Blue / Eventing / Looney + Boomer / Savannah,Open.
Tim had returned back to the stables,Leaning against the wall between his two Mounts' stables and watching as Looney paced around his stall being sure to inspect every square inch.His Veteran gelding however had settled quickly,Boomer very much used to scenic changes with his vast eventing background. The instructor leans over his door,clipping on his lead rope before opening the door and tying him out to begin grooming. His eye is averted as a girl walked past giving him a nod as greeting.Tim was visibly taken back,But realised after she had passed it was because of his position as Instructor.He gives a chuckle, "That will take some getting used to."
Mirabelle Jackson | 19 | Meadow Of Roses
As Mirabelle pulled up in front of the stable, she looked at the clock. Only a few minutes late. Being early wasn't one of her abilities. The short girl jumped out of the car, hitting her head on the door. "Ouch!" she whined, rubbing her head. She looked around, looked like about everybody was here already. She walked around the trailer and opened it. Mirabelle got inside, untying the lead rope. She backed Rose out of the trailer, as they got outside Rose looked around. The blood bay roan mare looked tall next to her small owner. With a sigh, Mirabelle started leading the horse to the stable, and to her stall. Mirabelle took the halter off Rose, closing the stall and sitting on a hay bale that was next to Roses stall. With a phew, she swiped the sweat off of her forehead, as she had sat 7 hours in the boiling car. Edited at August 14, 2019 08:55 AM by Standardbred
Gabriella Hemmings | F | 13 | The Chanler | M:Heather Savanna Luke Hemmings | M | 18 | Blood Sport | M: Open
GAbriellla noticed a girl walk into the room and start unpacking. GAbriella nodded to her and put her guitar away then walked out to go find Luke. She walked down stairs where they said they would meat once settled in. Gabriella saw Luke and smiled as she walked down the stairs to him. "meet your room mates yet?" Luke asked as he looked up from his phone. "well.... i saw them, but i didn't talk to them." GAbriella said ass she started to walk out the door. Luke rolled his eyes at her as they walked out. They walked to the barn and took there horses travel gear off then put it away. They went out and started to get all there tack and put it away. "can we play guitar together tonight?" GAbriella asked as they walked back out to there trailer to get there last set of tack. "i didn't read any rules saying you could not come hang out in my dorm with me, so i guess yeah." Luke said as they closed up there trailer after getting there last thing of tack and there tack boxs.