
Azai's pov Azai drifted off to sleep. He started to dream. The flames laped aganist his legs. He could hear his mother screaming. He tried to reach her but he was to far away and the fire was to close to him. He smelt the smells of burning flesh. Azai woke with a start sitting straight up and breathing hard.
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Zahra ---x--- Winter Age of Darkness ---x--- Zahra didn't bother tying Rose when they set up camp for the night, she knew that she wouldn't run off. Zahra and Nav slept on one of Zahra's coats on the dry sand. Zahra had no dreams, but she woke early to the sound of someone else waking up. She was very sensitive to noises at night. - It was Azai who had woken. Not in to mood to get yelled at, Zahra lay back down and rolled to her other side, falling asleep within the next minute.

Nolhend ---X--- Spring Age of darkness ---X--- Nol woke up, he looked around and yawned. He stood and made his way over to the fire, he quickly doused it and walked over to his horse, tacking him up before untying him. Lam looked around at the others, she went around in a slow circle, nudging both rider and dragon awake. Nol looked at lam. 'we need more water' his mind whispered, lam looked at him after nudging nav. 'magic, nol, magic' she said, playing with a small scorpion. Nol frowned but didn't agree he bent down and waved his hand over the sand, he muttered a few words under his breath, suddenly he became aware of the water deep down in the colder sand. Nol made a gesture like urging someone over to him, water came up through the ground, at first a trickle then a smooth stream. Nol had just made a new water source. "Alright, everybody, fill your tanks, we need to move" Nol said, his eyes wandering over the desert, looking for the shadow creature. Luckily nobody in this group but himself had seen it, means less shadow creatures. Nol mounted his horse and waited for the others, surprising he felt vigorous after the spell instead of drained.
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Azai's pov Azai grumbled but for once didn't argue. He couldn't forget the dream. It had been years since he last had it.
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Shadow X Desert Spirit Shadow was the last to wake up. There was a bitter taste in her mouth and when she stood she felt dizzy. shadow you alright? no spirit Tell Nol No i don't want him to think i'm weak with that shadow swung up onto magic's back and cued him to move foward.

Sorry I haven't responded lately, I have been busy IRL. - Nolhend ---X--- Spring Age of darkness ---X--- Nol urged his horse forward, Nol squinted at the map in his hands and muttered a curse word under his breath. Nol was having troubles with these damned maps.
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azai's pov azai sighed "Do you even know where the hell you're going?" he called up to Nol. He felt like they were getting no where.
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Zahra ---x--- Spring Age of darkness ---x--- Zahra went with the flow as everyone got ready to leave. She was starting to have second thoughts about leaving at all. She looked over at where Nav was keeping as much as himself as he could off the sand. This made her wonder. She pondered through the hassle of packing up, and finally found the question she wanted to ask. 'Hey, Nav...' Zahra asked in her mind, making sure not to look suspicious. 'Yeah?' Nav's voice replied, and Zahra saw him look at her from where he was on Rose's rump. 'What kind of dragon are you?' Nav looked as surprised as any dragon could look for a second, then gathered himself. 'I thought you knew. I'm a water dragon. I think.' 'How can you not be sure what kind of dragon you are?' Nav got a thoughtful look on his face, and he said, 'Hm' before flying off of Rose's back and pushing towards the front of the caravan. - Wait a second. He FLEW to the front of the caravan?! Zahra was so surprised that she said what she meant to say in her head out loud. "Nav! Wait!" Oops. Zahra closed her mouth, but she knew it was too late. The others had heard her. Great.

Azai's pov Azai snorted. "lost your dragon pretty girl" he sneered.
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Shadow's pov After a few hours of riding Shadow and her dragon were far behind the others. She slumped foward in the saddle and passed out, blood running from her mouth. She needed the antidote to the posion running through her veins and fast or she wouldn't survive