
Wesley Walter / 20 / Male / Whiskey On Me (Whiskey) - Wesley grabbed a water bucket and filled it up, looking around. He guessed everyone was out riding, because he didn't see anyone at the stables. Who would he be assigned to? Was there anyone left to be assigned, or would he be the outcast? Wesley was a mostly social person, so he was a bit nervous about this. He hauled the full water bucket back to Whiskey On Me's stall, then patted the stallion's neck as he drank. Wesley then hung up a haybag, glad that everything was finally ready... at least for the horse. Now Wesley had to go find his cabin. He ran a hand through his hair and walked back to the truck, hopping in again. Wesley started the black Chevy and expertly backed it up, parking the trailer in a spot that seemed like it wouldn't block anything, next to the other trailers. Wesley then unhooked in, and after that was done and clambered back in the truck and drove to the cabins. Once there, Wesley searched for Cabin B3, finding it quickly. He parked the truck next to the cabin, then narrowed his eyes slightly and got out. Wesley pulled out the lists and checked them, sighing slightly when he realized he would be rooming with someone. Not even a male someone, a female someone. -This could go two ways. Very badly, or quite amazingly- Wesley thought. If this person took jokes well, it would go great. He unlocked the door with a key he had aquired, entering the cabin and glancing around. Nothing looked too messy, but it did look lived in. One room was untouched, and the other the door was closed. Wesley went into the untouched room and set down his couple bags, organizing everything.
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Wisteria Lee || 17 || Female || Take a Little Chance(Chance) || M: Ruth Wisteria listened carefully to Ruth's instructions. Every second she realized how hard this would be again and again. She was used to having a relaxed posture and sitting back in the saddle. The English saddle didn't have a back to sit into in the same way, and from what Ruth was saying she needed to sit very differently for dressage. She mounted up and did her best to keep herself upright and not let herself slouch at all. She started to grab both reigns in one hand before catching herself and putting one in each hand. She couldn't quite remember how Ruth had held them so she did her best, but she knew it wasn't right. Currently, her reigns were clutched in each hand as if she were holding Western reins. She took a deep breath and did her best to correct her seat. Then she gave a small squeeze with her legs like Ruth had told her. The movement felt too small yet too strong at the same time. She was used to such a different style of riding she almost felt like she didn't know how to ride. But she was rewarded for her try when she felt movement beneath her.
Mist Chandler || 16 || Female || Angle's Dance(Angle) || M: Louis Mist started in the direction of the stables. She knew that Angle was on afternoon turnout with some of the other mares. So she would be in her stall. She didn't recall if she had seen Stasis's name on the list, and if so when his turnout was. "If your pony is going to be a little wild, then maybe we start with you teaching? That way you don't have to try and get him to do dressage when all fired up." She walked a bit farther and then said "Also, before I forget, is there anything I should make sure to have for Angle? I just have dressage tack for her right now. She has never jumped before." Mist had jumped once or twice, but only tiny little things and only from a trot. She had never even dreamed of the big jumps she saw show jumpers do. They were almost at the stable when she looked up and saw a bird fly over head and just stoped. She couldn't quite tell what type of bird it was and it was bugging her. She needed to figure it out!

Cade |:| 17 |:| Male |:| Jazz Town (Jazz/Jazzy) |:| M : Drake - Cade watched Drake and Wayne jump the ditch. Wayne looked a little scared of it but he still went over it. "Good job! Most horses don't jump it that well the first time!" Cade and Drake talked for a bit before Drake told him that they should stop now. "Yeah, I agree, both horses did really well and we should give them a break before the evening session." Cade and Drake rode back in a comfotable silence, taking in the autumn day. Once they got back to the barn Cade got off Jazz and led him back to the cross ties. He took off the running martingale, then the bridle. He slipped his halter on and clipped him into the cross ties. Then Cade undid the girth and set it on the saddle. He took off the saddle and saddle pad. He walked to the tack room and set the saddle pad upside down to dry on the saddle. Cade then walked back to Jazz and began to groom him and check his feet and legs. Then he just stood there for a couple minutes cuddling Jazz. He had done really well today. After a while Cade gave Jazz a little peice of carrot and undid the cross ties. Then Cade put him back in his stall. Cade debated if he should wait for Drake or not and decided to stay in the barn incace he needed to talk to him about cross country.

Louis Wright | 19 | M | Conquer Nought (Statis) | M: Mist “Great idea – I like it! As for the tack, I would offer my spare, but it’s on the bigger end…” Louis and Statis’s combined large size meant that it was probably unlikely that Mist and her mount could use it comfortably. And since it was their first lesson, a dressage saddle probably wouldn’t make too much difference. “Speaking of, I’ll need to order a dressage saddle. Is a dressage bridle worth it?” If he set the order in tonight, he could probably get it within three weeks… maybe more if he wanted it highly customised like he usually did. “We’ll only do trot poles today, so your usual gear will be fine. Let’s meet back in the stables once we’ve got the rascals.” Statis was, as Louis had expected, out on the fields, racing around and kicking up the heels with plenty extra energy. In the stallion’s defence, he hadn’t been ridden in a while, with the plane ride, then the trailer ride and then arrival. He couldn’t be happier to finally be in the fields of green, unfamiliar as they may be. He spotted his rider well in advance of Louis arriving at the gate. Ears pricked, muscles quivering in excitement, he strained for the familiar call. And then, he ran to the gate and paced, with intensity and strong intention. Louis had smiled at the sight of Statis barrelling down the field to him. There was a certain quality in Statis that reminded Louis of a racehorse. Hot-tempered, for sure. He firmly grabbed hold of the halter, resisting the pull as Statis started pulling forward. “Oh, dear Lord, here we go again.” By the time the pair were at the stables, Statis had ironed out the behaviour and was behaving devilishly sweet. His coat was a right muck and didn’t even look black. A short and sweet brush was going to have to do it.

Drake Vaughan | 18 | Male | Weezy Outta Here (Wayne) - Drake and Cade rode back to the barn, letting the breeze be the only noice. It was a perfect day for riding and it would still be beautiful in the afternoon. When he arrived back at the barn, he hopped off and rolled up his stirrups, also undoing Wayne's noseband. He lead his horse down the aisle to his stall, and led him in. Drake took his bridle and running martingale off first, and went to the tack room with those. When he come back he took his saddle off of Wayne's back and removed his jumping boots. The boots got wrapped together and thrown in his trunk while his saddle pads where flipped upside down to air out and his saddle set on its rack. Drake walked a quick circle around his horse, deciding a good brushing would do, it wasn't warm engough for a shower. He cleaned his tack before putting it away and grabbed some brushes. He picked out Wayne's feet and then brushed him until the sweat marks had practically disappeared. Drake gave his horse a couple of kisses on the nose and a big hug before walking out. He put away his helmet and gloves, opting to leave his boots and spurs on for the rest of the day, they weren't his show boots anyway. He grabbed two treats for Wayne and gave them to him along with another nose on the nose. He walked over to Cade who he saw waiting for him.

Ruth Carling | 20 | F | Dancing Haze (Haze) | Mentions; Haze, Wisteria, Open . Ruth watched as Wisteria managed to cue Haze on to a walk, "Thats good" She smiled watching as the two were starting to get to know eachother. Ruth noticed her way of holding the reins so she gave her some tips on how to improve that, "hold your reins fed between your pinky and ring finger and then looping out between your thumb and your pointing finger". . So far the girls posture was pretty good considering it was her first time riding dressage, "If you feel comfortable you can try asking for a trot" She smiled and reminded her of the cue to do so. Another leg cue, Haze was trained a lot with leg cues but he did have some rein and seating cues which she would introduce later on.
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Cade |:| 17 |:| Male |:| Jazz Town (Jazz/Jazzy) |:| M : Drake - Cade watched Drake put Wayne away. Once Drake was done he came over to talk to Cade. "You and Wayne did really well! If you want we could debrief the session and make a plan for training him and you?" Cade did think that for the first time Wayne and Drake did great. Normally horses were alot more warry of the jumps but Wayne was very brave and willing to try everything they threw at him. As long as they kept practicing they would get quite good. Cade was nervous for show jumping though. Jazz was a spooky horse and even though he loved cross country he had been trained for it his entire life. On the other hand he had never showjumped before. Cade was worried the jumps would scare him. Maybe he could free jump Jazz. That would mean that if he spooked at least Cade wasn't on him when it happend. He would have to ask Drake was he thought, after all Drake was the one teaching him how to show jump. Cade fiddled with his fingers while he waited for Drakes response.

Drake Vaughan | 18 | Male | Weezy Outta Here (Wayne) - Drake stopped next to Cade, and they started walking out of the barn. Cade is just full of great ideas today, Drake thought to himself. "That's sounds like a great idea! And once we've done that we can get lunch and have our afternoon session." Drake replied. They were walking back to their cabin, and Drake didn't even need to think about where he was going, he'd walked the dirt path more than a couple times in the last two days. Drake thought he and Wayne had done great at cross country, and he was so happy that Cade agreed. He knew Wayne was brave but every horse has a thing or two that they just won't do, and that would probably be jumps in water. Drake was excited to hear Cade's training plan for him and his horse, he seemed to be quite good at that teaching thing. He was worried that he might not be good at teaching, or that he might push Jazz too far out of his comfort zone and have Cade get hurt. That would be an awful way to start their time show jumping. He'd have to do more thinking about how he'd introduce them to the new jumps.

Cade |:| 17 |:| Male |:| Jazz Town (Jazz/Jazzy) |:| M : Drake - Cade smiled as Drake voiced approval to his idea. After the first session Cade was begining to relax around Drake. The two walked to their cabin and unlocked the door. They stepped inside and Cade sat down on his bed, checking his phone for any messages and too see the time. They had around 20 minutes till lunch which was the perfect amount of time to talk about training. Cade scooted to the edge of the bed and Drake sat across from him. "Alright so i'll start off with what I noticed today and then you can ask me any questions. You and Wayne did really well, especially for the first time! It really shows that Wayne trusts you and you trust him, which is perfect for cross country. I'm thinking we introduce water on the lead or lunge rope, just for it to be safer and more enjoyable for everyone. I know how scary water jumps can be for horse and rider so I think we'll introduce them later and work on building your confidence and Waynes confidence. Other than that we should just continue with getting the both of you comfortable jumping cross country. Any questions?"