Mist Chandler || 16 || Female || Angel's Dance(Angle) The food had been good and she had found a few dishes she liked. Mist cleared her place quickly and headed back to her cabin. She still needed to unpack and so she got started by putting her clothes in the closet. Closer to the door she put her riding clothes and put her helmet and boots on the floor of the closet beneath them while on the other side, she put her regular clothes with her nicer shoes. In the middle, she placed all her show stuff, wrapped up so as not to damage it. Next, she placed the books she had brought with her on the desk as well as the computer that her mom had bought her last year. Finally, she grabbed the string of fairy lights and wound them around the head of the bed, and plugged them in. It was not quite like home, but it would do. She grabbed her phone and sat down on her bed and texted her family that everything had gone well and she was settling in nicely. Then she told them that she was going to bed so that they would not berate her with questions till the morning. She curled up on her bed and fell asleep thinking about what new discipline she would be learning.

Darren Lee Greyson | 28 | M | Ignited Sage (Sage) & Dun Been Cursed (Ciel/Lease) | Mentions; Sage, Avalon (Briefly) . Brushed and finishing her food Darren gave the mare a couple more pats and hugs before leaving, Latching her stall again and just one more pat he began walking down the isle towards the exit. Fishing in his pocket past his phone he pulled out his car keys, Walking into the parking lot he spotted someone walking a horse towards Barn C. Darren Gave a wave before continuing on his way to his vehicle . Unlocking and reaching towards the driver side handle of the white sedan he climbed in, Immediately hit with the "new car" smell coming from the little tree hanging from his rearview mirror. Closing the door he stuck the key in before affixing his seatbelt over him, Clutch in he started the car before looking around and reversing out of his parking space. Switching gears to first then gradually second he started off on his way home where his bed awaited him . Ruth Carling | 20 | F | Dancing Haze (Haze) | Mentions; Haze . Groaning as she got to her feet Ruth had finally finished neatly packing away what she had of Haze's Tack, She still had the second load of tack tomorrow that her mother was going to bring that she had to pack away as well but for now she was focused on getting herself into bed. "Alright time to find that cabin" She chuckled under her breath to herself, Flicking off the light Ruth closed the door to the tack room. Taking the exit that came past Haze she looked him over to see if he was settled in, The stallion stared back at her as he munched on some of the alfalfa hay he had in his hay net from the trailer. . With a snort he was back to it and paying no mind to Ruth, Sighing Ruth continued on her search for the Cabin she was assigned. Looking at her phone she scrolled through the email she was sent regarding the rules, Nodding to herself she put her phone away and finally came upon her cabin. She spotted her bags just outside and brought them in, Coming through the door she looked around. "Feels a little empty.." She spoke to herself noticing there wasn't anyone else inside, "Lucky me?" She asked herself before shrugging it off and opening her bags. . Folding her PJ's on the bed she had chosen Ruth grabbed one of the towels she packed and took a well needed shower, Whilst she was in there she brushed her teeth and made sure all the dirt from being around horses was washed off for now. Towel wrapped around her pale/slightly tanned body Ruth made her way back to where her PJ's were lying, Getting dressed she then gave her hair a quick drying with her towel and climbed in bed to sleep. . she's only unpacked her bare necessities for now so she was going to have a fun time rushing around tomorrow
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Day 2 The time is 8 AM It's currently 63 degrees Fahrenheit outside, however the weather will climb to 75 degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon Breakfast is available at 7-9 AM, however there are of course snacks available and arenas aren't open until 9 AM

Shiloh Clearking || 19 || F || WW Deluxe Glowin Cowboy Crush(Deluxe Crush) || Mentions: Horse
Shiloh yawned as she drove along the dimly lit road. "I should of been here hours ago" she spoke quietly. She glanced at trailer camera to check on deluxe who was pulling hay from his hay bag. "We should be here soon bud, I didn't know the horse clinic could be that long or I wouldn't of went yesterday " she whispered. She continued driving down the dark road following her gps, she pulled over and took out a map just to make sure she was going the right way. The gps had gotten her lost before so it could happen again. She pulled back onto the road and drove for a little more eventually finding it and pulling into the driveway she looked up at the dimly morning lit cabins and barns. She grabbed some tiny pieces of paper that told her where Deluxes Stall was and where her cabin was. She parked and shut off her truck walking back to the trailer. She opened the trailer trying to be as quiet as possible due to it being around 7:43 am. She then walked into the trailer "We finally arrived bud" she spoke to her horse who was more focused on snorting than looking at her. She quickly took off his shopping boots and mesh travel blanket. Quickly she grabbed her saddle pad and her saddle knowing she was going to have to make a few trips back and forth. She led deluxe to a barn and then sat her saddle down pulling the paper out of her shirt pocket. She quickly unfolded it " STALL 10 on the Right" . She picked up her saddle and walked into the barn and searched for a his stall. Eventually she found it and went to deluxes new stall. He began snorting and whinnying to the other horses as she looked around for the tack room. She put her saddle on a open spot and walked back out to the trailer hoping she was quiet enough to not wake anyone up. Grabbing the rest of deluxes things including a treat toy to keep him occupied and quiet she went back to his stall. "Here you go bubba I got you this treat thing at a tack store earlier thought you might like it" she spoke as she tied it to one of the bars . She then went out to the truck and grabbed her stuff and locked up the trailer and truck. "Cabins now" she thought pulling out the other small paper. "Cabin C3" she frowned at her hard to read messy cursive. She found her cabin and opened the door. She breathed in the old cabin smell and walked in taking in the entirety of it. Hopefully deluxe settles well she thought to herself. She flopped into the bed exhausted. "I don't wanna unpack my stufff.." she spoke while yawning. She got back up groaning and began to messily put her things away. Everyone will be up soon anyways so I can't go to sleep and it's getting light out. "I guess I'll just decorate my room and then look at the paper, she whispered to herself. She finished decorating and unpacking her things and then looked up at all her decorations. All of them seemed to be fall inspired. She made a few last minutes touches and then looked at the paper . "Breakfeast 7-9am". She changed into a grey painters sleeve shirt with small flowers and specks on it and threw on some worn out wranglers while braiding her hair and walking out towards the main area hoping to find breakfast. She walked in finding the breakfeast almost immediately because of how amazing it smelled. She grabbed a plate and began hunting for her next meal. Shiloh quickly forked onto her plate a huge mound of food. She began eating slowly and watching old rodeos on her phone with the volume on medium. Edited at August 17, 2023 07:26 AM by Hot Heifer Ranch

Cade |:| 17 |:| Male |:| Jazz Town (Jazz/Jazzy) |:| M : Drake - Cade woke up to his alarm and groggily got up out of bed. He grabbed some riding clothes and went in the bathroom to get dressed. Once he was done he brushed his teeth and hair and stepped out of the bathroom. Drake was awake when Cade got out of the bathroom so Cade gave him a small smile. Then Cade lay on his bed scrolling through instagram. He thought about what him and Drake were going to do that day. Would he teach Drake? Would Drake teach him? Drake got ready and then Cade began to talk to him "So once we get breakfast who should teach who? I wouldn't mind either so its really up to you." Cade was decently hungry and hoped that breakfast would be somthing good. He also began thinking of the best ways to introduce Drake and Wayne to cross country. Some of it relied on Wayne being willing to do it. Then Cade thought of Jazz. Jazz should be fine with showjumping, it was jumps just in an arena but Jazz could be a spooky horse.

Ruth Carling | 20 | F | Dancing Haze (Haze) | Mentions; Open . Rolling over Ruth tried to ignore the sun slowly beginning to peep through the windows of the cabin, with a long stretch and a groan she decided to get up anyway. Pulling the covers aside she set her feet down on the floor, Blinking a couple times to return her vision from being so foggy. After a couple minutes checking her phone and replying to her parents text messages Ruth got to her feet after setting the mobile down on the empty looking night stand . Adjusting her pants that had slightly slipped through her tossing and turning through the night she made her way to the bathroom, Flicking the light on once she'd open the door Ruth looked at herself in the mirror. Messy ginger hair and a face that said she wasn't much of a morning person, Shaking her head she was quick to get that hot water running in the shower so she could wake herself up more. In all honesty the hot water against her body just made her want to slip back into bed and sleep again but she fought against it and scrubbed the sleep from her face . Stepping out of the shower she wrapped herself up to try and stop the morning air nipping at her damp skin, Setting up her hair dryer she began blowing away at the ginger locks keeping note of the time. When you own a palomino or a grey you know its gonna take you a good half hour to keep just that tail clean, Finally dry Ruth went out and got changed first into a long sleeve light olive green top and a pair of her black breeches along with her dark brown boots. . Pleased with her outfit Ruth went back into the bathroom where she brushed out her hair and tied it up into a medium/high ponytail, Her stomach becoming more demanding she did her finishing touches, tidied up and made her way out to the main house for breakfast once she'd slipped her phone into the front pocket of her breeches. Edited at August 17, 2023 10:07 AM by Moonland And Elites
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Drake Vaughan | 18 | Male | Weezy Outta Here (Wayne) - Drake woke up to the sound of his alarm. Rolling over in bed, he slapped the alarm off, and watched Cade get out of bed first. Drake adjusted his pillows, siting up in the bed, and pulled out his phone. He'd just opened a game when Cade walked out of the bathroom. Their cabin wasn't cold, but it felt chilly in comparison to the warmth under his blankets. He grabbed some riding clothes after checking the weather. Another pleasant fall day. In the bathroom Drake changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, and finshed getting ready for the day. Staring at himself in the mirror, he saw the beginning of a mustache, he'd shave that soon. He walked out the bathroom wearing navy breeches and a light blue t-shirt. He'd probably get called crazy for wearing a shirt sleeved shirt but it would go into the 70's today. He saw Cade in bed scrolling on his phone. Drake tossed his pajamas onto the end of his bed, and he sat back down on top of the covers. Drake starting wondering about how the day would go. He'd have to figure out how to introduce Jazz and Cade to show jumping, and Cade would introduce him and Wayne to cross country. After thinking about how'd he start teaching the other pair, got out of bed and put his shoes on. "Hey Cade, I'm gonna go get breakfast, would you like to come with me?" Drake asked, popping an airpods into his ear. Music always helped him wake up.
Mist Chandler || 16 || Female || Angel's Dance(Angle) Mist woke up with a yawn. She sat in bed a moment before quietly going to her dresser and grabbing a flower-patterned shirt as well as a light jacket. She also grabbed a pair of black leggings and then slipped quietly into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and then put her into a braid to keep it out of her way. Once dressed she got up and headed to the main house for breakfast. Mist was glad that she had never had to set an alarm to make sure she woke up on time, at home she had always hated Maya's alarm. It was so loud and shrill and it took her twin forever to wake up. In more recent years Mist had taken to shaking Maya awake the moment she heard the alarm and turning off the blasted thing. As she arrived at the dining hall she grabbed a bit of everything. Today was a good day so far and she needed to use it to prep for the days that would not be as good. Once again she chose a seat where her back was to the wall so that she could easily people watch.
Wisteria Lee || 17 || Female || Take a Little Chance(Chance) Wisteria reached out blindly to the side to try and grab her phone to shut up her darn alarm. Why had she chosen the rooster sound again? She finally found it and shut the infernal thing up. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she sat up. For a moment she looked around not knowing where she was, but then it came back to her. She was at mallow grove stables. She had been accepted. Today she would most likely meet her partner. The thought chased some of the sleep away. She got up and grabbed a shirt and a pair of jeans as well as a jean jacket to keep her warm till it warmed up. She rinsed her face and got dressed putting her hair in a loose ponytail. Ready for the day she headed out to the dining hall where she grabbed the first thing she saw and sat down in the middle of the hall. She hoped that she would meet Ruth, at least that is what she remembered the owner saying her partner's name was, at breakfast. She had only seen one other person at dinner last night. The girl who she assumed was named Mist.

Shiloh Clearking || 19 || F || WW Deluxe Glowin Cowboy Crush(Deluxe Crush) || Mentions:Open Shiloh had finished eating breakfeast and headed out to the barn to check on Deluxe. She gave him a few cookies that she took from the dining hall that tasted amazing. She brought deluxe out into the aisle and tied him on the crossties so she could groom him. She grabbed the neon green rope halter and the matching lead rope and led him into one of the paddocks. She watched as he ran bucking and kicking playfully. "Have fun Luxy!" She shouted to him as she walked back towards the main house to sit on a sofa and play on her phone. She grabbed a few cookies and sweets as she walked in and sat down. Shiloh glanced at the people that had wandered in since she left and then turned to her phone.