
@Ivy Hollow Stables - Your characters Thyra Dröfnsson & Corr are accepted! Welcome to the Team! @Sky Jumper - Your Characters Jack Williams, Harley & Outlaw are accepted! Welcome to the Team! - - - Make sure to Check Out the Discussion Page - where talk about the RP takes place!
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Name: Heather Storm Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: Heather has hazel green eyes, toned tan skin, and dark brown hair. The length of her hair would stop at her mid back, she would have an athletic build to her with toned muscles. She has only two tattoos on her, her first would be a four leaf clover with a gold horse shoe behind it on her right wrist and her second tattoo would be a dolphin on her left arm. She's 5'1"½ in height while weighing around at 98 pounds. Role: Boarder Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Romantic Interest: None at the moment Horse(s): Bronze Buckaroo "Eclipse" and The Lovely Marisol "Etria" Discipline: Eventing Riding Ability: She got into riding at the age of 14 but soon stopped when Middle school was getting a lot harder. After she graduated from high-school at 18, she started to do small jobs around her neighborhood like a dog walker for example. Everytime she got paid, she would save half of it up for riding lessons. She started helping out around the barn that she took riding lessons at, earning some horse experience as well as she was rotating between a stable hand, a traveling Show groom and an exercise rider. She relearned the basics of walk, trot, canter. She's still getting use to jumping since she decided to take on Eventing. Personality: Heather is quite anti-social person as she usually feels awkward in social situations but she can be nice to the person in question. Her stubborn nature sometimes gets the better of her when it comes to her animals as they're her responsibility to take care of and not anyone else's as she tends to keep it that way. She isn't afraid to speak her mind when it comes to certain topics but she's pretty mindful of what words to say or use in some conversations, and she'll be sometimes clumsy which she's triping over something/nothing or not paying attention of where she's going. Background: Heather worked her way up into the horse world by taking a couple of riding lessons while working hard at a barn as she constantly rotated between a stable hand, a traveling show groom, and an excerise rider with dog walker in between until she had enough money and experience to get her first horse, Eclipse. She was lied to by the person that sold him that he was gelded until she took him to the vet to find out that he still had his boys intact. Over a month of getting to know her stud, she went on a trip with one of her Equestrian friends to Portugal to look at some horses. The brunette set her eyes on Etria, she was saddened by the mare's poor condition as she managed to convince her friend if she can take the mare with them which her friend agreed and ever since, her life became quite eventful with both a stallion and a mare. There's never a dull moment in her life with those two. Show Name: Bronze Buckaroo Barn Name: Eclipse Sex: Stallion Age: 7 Breed: Dutch Warmblood Appearance: Eclipse is a purebred Seal Brown Dutch Warmblood. He has warm almond brown eyes. He has a small star on his forehead with a tiny snip on his muzzle. The stallion stands at 17hhs hands while weighing around 1,430 pounds. He holds a strong, elegant, athletic build which is common in his breed. Discipline: Eventing Training: He was started into the basics by Heather and another trainer. He was started in the low levels of the discipline for the session. - In Eventing: He's a Beginner Novice, Jumping 2'7 Fences. - In Dressage: He's Novice. Medium walk, medium trot & canter. Leg yielding & rein back. -In Show Jumping: He's also Beginner Novice, Jumping 2'7 Fences. Personality: Eclipse is a sociable horse unlike his owner, he can be quite mischievous sometimes which usually ends up with him being hard to catch in the pasture. He gets quite protective of his rider/owner which sometimes triggers it into aggression towards other horses (sometimes other stallions or geldings but rarely mares) or other people that he's protecting his rider/owner from. He can be stubborn at times when he doesn't want to either listen or wants to do his own thing. History: Eclipse was born and raised in a Dutch Warmblood breeding facility in the Netherlands. He was sold and shipped to America at 2 to his first owner. He was going by a different name at the time, he did a few shows then he was sold to one person to another. His last owner didn't really do much with him as he was just left alone in the pasture which the stallion became quite hard to catch. His last owner had enough and put him up for sale, not caring of who bought him. Heather came across the ad on a horse sale page and he was later sold to the woman who didn't know that his old owner told her that he was a gelding until the vet check but his new owner decided to not geld him. Stall Number: 14 Show Name: The Lovely Marisol Barn Name: Etria Sex: Mare Age: 4 Breed: Andalusian Appearance: Etria is a purebred Dapple Grey Andalusian Horse. She has pretty ocean blue eyes that have a gentle look to them. She has no indications of any markings on her except for her dapples. The mare stands at 16.3hhs while weighing around 900 pounds. Etria has a robust, heavy build which is common in this breed. Discipline: Eventing Training: She was also started into the basics by Heather and another trainer. She was started in the low levels of the discipline like Eclipse for the session. - In Eventing: She's a Beginner Novice, Jumping 2'7 Fences. - In Dressage: She's Novice. Medium walk, medium trot & canter. Leg yielding & rein back. -In Show Jumping: She's also Beginner Novice, Jumping 2'7 Fences. Personality: Etria is quite intelligent as she picks up on things a lot, making her a quick learner. The mare is quite sensitive to some certain things but she's relatively responsive at most, making the equine a bit manageable to handle to ride. The Dapple Grey can be a very sweet mare unless she's in season then the mare is overall moody. Even though this breed is known to be brave, even brave horses have their spooky moments. Etria will have her days where she isn't afraid of anything and other days where she'll spook from a moving plastic bag. Etria tends to be quite an obedient equine as this trait runs deep in her breed's roots since she tends to listen to her rider. History: Etria was born in a facility in Portugal, there were an overwhelming number of studs as she was the only few mares in her birth place. As the mare got older, she wasn't equally as cared for like the stallions. The mare always had food and water and groomed but she was rarely let out in the fields, let alone handled. She was started under saddle at a young age, one of the staff thought it was a good idea to start riding her immediately which felt all to fast, ending up with the person meeting the ground. She was then sold to another facility in the state but like her birth home, she was usually forgotten in her stall. She was then bought at the age of 3 or 4 by a young woman that was from America that was with another person who was also buying a horse. She was shipped over seas and ever since then. The mare has been loving her new life with her pasture mate. Stall Number: 15 Edited at December 7, 2021 03:47 AM by Aspen Fire ES

@Aspen Fire ES - your characters Heather Storm, Eclipse & Etria are accepted! Welcome to Bayridge Stables! I will update the front pages with the new characters! Please subscribe and check out the Discussion Page - for important information pertaining to starting the roleplay! Your thoughts and opinions matter and will greatly impact the direction of the RP. The start of the RP will be set about mid-day is so, on a 'typical' day. Everyone should know each other - so please start considering relationships (friends, acquaintances, and general thoughts about other characters - would they get along, best friends, riding buddies? General feelings towards others - positive/negative/neutral). Reach out through post on the Discussion Thread or PM RP members to figure out how your characters would get along. No character should be 'Unknown' to others - they can be standoffish and maybe your character doesn't know them well, but maybe admires something about them. There will be more discussion in the Discussion Thread for the folks interested in the Competition Team (if you want a group lesson, or group ride, a focused discipline - and when the next show is. A tier system will be used to decide the best placement for your character on the competition team/divisions they can enter based on what you've provided in the character sheet as well as writing description for lessons/riding/etc. If interested - there can be a "try-out" scenario or the divisions will be assumed/placed at a later date. If your character is interested in the Rehabilitation Program - please let me know (PM/Disc. Page) if you would like to go on a 'rescue excursion' or have some rehab horses already at the facility - we'll work with the vet, farrier, chiro, etc. for intake exams and constructing a rehab program. Otherwise we can work with horses in various stages of the program. If your character is interested in the Breeding and Foaling program - let's discuss mares ready to foal! If you have any questions - feel free to message me (Boulder Creek) or write them on the Discussion Board! Excited to actually get this roleplay off the ground! - I'll have my relationship posts up in a few hours on the discussion page (if you need an example)
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Name: Gwendolyn Steele Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: Gwen is a slight woman topping out at 5'3" 115 LBS. Though she isnt much she still boasts a young rider's muscle and the gentle curves of a woman. She has curly hair that is a deeply rich brown that almost appears black in color. Her skin is often tanned and olive-toned (courtesy of her Italian father). Gwen has very effeminate facial features; arched brow, fuller lips, soft almond eyes, with a nose shape most often reffered to as "celestial". In the summer her face is marred with a spattering of freckles that fade to near invisibilty the rest of the year. She has a faint scar marring her top lip (an injury she refuses to admit was caused by a barn tabby) that has healed to the fainstest tracing of silver. She keeps her hair well maintained and lets it grow no further than her mid back. The curls are often swept up in a low pony tail or some kind of braid. For very sepcial occasions she wears it down and curled more delicately than the wildly curling forest it usually is. You can often find Gwen wearing practical trousers and shirts in more monochromatic schemes (beige, tans, blacks, browns) while still maitning the femininity she treasures. Role: Boarder Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Romantic Interest: None Presently Horse(s): Courted Fury - Ceren Discipline: Show Jumping Riding Ability: Gwen began riding at a very young age. Her mother had always dabbled in Eventing and taught Gwen to love the sport from childhood. As she grew into a teen she began showjumping and fell in love with the discipline. Since sixteen she has been riding in show jumping circuits and attending the occasional Eventing meet (though she tends to just watch these). She has fared well in the show jumping world though she is by no means a proffesional and still attends lessons to improve her abilities. By all means she would be considered upper-intermediate Personality: Gwen is the closest human interpretation of sunglight one could be. She has a joyful disposition and tends to try and help others view life through the same rose-colored glasses with which she sees the world. She is a very hard working young woman who devoted herself to her relationships and finds merit in those who are honest and loyal. often times she finds herself trusting people too much and putting to much faith in the wrong people. She can overlook things when it comes to the red flags displayed by those around her and tries her hardest to see the best in everybody. Gwen likes to stay active and organized in all of her hobbies, endevours, and shows. She excels quickly and works tirelessly to stay on top of her schedule while still having some semblance of a social life. Through careful attention and years of practice she has mastered the art of not talking anyones head off. Background: Gwen was born to an already large family. Her mother and father had four children before her (all girls) and raised them in an extremely rural area. The girls all ranged variously in age (Gwen's closest sibling being six years her senior) and were homeschooled by their mother at their 100 Acre home. She grew up learning the importance of hardwork and the value in family and respect for nature and those around you. Her mother instilled in her a love for equestrianism and her father instilled a love for pottery and finer arts. Most of her days as a teen (when she was not doing schoolwork or attending shows) were spent riding her mother's trail horse Feyre or working for hours in her fathers clay studio where she learned to sculpt and create from simple blocks of tanned clay. When she finished highschool she was gifted Ceren who was a horse she could grow into as she advanced in her equestrianism. After a brief stint in pre-law Gwen decided that field of work was deffinetly not for her and began her study to become a Equine Therapist which she studies currently through a local university. BASIC HORSE CHARACTER SHEET Show Name: Courted Fury Barn Name: Ceren Sex: Mare Age: 7 Breed: Hanoverian Appearance: Ceren stands at a towering 17 hh and is a deep bay. Her coat is broken up by an irregular blase that passes over her right eye which is a pale blue. Her heterochromia is treasured by Gwen and is often the subjects of water color paintings done by her girl. Her forelock is the softest ivory which breaks up the impenetrable ebony sea of her thick mane and tail which are kept glossy and long to Gwen's preference. Both are often braided in protective styles only being let down for washes or shows. (Image done by me full credits @Ossificant DA) Discipline: Showjumping Training: Started by a woman named Adria Bergman and sold to the Steele family at 4 with experience in the arena. Though this is an upper level mare she is in the training arena more often than not to work on the relationship under saddle with Gwen. Personality: Ceren is HOT. Her show name came from her swift personality and general lack of care for anyone around her. The mare is haughty and hard to control if you are not used to her. Despite her difficulties she does not spook often and works hard to please Gwen. This mare holds her head high and does not often enjoy the company of male equines (she has her few paddock mates and she is fine with them). Gwen has never experienced issues with Ceren and smaller animals though she has noticed the mare's distatse for children. History: Ceren was bred in the east at an esteemed breeding facility specilizing in Hanoverians. She was conditioned and made bomb proof by trainers there and purchased at the age of four by Gwen's parents for her graduation gift. She has been with the youngest Steele daughter for three (almost four) years now and the two have developed quite a bond. Despite Gwen's bubbly disposition she does not let Ceren get away from her and has earned the mares respect and trust. They work well together and flow well undersaddle. Stall Number: 5 or 11 (depending on availability <3) Extra: I have attatched a pinterest board for Gwen if it helps anyone else get a general feel for her!

@Muse - your characters Gwen Steele & Ceren have been accepted! Welcome to Bayridge Stables!
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Name: Reese Bates Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance: Brown unruly hair, just above shoulder length. Brown eyes, olive skin. Role: Rider/Boarder Sexual Orientation: Straight Relationship status: Interested Horse(s): 1 Discipline: Show Jumping, Hunters, Dressage Riding Ability: She has jumped 1.20 consistently in lessons prior to her parents divorce. She has not been able to jump as often between working at other barns in the last 5 years. Personality: Reese mostly keeps to herself at first, it's hard to connect with people in the horse world when so many have done her wrong over the years. Whether that's taking her money and not using it to feed her horse, stealing equipment, or looking down on her because she was never apart of the show string. Self deprecation is a constant battle in her mind and it does reflect in her day to day. Reese will often hold herself back because she doesn't think she's good enough, when clearly she is. She is her own worst enemy. Background: Reese has always been drawn to horses. The moment her grandmother sat her on a pony for a "ride" at their local fair had sealed the deal. At age 4 she was enrolled in riding lessons at a barn down the road from her house and at age 15 she was gifted her own horse as a birthday gift. This horse was also meant to soften the "we are getting divorced" talk that came only a week later. Once everything was settled neither of her parents had the funds to afford riding lessons and board on a horse. Obviously, she wasn't going to sell the horse she'd been dreaming of her whole life. So she did what she had to to get by. Working at barns in exchange for cheaper board, teaching beginner lessons, and mucking out stalls all so she could maybe ride her girl in the evenings. Now at 20 years old Reese has moved to Bayridge in the hopes of actually being able to focus on her riding. Does she have 2 jobs to cover everything? Sure, but she now has the ability to take lessons and actually ride. Maybe one day she will get into showing again? Show Name: Cirque Soleil Barn Name: Lei Sex: Mare Age: 11 Breed: American Warmblood Appearance: Solid dark bay, no markings. Often is confused as a black horse in the winter Discipline: Show jumping, hunters, dressage Training: Eventing & Dressage Personality: Can have her mare moments and is very particular about how things are done, but is otherwise a pleasure to be around. Knows her job and gets upset if you don't let her do it. History: Lei was born at an up and coming breeding center in Texas. Her existance was miticulously planned and once she was born she was put to work. Learning how to behave on the ground for the strange 2 legged creatures. She was lightly started at age 4, allowed to grow and develope for the first years of her life. Her foundation is dressage and once she was strong Lei was sent off to a trainer in California to start her eventing career before being sold to Reese's parents. Stall Number: 3 if its open of course! PLease let me know if I did anything wrong or need to change anything. I am extremely flexible! I wasn't sure if as a rider she would have her own horse or not. So that can change!

@Willow Hill Farm - your characters Reese Bates & Lei have been accepted! Welcome to Bayridge Stables!
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Full Name: Dr. Kieragan McCoy Nickname: Doc Age: 40 Gender: Male Eyes: Cobalt Blue Hair Color: Black, going grey; salt and pepper Hair Style: Kept short and tidy Facial Hair: Short beard; Black & Grey Skin: Healthy glow from working in the field; crows feet wrinkles Height: 6'2 Weight: 180 lbs Build: Lanky, toned Modifications: Plenty of scars Strengths: Handling Intense Situations with a cool head; Clearly assess scenarios; Communicate effectively with just about everyone Weaknesses: Cares too much for his clients; Will go out of his way to help, even when it puts him in distress; takes his cases home; insomnia Likes: Sweets; Science; Maggie Dislikes: Not having an answer; Being unable to help; Dealing with people who don't/won't listen to reason Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Crush: Maggie Stilwater Significant Other: Role: Veterinarian Personality: Kieragan is outgoing, never meeting a stranger. He gets along with just about everyone - tries to find common ground and understanding. He has a total passion for teaching and will give anyone an opportunity to learn. Ask him any questions, and he will discuss for hours. Given a case, he will do his best to diagnosis and give a treatment that will best suit the horse and his client. He will go above and beyond to help. When in an emergency, Doc stays clear headed and triage quickly. After intense situations, or after every diagnosis, he's been known to ruminate endlessly - worrying over missed information or wrong treatment plans. To relive the long nights of work-stress induced insomnia, Kieragan will often seek the comfort of a whiskey bottle. History: Dr. Kieragan got his start in the Army where he earned his veterinary degree and practiced for several years. While in the military, he worked on multiple missions where he worked with locals in third-world-countries to teach them better agriculture and animal husbandry skills. It was meaningful work that made a deep impact in his life - he continues to provide outreach and educational clinics.
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BASIC HUMAN CHARACTER SHEET Name: Lucy Smith Age:17 Gender:Female Appearance: She stand 5.5hh, she has blond hair and light blue eyes she wears a blue shirt with black pants, she has a white cowgirl hat Role: Competition Team Rider Sexual Orientation: Straight Romantic Interest: Single Horse(s): Cloud Wind Discipline: Dressage Riding Ability: intermediate Personality: Lucy is a sweet kind woman, loves to make new friends and work with anyone, never made trouble for anyone,Lucy loves horses are sides Background: Lucy lost her mom to a horse accident and been sad for days but when her dad brought her a horse lucy begin to train cloud in dressage she won three shows and lost one but she move on telling her self she would win someday, BASIC HORSE CHARACTER SHEET Show Name: Cloud Wind Barn Name:Wind (nickname: lost) Sex: female Age: 12 Breed: frieians mix Appearance: Cloud stands 17hh tall and she is a black with a star on her forehead with two white sock on her back feet. Her mane and tail is black , Her eyes color is light brown Discipline:Dressage Training: Yes ( still training in dressage) Personality: Cloud is a sweet kind horse that never bit anyone, has fun doing tail rides with her owner on her back , love to meet new horses and people, is ok with dogs and cats or kittens History: was in the selling pen for three days until brought by a man then cloud got sold to another man and work as a plow horse with other horses then got sold to a girl that took care her for her days to past on she never got sold anymore Stall Number: 3
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Finished. BASIC HUMAN CHARACTER SHEET Name: Alexa Kerbson Nicknames; Alex, Lexi, Kerbson - Age: 22 DOB (Date of Birth): 03/06/99 Gender: Female/Girl/Woman - Appearance: Generic looks, she has mid length dirty blonde hair, pretty face, slim build, soft edged shoulders trailing to seven inch long hands, little muscle detail over any of her body, she is skinny but not gross, nor chubby, small scrawny legs that are good for running, overall slight tan. Appearance Specifics: Grey Blue eyes, Sharp Jawline, two lobe piercings, dimples, brown birthmark in the shape of a bird wing(Left side of neck), thin pink lips, skinny long fingers, weighs 125 and stands at 5'6. Clothes/Attire: Alex usually wears jeans, or the occasional pair of sweats, sneakers or mudboots, at shows she has cowboy boots on, just for show, she has three fabric bracelets (Blue, Black and White) and a silver neckless with a dolphin on it, her shirt choice changes through the seasons, winter, usually a leather jacket over a sweater or long sleeved shirt, spring is usually sweater weather, same with fall, and summer, she wears T-shirts, tank tops and sometimes a hoodie if she isn't feeling well or the heat died down. - Role: Boarder - Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Romantic Interest: Open - Horse(s): Leviathan's Revenge & Rehabilitation Horse (Feral Filly) Discipline: SJ & Trail Riding Ability: Intermediate - Personality: She is usually not the easily excitable or prideful sort but sometimes some wine after winning a competition is well deserved. She is a very focused person and likes to finish what she starts. She doesn't really talk to anyone so it's normal for her to be distant or just use hand gestures. Alex will go out of her way to help someone, even if she doesn't know them, she has little self care in that manner. She in the kind of equestrian that puts her job on the back burner, she isn't competitive and doesn't brag about being a winner nor complains about being a loser. She likes trail rides and show jumping as long as she isn't rushes or picked on, she usually stands in the shadows and watches if she isn't on for that night. She doesn't like bratty people who are competitive or don't care for their horses, she prefers quieter people and usually never talks to anyone. - Background: (I wish it was optional, I hate making backstories.) Alex grew up in the city, without horses, but had quickly shown a liking to them at a young age, her parents had been worried that this wouldn't be good, till she started studying them at school and skipping some other classes, like math-it happens to be the reason she's slow when it comes to math-, and got in trouble. She never learned much to say the least, she did learn to draw them rather well. After reading hundreds of horse books and whatnot, she had a basic idea of riding, and decided to ask for classes at the ripe age of 14. She repeatedly asked her parents for riding lessons, eventually, they caved, sending her to a good horse school. She learned quite fast, hitting the intermediate stage at 16. Then she got her first job, working at any well paying job she could, till she could afford a nice truck, horse trailer and could keep up with expenses easily. And finally at 18, she attended an auction, looking to buy, this one was something she had a feeling she would find something at, it was nearly an hour away from her home. There was a stallion she couldn't resist, he was the cheapest of cheap, but pretty as a rainbow, prettier if he was that, nobody bid, but an impulse caused her to bid on the rather skinny, otherwise in good shape stallion. And there he was, standing three inches or so taller then her, was the blood bay horse that she had been wanting all her life. - Rehabilitation Horse: B. >< BASIC HORSE CHARACTER SHEET Show Name: Leviathan's Revenge Barn Name: Paradox - Sex: Stallion Age: 8 Breed: Notoka - Appearance: Paradox is a built for show jumping with strong legs and pinkish white hooves, golden eyes and usually a focused look on his face. His blood bay body is covered in speckles, spots and splashes of white, along with a black spot on his stifle. He stands at 16 hh and weighs 1,100 lbs. Personality: Paradox is a cunning stallion who prefers his human's company to any other, he prides himself on being quick and strong, though sometimes that may not be the case. He is very stubborn, but always obeys Alexa and trains well, but he does have occasion to buck, and be an absolute brat, which is how he got his show name. - Dicipline: SJ Training: Yes (SJ) - Pedigree/Parents: His mother was a purebred Nokota Show Jumper. Malaysian Cliffs. His father was a Morgan x Arabian mix, he was very good at Show Jumping, but his temperament was bad. Malicious Intent. History: As a colt who was borne from two famous jumpers, a lot was expected of him, and when his bad temper got control of him, he was useless and was sold to a stable as a child's mount and was trained to keep his temper on the low. He stayed there till he bucked a child off, injuring the kid badly, he was auctioned off at the age of 5, to a man who trained him to jump. After another outburst from the stallion, he was auctioned yet again, this time to a young girl who took care of him very well. She was the one who named him after an attempt to throw her into a fence while she rode him. Now he still is her horse, he is housed at the Bayridge Stables. - Strengths & Weaknesses: He is an incredible Show Jumper, Sprinter and Dressage horse. He has a bad temper when it comes to most people and when other horses don't give him space. - Stall Number: 10 Edited at November 18, 2021 11:14 PM by iArema