Welcome to West Wings Academy for Monsters Monster Index: Werewolf: Humans that on a full moon morph into a vicious wolf, others are a mutant combanation of a human and wolf. They hunt animals and humans in this form. Vampire: A creature that feasts on the blood or souls of humans, they are strikingly beautiful. Ghost: Undead souls or spirits of a dead human or animal. They are either invisible or semitranspert, it depend on thier mood. They look like the human or animal thier soul used to inhabit. Dark Elves: These human like creatures are known for thier aggresion, deceit and stealth. They use dark magic and like to cause trouble. Open Roles: Werewolves: Alpha - Beta - Regulars - - - - - - Vampires- Coven Master Lucy Mirage (Green Forest) Second in Command - Regulars - - - - - - Ghost: Leader - Regulars - - - - - - Dark Elves Leader - Beta - Regulars - - - - - - Weaklings - - Edited at November 11, 2022 11:27 AM by Green Forest Stable
Sign Up Sheet: Name: Nickname: Gender: Pronouns: Sexuality: Age: Monster Type: Rank: Appearence: Personality: Crush: Relationship Status: Likes: Dislikes: Background: Other:
(My own role) Name: Lucy Mirage Nickname: Lula, Nikki Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Straight Age: 17 Monster Type: Vampire Rank: Coven Master Appearence: Pale skin, bright green eyes, long shiny black hair, slim, 5'8 feet tall Personality: In RP Crush: None yet Relationship Status: Single, looking Likes: Everything except homework and bullys Dislikes: Homework and Bullys Background: Lucys dad is the master of the school so he brought her here, she is the coven master for the vampires and she would like to keep it that way. Other: N/A