
Nice Kass! I got squat :b My matches with Prestur gave me an EPP colt and a PPP colt, and teh rest of my mares suck xb
Next month I'm doing this https://horseeden.com/matchmaker.php?studid=16072258&mareid=13580079 +Scp
so it's taking up most of my ebs, but I do plan on doing this, as they match perfectly!
https://horseeden.com/matchmaker.php?studid=16536244&mareid=16062782 Edited at August 11, 2018 08:24 AM by Mystic Fox Manor
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https://horseeden.com/forums.php?f=39&t=15959 Here's Leo's straw thread, if anyone's interested
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Shoot Kass! I just realized that I completely forgot to order a straw to Aster xb When are you usually on during RO to put him up? I really don't want to miss an LC!
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Awe, hoping next month goes well for you. <3 I'm Svenning Caalin with Prestur. Such a pain saving for. So many things are tempting me. xD
Yea he went pretty quick! I'm impressed. I will have started school come next RO so I probably won't have a set time, but it will be on the first. PUP also missed out so I told her I'll let her know, and I'll let you know too!

Thanks!! So am I! I won't quit KNN this time, but it's been a few months since I bred an EE KNN filly. Would be really nice if I could get an EEE PATN-2 Filly from my Aster match!
Ooh that's very promising, good luck! Is that gonna be your first sven KNN match?
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Mystic Fox Manor said: Thanks!! So am I! I won't quit KNN this time, but it's been a few months since I bred an EE KNN filly. Would be really nice if I could get an EEE PATN-2 Filly from my Aster match!
Ooh that's very promising, good luck! Is that gonna be your first sven KNN match?
Well Aster is PATN-1PATN-1 so PATN-2 is gonna be hard to come by. I hope he's good enough to throw EEEs. We /really/ need some 100% KNN Producers on the LB.
And yes it will be! I'm up to about 800K right now, plus 300K from Aster and Natyre's Brood Auction is at 300K also. Hoping that if Glasses give me strong foals (Kevat is my first Medallion so I don't know how that will go yet) that Svens will give me some really good KNN foals.

Leo's dam, the mare I have matched to Aster, is PATN-2patn-2 So if I can get an EEE foal to carry it, then I'll be super happy! Unfortunately, Leo didn't inherit the patn-2. But if he's going to be a better producer than he's letting on, then at least I can use him to hopefully get a few patn-2 E+ mares.
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Welcome new club members :D Edited at August 20, 2018 09:21 PM by Mystic Fox Manor
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So glad I'm helping get some new members in! Welcome to the club. :)

Hey Kass, how was Aster's wk9 and his brother's wk4?
https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=16537861 I'm still mad he's weak in Int and Scp, but I'm feeling a tad better that he was only down in Int and Scp for his wk9 :b
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