
Welcome to the RIDCC chat! We'll be using this forum to chat, keep up with club news, and eventually discuss contests! Edited at September 27, 2020 06:58 AM by DragonFlyLane
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Alright, kicking this thing off now that we have *checks watch* three members. (Y'all are awesome and I'm so excited to get this club rolling) Any plans for RO? Since it's tomorrow? I have this with a filly straw that I'm excited about, since they've already thrown two EEE colts. My other mares... I'll figure out tomorrow.
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I have a WEP RID mare I still have to match, but other than that I'm just excited to see how my EWE does! I'm only breeding one of my girls to him, a EPE, but she's a WB so it'll be a ISH

I haven't started my RID line yet. I can't find any cheap good horses to start it off. Tips? :)
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Best of luck, Dawn! Misty, I'd look for a few RID broods! I know Breezie has a few left, and then see what straws you can get. The pickings are honestly kinda small- there's not a lot of RID breeders here, which is the point of this club, to expand that- but you can find some nice horses! If you're buying, I would focus on PEE+ mares, but they can be more expensive than other breeds. I may also be willing to brood out some of my mares, nobody except Marietta has a plan for this RO, so feel free to rifle through my barn and make an offer on some.
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@Misty, I used Sherpa maps to capture mine. It's nothing crazy good, but I do have a RID girl you can have https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=23778437

Alright! I'm not sure if I have the ebs to use a brood. I will look though. EDIT: Thank you both so much <3 Edited at September 30, 2020 05:51 PM by Misty Streams
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No problem! If you do find some PEE mares you want to use for broods, I have a EWE RID boy who has discounted straws for this club so they're only 4k :)


I'm glad this club is growing so quickly!