Hey guys! . 1st, just wanted to let you know that I still have 1 more FREE brood available to anyone who would like her. Go to my brood forum to claim. . 2nd, I am now putting Tidal Wave up for discounted straw/stud fees. LCs & Straws will have 10k discounts for APA. The straw forum does currently NOT say that, but I will be giving the discounts. Straw Forum: CLICKY
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Very excited to see how he does, and hopefully, he'll help the Appy PONs go places!
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A EWW (not a WWW 😔) PON appy 1 of 2! a small victory!
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I've got this dude for sale! I'll take trades or discounted offers from APA members. He's PATN-1PATN-1 and carries splash! EWW.
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Oh tranquility, his a beauty!
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He is pretty! If he was a filly I would have kept him lol
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I have a heap of broods available, open to offers so just send me a message to negotiate.